Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The vaccine and the apocalypse: "...malignant and painful ulcers occurred". A Pfizer volunteer developed ulcers on both feet.

Patricia Chandler, is from Austin, Texas and participated in Pfizer's vaccine trials by being one of the volunteers.Now there is a fundraiser for her treatment organized by her cousin (link below) and the woman is receiving death threats for publicizing the issue, so out of fear she withdrew from social media ...


So the first angel moved and poured out his bowl on the earth. Then malignant and painful boils occurred on the people who had accepted the mark of the beast and bowed down to his likeness." Rev 16.2


Are you surprised that the U.S. Supreme Court recently decided that federal law protects vaccine manufacturers from product liability lawsuits that are filed in state courts seeking damages for injuries or deaths attributed to a vaccine.



Dr. Sandra Fryhofer of the American Medical Association noted that both the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines require two doses at different intervals. As a practicing physician, she said she worries whether her patients will return for a second dose because of the potentially unpleasant side effects they may experience after the first shot.


Participants Moderna and Pfizer coronavirus vaccine trials told CNBC in September that they experienced high fever, body aches, severe headaches, all-day exhaustion and other symptoms after receiving the injections. Although the symptoms were unpleasant and sometimes intense, participants said they often went away after a day, sometimes sooner, and that this was better than getting Covid-19....


Both companies acknowledged, that their vaccines can cause side effects similar to symptoms associated with mild Covid-19, such as muscle aches, chills and headaches.


I have recently begun to explore the Pfizer Corporation.

Its president is Greek Albert Bourla.


A Greek newspaper compared the head of Pfizer to Mendele:

"Greek newspaper compares Pfizer's Jewish boss to Josef Mengele"



But the world is not simple. It turns out that the "right" people themselves want to inoculate their own.



Israel is expected to receive up to half a million doses of Pfizer Inc.'s coronavirus vaccine as early as December, a month earlier than originally expected, Channel 12 reported Monday.

According to an independent report, the country would receive between 200,000 and 500,000 doses of the vaccine and allocate them mainly to those working in the medical field, while the general population will not be vaccinated this winter."



Of course, theoretically it could be a different quality of vaccine but I dare to doubt it assuming that anti-Zionists and Messianic Jews also live in Israel.

Thus, the situation is reminiscent of that during World War 2, when some Ż spent others.


At this stage, it is difficult to say whether these vaccines may be the mark of the beast or whether they are prologue.

One thing is certain: neither I nor my friends who believe God's Word will voluntarily accept the COVIDA vaccine, and leave the rest to God.


Psalm 62

Only in God does my soul find peace,
From Him comes my salvation.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
He is my fortress, so that I will not be shaken.
As long as you all throw yourselves at [one] man,
to knock it down like a leaning wall,
Like a crumbling wall?
Yeah, they're going to knock me down
Of my exaltation.
They are fond of lying;
With their mouth they bless, and in their heart they curse.

In God alone seek peace, my soul,
For from Him comes all my hope.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
He is my fortress, so that I will not be shaken.
In God my salvation and my glory,
He is the bedrock of my strength, in God my refuge.
Put your trust in Him at all times, O people!
Open your heart to Him,
God is our refuge!




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Updated: 25 November 2020 — 20:55

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