Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Children's programming from TIPI tents to pyramid ritual with K. Kardashian.

I became interested in this topic about a month and a half ago, when my regular reader Malgosia became aware of it. At first I thought she was exaggerating, but since then more and more information has come to me confirming her vigilance against evil.


Perhaps by way of introduction still:


Evil has never been introduced as evil. No one will tell you; we want to introduce you to occult rituals and to the world of demons.

Now look at Polish celebrities promoting, willingly or unwillingly, the TIPI tent.


Ms. Lewandowska:



Ms. Pazura:



Officially they are said to be wigwams and until then I treated them as such until today I saw a video of famous Kim Kardashian sitting in a pyramid near which candles are lit....


In the video, I asked the audience how often they sit in a pyramid with candles next to it?



Mrs. Kim is called a New Age witch by Christian portals in the USA and her husband Kaynhe West is called a deceiver in Sunday Service (sun day church) which I wrote about more than once. By the way she is the one who came up with the name sunday service for her husband's church.

Now take a look at the video from the Kardashian website advertising yoga and the pyramid ritual:


Pretty much, Kardashian is a promoter of big brother in homes. On that site, she advertises the sale of video calling portals thanks to built-in Alexa.




Portal from Facebook is a new technology product that combines video calling, digital assistant Alexa and a smart camera that automatically tracks your every move, so you can move freely while talking and never lose focus. That's more or less how the ad reads.

This pyramid, on the other hand, is a portal to the demonic world.

CERN is said to open a tunnel, an abyss for demons. Add to that the apocalypse and you have a complete picture of what is coming:



9 apocalypse:

1 And the fifth angel trumpeted:
and I saw a star fall from heaven to earth,
and she was given the key to the well of Hell.
2 And she opened the well of Hell,
And smoke rose from the well like smoke from a blast furnace,
And from the smoke of the well the sun and air were eclipsed.
3 And out of the smoke came locusts on the ground,


It comes out that they are preparing the children i.e. the new generation to like the pyramid scheme....

Recently, there have been more and more offerings for children to practice witchcraft. Harry Potter and the Witchcraft Kissey, Lord of the Rings and Hobbits are all trains for witchcraft, or even the recent children's book on witchcraft sold in the US.

Witchcraft and demons have become the accepted social norm in our society what came from the US, while Christianity is seen as hate and "hate speech". Evil does what it does best ... lie, deceive and destroy.

Is it now becoming clear why illuminati show business employees show a triangle or pyramid?




The Pyramid of Giza is also believed to have two portals connected. The portals are energetic gateways to other dimensions. One portal is for astral travel and the other for extraterrestrial contact.

I suspect that the pyramids themselves are just toys, but if we add something else to it, some spirituality, candles, meditation, then on 100% you can give a guarantee of contact with demons.

On the other hand, no Christian would buy such a toy for their child just as no Christian would buy a big brother home like alexa.

Is that a pyramid on a one-dollar bill by any chance?

Here, under the guise of playing wigwam, something more is given .
Do you know what new age means? It is the entry into a new Luciferian and demonic reality where evil spirits will give short term success to people in exchange for their souls. It starts with fun and ends with religion.

Now there are already many channels and jutubers professing newa ge. Unfortunately, they are so called anti-system people. In Poland we have NTV and Mr Maciak.
Look, it's not my imagination:



Below, Mr. Maciak of CW24:



MK TV supporters hate Jesus, and the guys speak a lot of truth.....


And Mr. Zieba with hypnotherapy:


Jerzy Zięba is a hypnotherapist.


He certainly helped a lot of people, but...




In my estimation, these supposedly independent journalists will be the new age advocates of the new reality.

Energy pyramids, on the other hand, are available in esoteric stores. Such a strange coincidence:


Only 790zł

What does it provide?

"The pyramids offered by our store provide a dual effect - through a protective field eliminate energy interference They are a great source of energy for the environment and also recharge the body with beneficial energy. We have an interesting selection of room pyramids and special frame constructions for the garden. A large pyramid in the garden is an opportunity to benefit from a beneficial energy recharge. Its intensive effect spreads to the surroundings in a radius of many meters. Energy sessions can also be heldlying inside the pyramid, but not for very long":



You will see for yourself over time how much pyramid schemes will be advertised....




Updated: 2 January 2020 — 20:25


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  1. Of course, at the top of the pyramid the eye must be.
    In the freeze-frame you took, you can see this portal in place of the mesh.

  2. I read somewhere that Google is preparing a real revolution in connection with controlling the phone using gestures. I wonder what kind of gestures Google will consider as "compatible" with the system.

  3. One must also be careful with herbal medicine. Some of the herbs are "enhanced" in the pyramid and this is clearly of evil origin. Read carefully the descriptions when you buy herbs on the Internet, because I read it at home and all I had to do was throw it away 🙂 .

    1. What do you mean specifically?
      How reinforced?

      1. I don't know how they are strengthened, but since on some herbal mixtures there is an additional description that they are strengthened in the pyramid, for me it is some kind of witchcraft and occultism. I have only encountered such a thing on herbs so far, so I warn you to read the descriptions carefully.

        1. And where were the herbs from?

          1. Unfortunately I don't remember, but on some mixtures there was a note on the package that they are strengthened in a pyramid. I drank some years ago and they even helped, but after such information that pyramids are used by occultists and esotericists I did not order more.

  4. Unfortunately most if not all of this media is in the hands of the evil one, you have to be very careful and watchful examining everything for the possibility that it may be tainted by some ideology. I see the same thing as you due to the fact that I ask God and the Lord Yeshua Christ for discernment in this matter, plus I read a lot and know a bit about different religions and ideology. Unfortunately people are asleep and live in a unrealistic t.v. world. Check out the new series Messiah on Netflix, they made Christ into some kind of Hindu, some kind of false image of our Lord, it makes me angry because many are fooled.

  5. Are you already feeling the squeeze in your life?
    I don't want to live so hard.

    1. Oh we feel it 🙁

    2. All the chosen ones feel, so rejoice :)))
      We don't belong in this world, so it's hard, but we can do it!

    3. Regarding the oppression, I wanted to ask you all for prayers. Unfortunately I have oppression from the person closest to me. I am praying for her conversion and unfortunately the oppression is even greater. This person has decided that my conversion is not true, because since then things in our home have not gotten better, but worse. That over time the family started to turn away from me. That she ruined the family Christmas because I didn't want to be a part of it. That if I acted like Jesus Christ people would be drawn to me, but it's the opposite. Everyone is fed up with my separation from the world (although I don't think it's enough yet). I keep hearing that I should change my "religion" because I've had enough of it. I ask you to pray for strength for me and for conversion for my husband. Please. You are my only community.

      1. We will pray! It's not for nothing that the Bible says, "He who endures to the end shall be saved." Tough times. Let us keep faith, peace and self-control and love for our enemies. Jesus will come for us. Do not worry to excess!
        With God!

  6. If such small pyramids have any effect, the pyramid of Giza must have a powerful effect between the material and spiritual worlds.

  7. Maybe you will record or write something about this series

  8. What is the biblical basis for the claims that the very shape of the pyramid has some "demonic" power (that even a tent in its shape is something evil). Where does this belief come from in you? Please provide specific biblical quotes relating to the pyramid.

    1. there has been some misunderstanding of the text. Nowhere did I write that the Bible claims that the pyramids have demonic power.
      However, according to the descriptions and characteristics in esoteric stores, this is the case.

    2. The Bible does not teach about the occult.

      1. Well yeah, just like he doesn't teach about yoga or tarot 😉

  9. But it mentions witchcraft, magic, astrology, fortune tellers ii this is wrong, this should be avoided because it is an abomination to the Lord. Tarot is related to that. That is the difference.

    1. The Bible, sir, does not mention marijuana or heroin, and it is forbidden to use them. With the exception of marijuana, which can be used for good and bad purposes, and so it is for example with the pyramids.

  10. Heroin and other such substances are highly addictive and above all affect a person's state of consciousness - prohibition can be very simply justified by God's Word.
    A pyramid in itself is neither "good" nor "bad". The mere possession of a pyramid or something resembling a pyramid is not a bad thing, as long as one does not attach any spiritual ideology to its possession.

    1. Yes, b similarly with Zionism. Two triangles mean nothing in a hexagram. But what they do plus the talmud is already magic and evil

  11. I once had the opportunity to visit the home of Nina Dull. In the house, a platter of food lay in a mini skeleton pyramid. The food did not rot.

    1. is as credible as Donald Tusk.
      The pyramids themselves probably have no energy, but giving them such characteristics puts them in contact with demons. Those who are familiar with these mechanisms know this very well.

      1. Dear admin, the facts given in the link are also confirmed on other sites - just type the names of people mentioned there. The pyramid itself does not have any power, and if someone is looking for contact with demons, he can find it in many other ways (not necessarily through the pyramid).

        1. Mr. Matthew, with this it's like yoga, just sitting in a Turkish chair is not dangerous, but meditation and waiting for some spirituality is. That is the point here.
          It's like the split hexagram as the logo of Renault, Citroen, Bmw, etc. Two triangles, Freemasons run these corporations, but I, the Lord can drive these cars for evangelistic purposes or to work. What is different is the worship of images.
          I think we're just going to continue to foam at the mouth. I'm closing the topic.

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