Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Why you can't and don't have to wear a "rag on your face" (mask).

I generally recommend the Raw Rejuvenation channel, but I don't recommend the new age philosophy that Mariusz sometimes smuggles in.

I would like to believe that this is only due to alienation from impractical Christianity.

In this video, he explains the legal aspects and health aspects of wearing or not wearing the masks commonly called rags.


Updated: 7 May 2020 — 09:25


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  1. Just because Marius is telling the truth in one or more things (he's telling the truth about the masks) doesn't mean he's not lying about other things.
    And a raw vegan diet is devastating to the body if it is treated as a lifelong diet and not a fasting diet.
    And Mariusz promotes the raw food diet on his channel as the only right diet and sells his products to the naive.

    1. Well, yes, because health can be an idol (demon).
      I am not able to argue about the diet, because you need to have a lot of knowledge and an open mind.
      Someone may say that before the Flood no meat was eaten. But the earth's shell also changed.
      I eat mostly fish and not often. Of course I do not eat unclean animals. But I don't need to. Sometimes I feel like eating shrimps, which I have never eaten before. But I keep the Law of God.

    2. cyryl27 then what diet/nutrition do you recommend more something towards keto?

    3. Cyril27 what about regular vegetarians?

  2. Has anyone managed to download the video and can upload it somewhere ? It has already been deleted! I did not have time to download to my computer :/

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