Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Pope backs UN secretary to end global conflict.



Pope calls for end to global conflict and unity against covid 19.

"It is time to end armed conflict and focus on the real struggle of our lives," said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.


"The virus does not care about nationality, ethnicity, faction or faith. It relentlessly attacks everyone."



The whole world speaks one and the same language: Stay home, we must fight the virus, and eventually we must come to unity and one world government.

The false prophet Bergoglio, the globalist UN organization, stars of the stage, cinema, politicians. They all say the same thing.

I for one do not believe in these illnesses of famous politicians and ACTORS.

The very fact that all known people speak with one voice shows that coronavirus is a false flag.

We know well from medical publications that coronavirus already existed before the alleged outbreak in January.

Anyone can be its carrier....
It was and is dangerous, but people who die of the cornavirus die of related diseases: hypertension, diabetes, etc. . ...


Meanwhile, Pope Francis supporting the call of the Secretary-General of the United Nations , to all the nations of the world to lay down their arms, end all conflicts and unite under the double the flag of the United Nations and Rome.

Do you see what a coronavirus cover-up is?


What do these words of the Pope testify to?

About the next phase of the apocalypse:


"So when they say: Peace and safety, suddenly doom shall fall upon them, as pains upon a woman in labor, and they shall not escape. (4) But ye, brethren, abide not in darkness, that that day should take you by surprise like a thief. (5) For you are all sons of the day and of the light. We therefore belong neither to the night nor to the darkness. (6) Therefore let us not sleep as others do, but let us watch and be sober. (7) For those who sleep are asleep at night, but those who get drunk are drunk at night. (8) But we belong to the day; let us therefore put on the armor of faith and love, let us put on the helmet of saving hope, and let us be sober. (9) God does not want our destruction, but salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ,"



I feel like a New Testament history intern...

We are the ones living in these times, we are the ones seeing what is happening. For 2,000 years Christians have been waiting for this moment, knowing that bad times were coming, and here we are at this moment in history. Very soon there will be an end to sickness, to evil. This is the time of the coming of Jesus, but first still the birth pains....


We are to live in the light. This day does not surprise us. Those who are unbelievers do not know what is happening.


Have your pastors been telling you all this over the last few years? Have they warned you about the chip and the fact that a cashless system is coming which is the fulfillment of apocalypse 13?



The pope of the apostate church that is this criminal Roman organization speaks just like the United Nations in which the new age is propagated.

I guarantee you that a lot of jutubers work for the new age. All these ufological channels, esoteric channels and channels preaching reset and awakening are channels of new age agents...

Pope calls with UN secretary to end global conflict. Then what conflict are we in? With whom?

They want unity in religion but Jesus said he came with a sword to divide people.


I was in the market today because the tyranny of the crown virus closed the markets. There, of course, through a loudspeaker was urged to make cashless payments because, among others, that's what it's all about...
That's not all. The Pope calls out to the devil saying : "wake up Lord".
A moment later he entrusted all of humanity to a being who placed himself higher than God. In his mind, of course, and only one such being can want to place himself higher than God.



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