Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jesuit Pope Bergolio builds communism by blessing the Rothschild guards.

I wrote in part about neo-communism called inclusive capitalism by the Pope of the Jews.

However, here the issue requires a different perspective. That perspective was shown to me by an RMF columnist:



I wrote about inclusive capitalism or neo-communism before Christmas:


Pope Francis connects with CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.

The essence of the new insight is the realization that all of these companies that are part of the support for inclusive capitalism are Rothschild guardian companies:


Among the guards are chiefs Bank of America, Visa, Mastercard, Allianz, BP, Johnson and Johnson, Estee Lauder, representatives of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation, as well as the UN and OECD. Some of them have multi-billion dollar fortunes, and most of them earn many millions of dollars annually.,nId,4920993


The Pope, with this knowledge, appears to be a puppet of this Jewish family. An anointed influencer of the ideology of Neo-Marxism, a Jesuit.


Council founder Lynn Forester de Rothschild said in an interview that the body focuses on measurable action for "real systems change" related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Rothschild denounced today's forms of capitalism in which some workers need welfare. "Are you kidding? You're a Fortune 500 company and your employees are on public benefits?" - she said.

God against exploitation

"God did not create the corporation. The corporation is an invention of society that gives shareholders limited responsibility. But why should society give it when shareholders mistreat workers, poison customers or degrade the planet?" - Rothschild asked.


Lynn Forester de Rothschild near Clinton.


Lynn Forester de Rothschild has supported politicians like Hilary Clinton (the one from Pizzagate), or as in 2008, she gave her support to Republican candidate John McCain when Barack Obama defeated Clinton.


It is not the satanist Bergolio who is the creator of the ideology of inclusive capitalism, it is Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

She chaired the Inclusive Capitalism Conference in London back in 2014 and 2015. She founded the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism.

The Pope is just a well-paid actor, just like Karol Wojtyla. Apparently his real name is Kaatz.

The world is not as it is presented to us.



It is well known that the plandemic was brought about, among other things, to destroy the middle class. Once they have succeeded, and this year they will sink the remnants of that class, they will indeed be able to turn out to be good uncles guaranteeing a basic income in exchange for something. Or better in this woman's case, good mommies.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild will then be such a Holy Mother of the world....


It just so happens that one of the NWO's biggest agendas, the World Economic Forum, is also joining the project of inclusive capitalism:


They all want our good, but it is we who they need, not they who need us. They are stealing from us in the majesty of the laws they enact through the captive puppets that are the political prostitutes.

Communism is coming and this righteous Rothschild family will play a leading role in it. Perhaps someone from this family will become a world leader, that is, for our (Bible-believing) Antichrist.

Let us remember, however, that over all this there is a watching Jesus Christ who wants to free us from this system of Evil.





For about 10 years he has been guided by God's law and based on that Law reports reality. We are living in a time just before the coming of Jesus. But first there will be the Biblical Great Tribulation, which humanity is already experiencing with plandem. 

This is the time to get out of this Babylon and come to the Word of God. Come today to Jesus the only Savior from all evil.


My blog is the antidote to the lies of the world of darkness.



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