Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

World War 3 has long been planned. New News.


In 2013, I was not wrong about the war in Syria. Everything is a matter of knowledge. The problem is that most observers on the internet do not look at conflict and politics from a biblical angle, which is a shame because we are living in the end times. Even a significant number of churches do not interpret what is happening around Iran from an apocalyptic, biblical angle. And if they do, they side with Israel.




The problem with recognizing the elements of the end times is that we humans are impatient. This is not the case with God. God stretched everything out over time just like the 10 plagues of Egypt. God gives opportunity.



First fact:

JapRael sends its troops to the Middle East because it has merchant ships there...




Second fact:

Britain is mobilizing the fleet. Royal Navy ships are to escort tankers in the Persian Gulf.,114881,25567709,iran-wielka-brytania-mobilizuje-flote-okrety-royal-navy-maja.html


It is clear in black and white how the whole world supports Israel. If the bible tells us that the whole world is stuck in evil and that world supports Israel then we have the answer about both the world and Israel.

A bunch of "raelovers" gathered together to protect the interests of a state the size of Mazovia. All for the taxpayers' money of each of these states. What cleverness...


Third fact, as predicted there was an escalation of the conflict. it was meant to be. Trump knew what he was doing.

Trump's head is set at $80 million.


Trump was anointed by charismatics. Can you now see what spirit the charismatics have? The spirit of war and lies. They talk a lot about love but they support war, blood and hypocrisy and those who support God's Law are so bad because they want peace and follow Jesus who says that he who lives by the sword dies by the sword. Mr. Chojecki, who is not a charismatic pro-Israeli, supports this ideology of the sword. Should we now sign up for shooting courses and get ourselves a sharp weapon?


Fourth fact. Iran may not match the U.S. militarily but in terms of hacking this war may have a different face....

A hacking group calling itself the Iran Cyber Security Group Hackers has taken over one of the US government websites.


Fifth fact.


Before anything happened, that is, the attack on the U.S. Embassy and the killing of General Suleimani, Iran, Russia, and China began their first joint exercises with Russian and Chinese ships in December. The four-day exercises are taking place in the northern Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Oman
China is among the top enemies of the United States,hal-brands-dlaczego-chiny-staly-sie-nagle-wrogiem-numer-jeden-dla-usa.html,2/iran-rosja-i-chiny-na-wspolnych-cwiczeniach-morskich,996171.html




Mr. Duda seems to be talking about peaceful relations with Iran, but we are firstly in the NATO alliance, and secondly, and more importantly, reservists have suddenly been called up to the army since last year, in October.



Let me give you some more facts from



In 2013, it appointed just 3,000 people, in 2014. - 7.5 thousand, and in 2015. - It was only after the change of government in 2016 that the number of soldiers called up for exercises increased significantly and reached a level of about 36 thousand. This year, the training plan provides for calling up for exercises (one-day, short-term, i.e. up to 30 days, and long-term, from 30 to 90 days) about 38.6 thousand reserve soldiers.




The Army will call up 80,000 reservists! "Four hours to report to the unit".

Four hours to appear.
Why is the number of reservists being increased so much despite peace?
From 7,000 in 2014 to almost 100,000 in 2020?


Even this increase in the number of reservists shows that this war was meticulously prepared and Tupolev was one of the elements of this theater. Somebody had to arouse emotions of Polish politicians and it was probably done by Russians together with Civic Platform of Germany and sld. Allegedly on the eve of the tragedy the politicians of the platform got sms to resign from the flight to Smolensk.


Who can they send to this war? Goyim who read the bible? After all, there are addresses being collected with complimentary bibles. LGBT opponents? This is a plausible scenario considering who was murdered by communists of obvious origin during WWII (intelligentsia) and after (intelligentsia and enterprising people).

Let me remind you of a song broadcast by TVP info from a year ago:



"Warsaw children"-a song to prepare for war?


Preparations for war take a long time.

Final Fact:
Iran is pulling out of a deal that limits its nuclear program.



Did you know that the mighty of this world started buying bunkers for themselves long ago?



"One of the largest and most luxurious shelters of its kind is to be built 200 kilometers from the Polish border.

Should the apocalypse come in a form from which one does not have to hide behind a door weighing 20 tons capable of withstanding the blast of a thermonuclear explosion, the residents of the complex have a vast area located above it, surrounded by a solid wall and guard towers ",86,1719


There is a movie theater, a pool if rich people were traumatized by war....



They are prepared but not the masses intoxicated with the cultural sewage of this world.

Those who sponsor this war and are the main players will survive the worst of it, but not the average person. This is what current corpo fascism or more simply Luciferianism is all about, because the bible says the whole world is stuck in evil.

I don't know if there will be a nuclear attack, but the Illuminati or all kinds of Freemasons - by the way, that was the purpose of the creation of the Illuminati by the Jesuits - are reporting on their prophecies.

Triangles, sixes, horns, etc are their signatures but not only.
Now let's take a look at the famous illuminati cards:



The year 1995. already then placed on some site illuminati card with World War III how aptly placing the conflict on the axis of the two states of Iran and this false Israel, for it is not the Israel of God as can be seen by their fruits....

The banks, the US culture, the Gazette and other media are theirs.

Over 20 years ago, someone correctly interpreted the conflict under World War III.
Does this speak to you? Is it now becoming clear Iran's withdrawal from the nuclear agreement?

Now let's look at the famous Masonic movie I Pet Goat and the appearance of the antichrist.

First there is an explosion and then you see a grieving woman and a dead baby on her lap...Later there is a similar theme with Madonna during Eurovision.



World War III is to produce the antichrist and a new age religion. Therefore I believe that actually many of the current authorities can be removed and they will give their false messiah.




Do you know that many of the anti-systemnowers have new age beliefs? Mr Zięba, Maciej Maciak from cw24, MKTV mocks at Jesus, NTV Mr Zagorski. It is very possible that these people will form the core of the new government... I hope I'm wrong because Mr Zięba and Mr Maciak tell a lot of truth.


They have their prophecies, plans and the Plan for World Wars III was made as early as 1871 . But God made His prophecies 2000 years ago predicting including the plans of the Freemasons, Zionists and the Vatican....


What you may not know about is the likelihood of hypersonic weapons being used in the attack on General Suleimani.
The projectiles of this weapon exceed the speed of sound by five times.
Noiseless, precise, and unstoppable, these are the hypersonic missiles that carry lethal payloads at previously unattainable speeds, making it impossible for any defense systems to react.
This weapon is a novelty on the militaria market of the last few years.



Poland accepted an ally, the USA. Now this is how they call the occupants: ally. Why? Because Poland has been gone for a long time and our occupants, that is the nation which was the backbone of the communists, first surrendered us to the "ally" from Moscow since 1945 and now the same nation is giving us up to the "ally" from Washington.

Do you know how to get out of such an alliance?

So did Iraq. Mr. Trump said he would leave Iraq if Iraq paid him. This is the way to make friends with USRAEL. So choose a situation like this. You invite a friend to your house. He says he will watch your house while you go to work. But at some point you decide that he is too bossy and want to ask him out, but he says he won't leave until you pay him.... That's a friend of Poles... A friend who is a manager...


This text is written based on yesterday's posted video on my channel and ponuć the US is in favor of leaving Iraq which still does not change the fact of barriers when leaving any relationship with the US or EU.


I would also like to show you how this freemasonry has presented, outside of the illuminati pages, the announcement of this war. The clearest portent of war and the coming of the antichrist was Madonna's concert in Israel.
I made a long video about it.



A very readable performance by Madonna for the researchers.
Madonna is clearly showing that there will be a war. This is their witch,. The explosion of fire, the people knocked down, and of course the text saying that not everyone will enter the future because of this war. Many of the victims, according to the Luciferians, will not be able to taste this new age future, this new age of enlightenment. By the way, also in this film is shown the collaboration of anti-systemists with Lucifer.



Corpse after corpse bursting into flames, and at the end of this future new era, Israel with Palestine at hand...



...and so the new age will be the religion of the Talmud.


Note that anti-systemicists are either new age or Catholic people who do not analyze political events through the lens of the apocalypse.


Do you know the origins of New Year's Eve? Older readers know.

Well, in the year 999 Pope Sylvester commissioned the fortune teller Sibylla to predict the future. She said that this year will be the end of the world. People began to celebrate that there was no end of the world. But do you know what the other side of this is?

Recently a friend told me that Every year you actually celebrate the lack of Jesus' coming and it's a 10-shot. For Christians, this conventionally called end of the world is the end of Satan's rule on earth and the return of Jesus. These are the times.... which can also be identified by the criterion in Paul's letter to Timothy:



You need to know that there will be difficult times in the end times. For people will be very selfish and greedy. They will become self-confident and conceited. They will begin to insult God and disrespect their parents. They will be ungrateful, ungodly, insensitive, relentless, false, uncontrollable, cruel, and hateful of good. They will become deceitful, impulsive and vain. Their own pleasures will be more important to them than God.


People are getting worse and worse. Children without discipline.

The goal of World War III is to introduce a new religion: luciferianism.

That's what mixing cultures is for. Look at the statistics:


For the first time in history, the number of Muslims living in Britain has exceeded three million, according to a report presented by the government in London. Followers of Islam are the fastest growing religious group, while the number of Christians is steadily declining.




This is from this year.

Christianity is to decline in order to bring about a new World Order

All men die, but not all will be saved. You see for yourselves what this world is like and what it gives you. The rescue is not in any politician or blogger, but in Jesus Christ, because only he can prolong your life, only he gives you eternal life without wars, without diseases and without any evil.



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Updated: 7 January 2020 — 08:49


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    1. This picture was in Spain and this scene was not aired in the series ?

  1. I've read these various news stories before and I got the impression then that it was as if they were all just waiting for this, that the killing of this politician was a signal for them to act.

    1. One may indeed get this impression....

  2. I have a question...
    Some people believe that the words of Jesus, "This generation shall not pass away until all these things shall be accomplished" have been in force since 1948, the year of the creation of the State of Israel. Could someone please explain to me why 1948? Where in the Bible can I find passages that point to 1948?

    1. Maybe I'll explain it in a separate post.

  3. The first nuclear agreement was broken by Tramp...a May 2018. Iran did so only after Suleimani's assassination...which was a few days ago. (this is for the sake of accuracy)

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