Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Power intimidates with long guns and the police are mega-rearmed.




I wanted to let you know that beyond "social distance" a new term is entering the scene and it's no joke: "the new normal". It is very interesting because Minister Artur Soboń uses the same slang that they use in the USA.

The New Normal is intimidation, the oppressive state, and rearmament as part of riot preparedness. It's probably been calculated by now how long it takes for people to figure out how we're being lied to.


"Five powerful water cannons and 124 vans for transporting detainees. Such equipment, later this year, will supply the police prevention squads.
The police also want the new vehicles - with a full complement of passengers - to reach a top speed of at least 150 km/h and be powered by engines with no less than 176 hp.,nId,4428755#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=chrome”


Where does the state get the money for detention vans in times of crisis, and why are there plans to increase the number of detainees?

Why should engines have so much power? Is it to drive through barricades, riots?


The Bible says that the whole world is in the Evil One. The whole world is in on it: journalists, puppet politicians, musicians urging people to stay home, etc. etc.

This world is monstrously corrupt. But for me in these times Jesus is even more real and only he can free us from this prison on earth, from these soulless politicians who have sold their souls for power, fame and money...But they will end up together with demons in the lake of fire.

Wake up others - this is the best time to evangelize.


I wish you a successful Passover/Easter with the Bible, the Word of God.


All the best.






Updated: 10 April 2020 — 23:22


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  1. "But for me, in these times, Jesus is even more real, and only he can set us free from this prison on earth, from these heartless politicians who have sold their souls for power, fame and money."

    Not only for you, I agree in 100% and in 100% I feel it.


  2. LionheART Photography

    Actually, the sad thing is that some of the officers most likely see what manipulation it is, know what is being cut, but still "follow orders". Someone recently posted an interesting recording of a conversation at border control on youtube, which gives a lot of food for thought: It's possible that I didn't sense the sarcasm in the policeman's response near the end, but by the tone of voice and facial expression I don't think he was mocking himself at all.

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