Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Pope sick, and Vaticanocrats refuse to give an answer on whether Francis has been tested for Coronavirus.

The term of office of this 84 man who has taken the place of God and to whom all the rulers of the earth bow down is probably coming to an end.

They already know if there will be a new pope or not.

For the time being, as we can learn from Polish portals, the Pope cancelled his participation in the Lenten retreat.


He has had health problems since Thursday.

Vatican officials would not say whether the pope had been tested for the virus, which is spreading rapidly around the world, but his illness is believed to have arisen after he coughed and blew his nose during Ash Wednesday Mass.



Maybe this is the time when the leader of the church will step down and not so much a new pope will step in, but a religious-political leader based on the UN or some other organization in his place. After all, the construction of one world religion is coming to an end.


The world is stitched with symbols. I mentioned that Trump in English is Trump. In this situation, a warning Trump. Apocalyptic, but what if this following line can be taken symbolically as well?


(1) And I saw the Lamb take off the first of the seven seals, and I heard the voice of one of the four figures, loud as thunder, saying, Come! (2) And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he that sat on it had a bow, and it was given to him crownand he went out as a victor to go on winning."


I'm not saying God put the word corona into the coronavirus, but it's the satanic masonic agenda that can play with prophecies because they know the scriptures very well. Those at the top, of course.


The eschatologists, on the other hand, see in the above verse the antichrist precisely. This meant that this is the time...


Pope Francis has made absolutely more than any Roman Catholic pope in the last hundred years to advance the timetable of the end times concerning prophecies related to the Catholic Church and the Prostitute in Revelation 17 and 18.


In my opinion, the Pope is coming off the stage. He has done a lot for the Evil elite. I think he's done everything he's been entrusted to do. He harped on Chrislam. He liberalized Catholic doctrines, mixed Europeans with Islamists and strongly supported the fight against climate change, i.e. a tax on something that doesn't exist.





Updated: 2 March 2020 — 09:52

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