Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Open letter from the Association of Doctors of Russia. The world is building "electronic death camps."

A very important act of social responsibility of Russian doctors.

I checked the authenticity of this letter and it is on at least 10 Russian sites.




President of the Russian Federation Putin VV.

To the Government of the Russian Federation

Prime Minister Mishustin M. V.

To the Federal Protection Supervision Service

consumer rights and human welfare,

To the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation,

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation




"Coronavirus: fighting the virus or fighting the rights of the people?"


We, indigenous people of Russia, civic activists and a team of doctors with higher medical education, participants of the Round Table " coronavirus: fight against the virus or against the rights of the people?" held on March 22, 2020, demand from you to stop spreading panic among the population of our country. Nowadays, in all central TV channels and in all news channels of internet networks, 70% news consists of frightening information about coronavirus, and the real explanation of the essence of the disease neither the Ministry of Health nor the government nor the Media has provided so far.

COVID-2019 coronavirus - is not a highly dangerous infection, it is a classic SARS with a more severe course. According to statistics, epidemics of SARS and influenza occur every two to three years, a pandemic every twenty to thirty years. For pneumonia, as a complication of the course of SARS - die only people with weakened immunity. At the moment, according to all classical definitions of epidemiology of infectious diseases there is no pandemic in the world . Epidemic is the spread of infectious disease on 5% population, and pandemic is an epidemic of infectious disease characterized by spread to the territory of neighboring country and countries of the world. Medical experts claim that there is currently no epidemic in the world, much less a pandemic! But their voices are deliberately suppressed by a screaming and panicking Media.


In Russia, according to statistics, annually die from pneumonia, on average, about 30,000 people, the incidence of pneumonia in the world is about 445 million people per year, mortality from tuberculosis to 1 million 300 thousand per year! However, the Media does not talk about the pandemic of pneumonia or tuberculosis in the world.


We also believe that this is a hoax at the highest levels of government around the world. Open sources report that deaths of the elderly due to age-related diseases are being portrayed as coronavirus deaths. After all, there is no hiding the fact that it is primarily older people who are dying. Thus, in Italy, where mortality is shown to be high, the vast majority of deaths -happen among the oldest population, the average age of the deceased 79.4 years.

There is no clear and reliable information whether there is a test to detect coronavirus, even among doctors. Immunologists confirm that it is impossible to test for the new virus so quickly and on such a global scale. It is not known what kind of tests patients are actually subjected to. So, on what basis are the quarantined people diagnosed? This is a legitimate question for the organizers of the panic.

Therefore, we believe that an internationally planned panic campaign is taking place in the world with the preparation of the soil for the introduction of an electronic concentration camp, which looks like a kind of "exercise" for the subjugation of the population by military pacification, under the pretext of threat to life. And the WHO, by announcing the pandemic, has apparently simply carried out the order of the world elite, which wants to subjugate the population of the entire planet, according to the "golden billion" theory, in order to introduce a new world order!

In our opinion, people are plunged into the horror of death in order to agree to self-isolation. It is known that loneliness traumatizes the psyche much more than other stresses. In solitude, the mentally unbalanced person loses his last resilience and sanity. Such a violently fragmented and terror-stricken society is very easy to control by the mighty of this world. And the mortality rate precisely because of such stressful measures can and does increase many times over.


We also believe that under the pretext of quarantine and behind a screen of panic, the digitization of the entire society is being introduced. Everything points to the fact that distance learning, telemedicine, a single database containing information about every citizen targeted by facial recognition cameras, is an electronic concentration camp, as the intelligence officer John Coleman told the world on the basis of his examination of the archives of the Western secret services, which contain the plans of the world government. But because society protests against such measures of total control-they are being forcibly introduced, under the pretext of epidemics.

It is believed that the widespread quarantine is an excuse to implement 5G technology. During the quarantine, people are forced to work, study, order products through the Internet, whose load has increased several times. But the public has long protested against the introduction of 5G because they believe that the technology is harmful to the health of citizens because it requires an increase in the number of base stations of the network. Independent scientists warn that electromagnetic fields of 5G base stations lead to total irradiation of the human body, which causes an increase in morbidity, especially in the field of oncology.

It is known that along with 5G technology, "smart dust" technology - microscopic chips - has also been developed. They can be mixed into water, into food, they can be sprayed from aircraft in the form of chemical plumes.... In this way, you can unobtrusively implement the chipization and total control of an entire population. And it is for the communication of nano-chips with control centers that high-speed 5G Internet communication is needed. For everyday needs such super-speed, which 5G provides, is not required! The implementation of digitization of all areas of life along with 5G technology will complete the creation of an electronic concentration camp.


We demand:

1. Immediately stop disinformation and traumatizing the psyche of the population and ban all federal media from broadcasting information about coronavirus for more than 20% of airtime.

2 Provide proper testing for COVID-2019 for public scrutiny. There is evidence that a live COVID-2019 virus has not yet been isolated, a test for it has not been created, and the genome has not been isolated-that is, the public has been misled. We need to do everything we can to make sure that independent scientists make sure that the words of the media do not deviate from reality, because we have already experienced too much misinformation.

3 Provide all state health care facilities, in all regions of the country, with specific testing for COVID-2019 virus, rather than COVIR-SARS virus or conventional coronaviruses (as is now being done).

4. publishing daily reliable information on the number of patients whose diagnoses are confirmed by testing for COVID-2019, rather than by testing for conventional coronavirus, suspicion or judgment, based on clinical presentation. Ensure that the public Commission can monitor the actual statistics of patients and deaths just due to COVID-2019 virus.

5. repeal the unnecessary and pointless measures to impose quarantine in educational institutions and distance learning, as excessive and rash restrictions that violate the fundamental rights of us and our children, because the statistics of the disease, does not give the right to declare either an epidemic or a pandemic!






"Открытое письмо ассоциации медиков России на тему - Коронавирус COVID-19"



Title: "Открытое письмо ассоциации медиков России на тему - Коронавирус COVID-19"


translation source:,list-otwarty-stowarzyszenia-medykow-rosji





Even if by chance this letter was a hoax, the meaning of this content of people who see what is happening around us does not change.





Updated: 5 April 2020 — 09:16

1 Comment

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  1. Here is a link with a translated statement from the President of Belarus regarding this whole coronagunwa etc:,ponadto-kto-otrzyma-te-20-bilionow-dolarow
    just as a curiosity 😀

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