Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Elon Musk's wife put her souls up for sale.


What you see is a screen shot not from any conspiracy site but from TVPinfo.



Claire "Grimes" Boucher, avant-garde artist and privately the wife of SpaceX owner Elon Musk has stated that she will auction off her soul. She will present the buyer with a certificate of ownership.

After talking with her lawyer, she came up with the idea of selling something abstract but physically represented by a document of sale, such as a soul. She pointed out that during the Covid-19 pandemic, when the global economy went into recession, there might not be enough takers willing to pay millions of dollars.

So she ultimately decided to put her soul up for auction, leaving it up to the public to decide what it was worth."



Could Christians have greater yet evidence of the faith of the elite than this woman? Perhaps there are more obvious cases. But let's not forget that this is the wife of a well-known billionaire.

Such people are influencers, or as it is now fashionably called Trendsetters. Not to be confused with rotweilers :-).

They are creating a fashion for Luciferianism.

On the authentic selling of the soul.


Of course, people without God's compass will say that this is just such a prank. Yes, to the religiously ignorant elites it may look like a prank, but we know that they have their Lord who "blesses" them . But for something...

We don't have to give God Almighty anything. He gave us before we wanted it - eternal life. He sacrificed Himself.

I think there will be more and more such declarations over time.







Updated: 5 June 2020 — 09:58

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  1. Unfortunately, in the hands of people like this woman, is the Earth today, but this should not surprise true Christians because we know very well what is the secret of the prosperity of wicked people.

    "Some boast in wagons, others in horses, But we boast in the name of the Lord our God." - Psalm 20.

    They are preparing the same thing for us, the sale of souls. It is a known fact that God has called man, and more specifically his soul (spirit), an immaterial being, to grow in spiritual flourishing. The spiritual development of Christians is the basis of existence, how many times in the Bible does it say that the spirit is to rule over the flesh? The fruits of the spirit are love and goodness. God is spirit and we give Him glory in spirit and in truth. "THEY" want to cut us off from God and prohibit spiritual growth.

    Gates' vaccines, what if they contain DNA that turns us into spiritual zombies? Or chips that take away our free will? Whoever has control over the body also has control over the Spirit. If the elites want to turn people into slaves, they will block the spiritual development of humanity. This is the prospect of eternal suffering, it is the antithesis of the resurrection, if Lucifer were to put his plan into action then the sacrifice of Jesus would be in vain, it is impossible to save people who are not in control of their bodies and thus their souls. To accept the mark of the beast is to give body and soul to Lucifer, to submit to him, such a person can no longer be helped. Therefore, this passage of the Bible is so widespread, but also that God will clearly warn mankind of the consequences of accepting the mark (the Bible speaks of angels who will do this, flying through the sky, I have also met with the interpretation that it may be a satellite transmission - satellites resemble angels for example, they have like two wings, for John it could be understood in this way).

    It is known that the elite have knowledge of visitors from outer space, who provide humanity with technology, at least since 1955, after the meeting of President Eisenhower with representatives of the "gray race". Of course, the aliens are telling everyone that they come from Orion, that they come from Zeta Reticuli and so on. We know that demons from another dimension. It is known that Lucifer until he is knocked down from heaven (thrown out from another dimension) will accuse mankind before God.

    I don't know if Macron is the Antichrist, even though his resume is strange to say the least, or if it will be some sort of humanoid, but you can tell that things have accelerated pretty smoothly in 2020. The son of perdition is already here, Lucifer will have his 3.5 minutes on the scale of history to block spiritual development and enslave as many people as possible.

    Interestingly, Buddhism is a religion that does not expect any messiah but... there is a Buddhist legend that if the udumbara flower blooms again (and this happens supposedly once every 3000 years), there will come "an enlightened man who will unite all religions into one and lead humanity to a golden age". Coincidentally, this flower has been blooming all over the world since 2017, Chinese authorities knowing the Buddhist message have banned any information about this specific plant (although they did before).

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