Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Following the herd to wolves in sheep skins leads to slaughter.

I have been banned from YT and so I am fighting with memes....



Carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide gas causes unconsciousness. When an animal inhales carbon dioxide gas, the oxygen level in the blood drops, causing loss of brain function and eventual brain death. Animals must remain at the point of maximum gas concentration for a specified period of time to ensure irreversible unconsciousness.
There are concerns about the welfare of carbon dioxide stunning because it irritates the respiratory tract. Is it humane to stun pigs with carbon dioxide? Search the internet for...


Body waste: carbon dioxide.

Breathing is the job of the lungs.
Our cell produces carbon dioxide as a waste product from converting food into energy.
This carbon dioxide - and some water vapor - is removed by our lungs when we breathe in and out back into the atmosphere.


So what is the purpose of this?


Co2 is used to induce herd unconsciousness just before slaughter.

Therefore, humans command a flock of mindless sheep to block access to oxygen and simultaneously inhale co2 so that the sheep (humans) are in a state of (non) consciousness that resembles actual sleep. Their brainwaves act as if they are actually sleeping. That is why they cannot tell what is happening now. They can't use their brain properly......


There is one being in the world who wants to save us from these bandits.......



John 10

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.



Do not trust wolves in sheep's clothing who, under the guise of caring, want to kill your bodies and souls....

Come to Jesus. He alone is the Truth and the Life


Cold season is coming. People weakened by wearing masks will fall like jackdaws. Others will be in a sleepy phase in the face of what is coming. Anyway, hardly anyone knows what is coming....


Updated: 22 September 2020 — 21:42

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