Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Israeli officials may be arrested en masse due to war crimes.


Israeli authorities and officials are increasingly concerned about the possibility of global arrest warrants that could be issued in connection with war crimes after International Criminal Court signaled on Friday that he would continue full investigation On Israel's conduct in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The decision has heightened fears in Israel that top government and military figures involved in Israel's occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and three offensives in the Gaza Strip will now be investigated, according to local media reports.

Such characters may be Israeli prime minister, current and former defense ministers, military chiefs and intelligence commanders.




Israel's strongly right-wing government has said it will not cooperate with anyone on this issue.

But officials fear it could prevent members of Israel's elite from traveling and could even result in low-level attacks by members of the Israeli military, according to a report published by Israeli broadcaster Channel 13.

But first, chief judicial prosecutor Fatou Bensouda requested a ruling on jurisdiction over the territory to be investigated, delaying any action for now.


The prosecutor said:


"I am satisfied that there are legitimate grounds for an investigation into the situation in Palestine, 



But it is a landmark decision that has been met with fury in Israel and criticism in Washington.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the decision made the Hague court, which Israel has refused to sign since its creation in 2002, "a political tool."


What's going on.... what's going on?

All the time the same thing for several years. Actually for several years with great intensity. If people read the bible and judged the political situations in the world through the lens of the bible, they would know that the battle is between the Harlot (KRK) and the Beast (hexagram followers).

I talked about this with the Sekielski video comparing these games to a match and even created a video parodying this theme with the match: Harlot vs. Beast:


These attacks will intensify so that humanity becomes convinced of both the evil of Zionism and the evil of the Vatican. This time, what was widely known as war crimes against the Palestinians are coming to light, and the International Criminal Court.


Such a move will certainly not go unanswered by Zionism. It packs a serious punch far greater than some well-constructed Sekielski video.


The war is on, but we know from the Bible that the Harlot will be destroyed by the beast. Question when.....






Updated: 27 December 2019 — 12:55


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  1. I have a question (sorry, not related to this article)-does listening to this kind of stuff Is it a sin or not? It's supposed to increase intelligence, memory, etc. sometimes it would be useful, but I don't know if it's "ok" :/

    1. or sin? I think in general people misunderstand the concept of sin.
      But ok, referring to this particular case. It puts you in a state of unconsciousness, which can be dangerous. Listening passionately to any other music works the same way. Consciousness is switched off, and when the mind goes blank...

  2. I'm of the same opinion as Peter. It can be dangerous. Such trance, meditation can have negative effects.

    1. He rode Catholics hard on their faith. But he fully agrees with the words of a commentator: the Pope exercises power through confusion. And he will turn the heads of those who do not read the Bible in such a way that in a few years they will not know what is true and what is false.
      THE WHOLE WORLD IS STUCK IN EVIL. It is affirmed.

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