Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Cathedral inoculations indicate that covid is a religion.

Praise Jesus.


Only a person guided by the Spirit of God can see what is really happening in the world and at the same time such a person is convinced that the Great Tribulation is coming and all this masquerade is Luciferianism.



In the spring of a year ago, I told you in videos my observations about religious rituals at the market entrance.



Find the similarity:



Satan is very strongly religious.

Jesus said when washing his hands:


"It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man. (12) Then the disciples came and said to him: Do you know that the Pharisees, when they heard this word, became angry? (13) And He answered and said: Every plant which the heavenly Father has not planted shall be uprooted. (14) Leave them alone! The blind are the guides of the blind, and if the blind lead the blind, both will fall down." Mt 15


There is no more blunt quote for what is happening in churches. Blind guides the blind urging them to vaccinate...Poor people. Some probably in this human way are good people...They trusted the priests and not God.


Cowid is a religion. It is the religion of Lucifer himself. Just as his headquarters is the Vatican.



"Why do your disciples transgress the teaching of the elders? For they wash not their hands when they eat bread."



Why don't you disinfect your hands like others? Don't believe blind guides?


RMF informed us:


Two medieval cathedrals - in Lichfield in central England and Salisbury in southern England - have joined hospitals, care homes, clinics, pharmacies, exhibition and conference halls and sports venues for Covid-19 vaccination in the UK.,nId,4992313


But that's not all, lest you think I'm exaggerating. Incidentally, haters visit my blog all the time :D. They don't want to, but they have to...:D



In Salisbury, organ music played during vaccinations was an added incentive. In Salisbury and Lichfield there were long queues outside the cathedrals.



Sad photo...

This image is highly symbolic as it shows what trusting in religion ends up with! 🙁


The Pharisees also knew the Scriptures very well.



 You study the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them; and they bear witness of me. (40) And you do not want to come to me that you may have life.." Jasia 5


People don't want to come to Jesus. They would rather trust in man.


Never how it works now


"Thus saith the LORD, Cursed is the man that dependeth on man, and maketh mortal flesh his arm, because from the LORD his heart is turned away" Jeremiah 17


This curse manifests itself in the loss of temporal life in this case and often eternal life. Because a priest said so, because a pastor said so, because a Christian musician said so. Then the curse falls. The curse is not witchcraft, but the result of yielding to the witchcraft of Satan's people.



The thief comes only to stealkill and destroy. I came that /the sheep/ may have life and have it in abundance."


I love you my blogging community :-). We have the Word that gives us the Spirit of Truth and in that we are one.

I have written, I have said on YT that we will one day be a community even with Catholics coming out of this Babylon and it is already happening. Even Adventists are already divided. There's going to be divisions of God.


Bless you Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Praise Jesus.




For about 10 years he has been following the Law of God and reporting on reality based on this Law. We are living in a time just before the coming of Jesus. But first there will be the Biblical Great Tribulation, which mankind is already experiencing with plandium, which is a time of grace: a time to repent, that is, to forsake sins and walk away from this broken world.


Gab (equivalent to fey)

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Updated: 20 January 2021 — 15:04

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