Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. As for these strange sounds that are already in various places in the world and resemble trumpets - I wonder if they are real. Well, because in Revelation we have trumpets in the 7th seal, and since we are at the 6th seal what could these sounds mean?

    1. Maybe it is a slow familiarization of people with the event that is to come, so that people begin to get used to this type of "miracles"

    2. I don't know .
      I wrote about possible hypotheses. They are digging underground sewers, or the fallen are preparing to leave.

  2. Unfortunately, this interpretation will cause people to accept the antichrist as the return of Jesus. Until the harlot falls and the beast takes over for 3.5 years, giving a sign on his forehead and hand and murdering us, the Lord Jesus will not return.
    I don't want to criticize Adventists, but I must. The very fact that they once set a date for the return of Jesus... and the prophetess White. Oh, please. We have Scripture and we're supposed to follow it. Everything is prophesied. I think we often overinterpret, and I always think of the apostles. Only when something HAPPENED they were reminded that it was written in the Prophets or Jesus spoke about it. We are slowly approaching the fall of Babylon, which we have here on earth, and the coming of the one who will claim to be God and will rise above all. Before that, Jesus will not return visibly. And the world and other churches will accept the antichrist as God and the believers in the Bible God will be murdered. Amen 🙂
    Faithful to the end!

    1. I have been attending an Adventist church recently and an interesting recent reflection the pastor had in the church was on the subject of the fall of Babylon. Twice proclaimed by an angel that the kingdom of Babylon is fallen, first in chapter 14, and then we go through the verses and are told the name of the harlot Babylon the Great, and in chapter 18 Babylon is fallen again, but here she becomes a habitation of demons. To expand on this thought: the ungovernable religious system in 14 is collapsing as we have seen for some time, things are coming out about it, it's shaking in its foundations, especially in the age of Frank and this is where the religious system begins to tie in with payment and electronic identity but also ecumenism and pagan deities are introduced into the church, i.e. demons (e.g. Pachamama) prayers with shamans etc. That is, we are slowly entering the 18th chapter, when it will be the seat of paganism and evil spirits and here it will be its total collapse and the angel's call states this state as completed.

  3. I was reminded of the Bible:
    "Let no one deceive you in any way, for [that day will not come] until the deviation comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above everything that is called God or that receives worship, so that he sits in the temple of God proving that he himself is God."

    1. It may actually turn out to be Trump

      1. In my opinion it's more about the church and the "false jesus" weighed against it. It's very fitting that when the church falls its god comes back to make things right. So does ipetgoat 2, and I take that movie seriously. The death wound that was healed may be the crucifixion of the church jesus who will return, also the warnings of our messiah, that many will come in his name and not to believe them. One thing for sure for me is that without the fall of the church nothing will happen that will bring us closer to the coming of the true messiah. It's just my opinion.

        1. Question: What does , "Many will come in my name" mean? Does it mean that they will say that they are God, or rather that they are true disciples of Jesus?

          Looking at option one, I don't think there has yet been a person who explicitly proclaims that they are God.

          1. It has to be option two...

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