Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


The Site For Life Foundation has published shocking information that, despite my knowledge, I do not want to believe.



Urząd Miasta Poznań przeznaczył 5 000 zł ze środków publicznych na powstanie cyklu poradników do tzw. edukacji seksualnej. W ramach projektu powstał videoporadnik „Jak zrobić lewatywę przed seksem analnym?”.


"Once the pear is full, it's time to insert it into your butt. The best way to do this is with lube. Just the kind of lube you use for anal sex. Put some lube on the tip so that it goes in more easily.".

This is an excerpt from a video tutorial titled "How to do an enema before anal sex?", which was created with the help of a grant provided by the Poznań City Hall. The author of this material is the LGBT organization Grupa Stonewall which, among other things, conducts sexual education in schools in Wielkopolska.

"- When is the best time to do an enema? It is best to do it about 45 minutes before sex. Of course, this can't always be planned and sometimes this sex happens spontaneously. We then do the enema just before intercourse and that is ok, but you may feel a little hypersensitivity. Does an enema give 100% assurance that it will be clean? No. Our bodies just don't work that way. There are times when it will still be a little dirty. And that is ok, it is nothing to be ashamed of. We all poop."

The guide already has over 40,000 views and access to it is not restricted. Children can watch it without any obstacles. This is not the only sex education material created by the Stonewall Group project. Another guide provides practical tips on how to avoid pain during gay anal sex:

"It all depends on knowing your body and experience in this anal sex. If a man knows his body and knows how to relax, then really the satisfaction of this sex is great. I recommend. But you really need to go through some steps to make this satisfaction full (...) For sure pleasure is difficult to achieve for beginners. Here the most important thing is practice, practice, proper training".

With these words, sex educators encourage their audiences to indulge in homosexual practices.

"This is what LGBT sex education is currently being pushed on children and young people throughout Poland. Its goal is to tame the young generation of Poles with sexual perversions and make them easy victims for pedophiles. We must act to stop this" says Mariusz Dzierżawski, a board member of the Pro-Right to Life Foundation, which is leading a nationwide "Stop Pedophilia" campaign to inform parents and teachers about the threat of LGBT sex education. "Vulgar, disgusting, and obscene sex education is already being taught to young Poles on the Internet. Sexual educators and LGBT activists want it to move to the school classroom. Whether they succeed in doing so depends solely on the activity and involvement of conscious Poles." - adds Dzierżawski.

The Stonewall Group has also received another grant from the Poznań City Hall in the amount of PLN 23,000 for the organization of workshops in schools in the city. According to Stonewall, the first trainings will start in October.


Poznań City Hall financed a guide on doing an enema before anal sex


Jesus wants every sinner to repent. This includes people and such.

How do we know this? How does the law of God say it? The law of God?


The broken Law from the book of Leviticus:


Leviticus 18:22.24-25.29
22 You shall not commune with a man as you commune with a woman. This is an abomination!
24. all these things do not defile yourselves, for with all these things have the nations defiled themselves, which I am driving out before you.
25Also the earth became unclean. So I punished it for its guilt, and the earth spat out its inhabitants.
29 For everyone who does one of these abominations, all who do them will be excluded from their people.
Leviticus 20:13
13 Whoever has carnal intercourse with a man as one has with a woman commits disgusting. Both will be punished by deathThey brought this death upon themselves.


But that's not all.

The same foundation reported that in 2013


The official presentation of the WHO (3) (World Health Organization) Sexuality Education Standards described below took place in Poland in April 2013 at a conference co-organized by the Ministry of National Education. They are used (or heavily influenced) by all organizations of Polish sexuality "educators" who organize classes and workshops in schools across the country.






The Lord Jesus, the creator of the law announced what time would be just before His coming:


 So it was in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they grafted, they built; and in the day that Lot went out of Sodom, a fire of brimstone fell from heaven, and destroyed them all. So shall it be also in the day when the Son of man shall appear." [ Luke 17:26-30].


What was it like in the days of Lot?



(4) But before they lay down, the men of the town, The men of Sodom, young and old, residents on all sides, surrounded the house. (5) And they cried to Lot, and asked him: Where are the men who came to you in the night? Bring them out to us, that we may commune with them. (6) Then Lot walked out to their entrance and closed the door behind him. (7) And he said, My brethren, I beseech you, do not do so wickedly. (8) I have two daughters who have not yet communed with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and do with them as you please. Only do nothing to these men, for that is why they have come under the shadow of my roof. (9) And they said, Stand back! And they added, This one has come here as a stranger, and he wants to judge us? With thee shall we do worse than with them. And they pressed violently against the man, against Lot, and came near to break down the door. (10) But these men put out their hands, dragged Lot into themselves, into the house, and closed the door. (11) And the men who were at the door of the house, from the least to the greatest, were struck blind, so that they tried in vain to find the door



Lot wanted to give his daughters to these perverts, but they wanted men. Their bad luck that it was angels who struck them blind on the spot.


But this is the time. The WHO, under the guise of caring for humanity, is introducing the totalitarian rule of Sodom.

WHO is thoroughly Luciferian.

Even the so-called anti-systemists do not know what is going on in the world. They see the threat of vaccines, even hint at chips, and even the mark of the beast even though they have not read the NT once. They will be candidates for conversion during the Great Tribulation like never before.


LGBT has made people believe that their lawlessness (according to the Bible) is tolerance.

Nobody prevents them from living in sin. We just don't agree with educating children with Poles' money.


Terrible times are coming and all hope in God through Jesus Christ

Praise Jesus the Lord of Lords.






Updated: 31 January 2021 — 18:51

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