Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

And we store this treasure in earthenware vessels, so that the overwhelming power may be of God and not of us.

A warm welcome to all the Clayware 🙂

Praise the Lord Jesus.


I really liked, and still like, the children's series "Pan Samochodzik i Templariusze". The main theme of this film was THE TREASURE OF THE KNIGHT KNIGHT, and the children and adults watching it were probably not motivated by materialism or a desire to identify with the riches found at the end of the film. I suspect that the primary motivation for sitting down in front of the television was the adventure itself. The treasure was of secondary or even tertiary importance. Of course, in the end, as befits a series set in the era of communism or, if you prefer, real socialism, the treasure ended up in the hands of the authorities, that is, in a museum managed by loyal party functionaries, sometimes of appropriate origin


However, there is a treasure that no comrade communist can take away. Even in China, where there is persecution of Christians. Of course, that Treasure is Jesus Christ.



For God, the One who commanded the darkness to shine with light, has shone in our hearts to dazzle us with the brightness of knowing the glory of God on the face of Christ. (7) And we store this treasure in earthenware vessels, so that the overwhelming power may be of God and not of us. 



The treasure for Christians who are sanctifying and not religious is the Spirit of God dwelling within us. It is through the Spirit of Jesus that we have the desire to know God's Word and to talk with God (read prayer).

This treasure cannot be taken away from us. It is only we who can give up this treasure. About a month ago I wrote that the Holy Spirit living in us is a deposit. It's true, it is only a deposit. A deposit that lives in a vessel of clay.





Why did Paul use the term "earthen vessels"?

Paul was just that clay vessel, fragile and weak, though sometimes I read him I have seen a sense of superiority and even pride. Paul was just as human as we are.

The preachers of the gospel are subject to the same passions and weaknesses as other men. God could have sent angels to preach the glorious doctrine of the gospel, or He could have sent the most admired sons of men to teach the nations, but He chose humbler, weaker vessels. He chose frail and fragile vessels so that the overwhelming power is of God and not of us. 


Further Paul wrote:


"We endure suffering, but we do not give in to doubt; we live in want, but we do not despair; (9) We endure persecution, but we do not feel alone; they bring us down, but we do not perish. (10) We bear the dying of Jesus continually in our flesh so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our flesh. "


Does this not testify to the fragility of us as the brittle clay from which man was created? We suffer but do not give in to doubt, we endure tribulations but do not feel alone. We are knocked down but we do not perish. I know many Christians privately and most go through tribulations, problems, but through the light in these earthen vessels the glory of God is revealed.


How are we different from the ancient (my neologism: ancient) Israelites?

God through the mouth of Isaiah shows us this difference:


(12) Therefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel, Because ye have despised the word, and trust in violence and perversity, and rely upon it, (13) Therefore, this guilt will become for you like a crack that threatens to collapse, occurring in a high wall that suddenly, in an instant, falls apart, (14) and with its disintegration is as with a broken earthenware jug, broken mercilessly, so that not a shell can be found among its verdure to draw fire from a fire or draw water from a puddle. (15) For thus says the Almighty, the Lord, the Holy One of Israel: If ye repent and hold your peace, ye shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be your power; but ye have not willed



The Israelites at one point did not need God because they had it too good. We need to cling to God. They were broken like a clay jug.


As these earthenware jugs filled with the Sanctifying Spirit and therefore every Christian should not worry about where to draw confidence from in their daily struggles.

You sin, and the power to fight sin comes from the Spirit. You ask Jesus for help.


God while breaking the vase of clay also said


If you repent and keep quiet, you will be saved, in quietness and trust will be your power; but you were unwilling. (16) Rather, you said: No! We'll get away on horseback! That's why you'll get away. - We'll ride! That's why your pursuers will overtake you



They were supposed to convert, but they didn't. They relied on themselves.

No! We can get away on horseback!


We are now day by day, month by month, year by year sanctifying ourselves based on the strength of God in us. We don't say "we'll ride out on horses" but Lord Jesus help and it works because


God, the One who commanded the darkness to shone a light, shone in our hearts, to dazzle us with the clarity of knowing the glory of God on the face of Christ. (7) And we store this treasure in earthenware vessels, so that the overwhelming power may be of God and not of us. 


The light of knowing the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ is this. People must first be enlightened in the LordOtherwise, they will never be the right and proper persons to preach the word of light or to transmit the light to others.

I wish you to become like Jesus every day.



Updated: 13 December 2019 — 13:23


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  1. Mr. John is a true child of God. I think he has already at 100 % rejected the world of the devil. Praise be to him. I myself have been contemplating such a life for a long time:

    1. This is not God's way of life and the very fact that he talks about Mary shows what he is getting at.

  2. Rejecting the devil does not mean living in dugouts like an animal, in terrible poverty, but of course no one forbids it. Except the law in Poland...

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