Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Highways are forcing electronic payments and lowering the threshold for business-to-business non-cash turnover from 15K to 8K.



According to buisnessinsider, as of January 1 the drivers who pay electronically will pay less for using the concession section of the A4 freeway Katowice-Krakow - announced the representatives of the company managing this road, Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska (SAM).


photo: gddkia




"Passenger car drivers will then be charged £14 to cross both toll plazas (£20 for traditional methods) and drivers of larger trucks will be charged £60 (£75 for traditional methods)."


Non-moderns will pay £20, electronic ones will pay £14.

The difference on the 20£ is 6£. Quite a lot, as 30% from the higher price.


In case of trucks the difference is 15 PLN.


This will be the trend with everything. The beast system will force people through price differences for the same product or service to the detriment of cash payments.


What's more, the Ministry of Finance has announced another reduction of the threshold for non-cash business-to-business turnover from PLN 15,000 to PLN 8,000, i.e. by half.

Officially it is said to be sealed. Probably there is a large dose of truth in it. But the system will not stop at 8 thousand, but will eventually go down to mandatory transfers starting from 1 penny.


These decisions are the same orders that the "Polish" comrades of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party received from Moscow.

This will happen all over the world. Let us not delude ourselves, neither this government is an exception, nor previous "Polish" governments, nor governments of any country. There are no lonely islands in this world.


I'm surprised that Catholics don't see all this and connect the trend in chips and modern technology with economics;. After all, PIS has the support of mostly Catholics as to religion. Simply put, people are being lied to. The whole world is following the directives of the Biblical beast - the Edomites and Khazars. Even if I am wrong about the identification of the beast, and if it is the Vatican, it changes nothing in the perception of global trends.

Hardly, it is Christians who build the beast system.


One more tidbit that I shouldn't leave out in all this.

As I mentioned a few months ago, unions NEARLY found out after 30 years that receipts contain harmful bisphenol B.


However, the Ministry of Finance plans from 2020 to make cash registers in the form of applications on the phone.


Isn't that a strange coincidence? But who would care biblically. Ot, the unions want good for the people. They just became caring. Such a measure of sensitivity has been activated in sensitive activists.


Oh naivety stop oppressing Poland already!



People, wake up. This is not about taxes and fiscalism. Those are just a means to an end which is an offer not to be refused: the mark of the beast. The electronic mark of the beast. A tattoo of a chip.




Here it is about religion, about belonging to a spirituality hostile to God.....




Updated: 3 December 2019 — 11:09


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  1. Yep, non-news without the mark of the beast, such as in this Avicii video.
    They'll pay more, they won't buy from an unattended store on Sunday, etc. etc.
    Modernity is coming in very big steps.
    Recently, a former military intelligence chief confirmed the existence of psychotronic weapons + scientists boasted that they had diagnosed the area of the brain responsible for FREE WILL.
    Also, if they say there is a Christ there, don't go there because I suspect you will come back as a zombie....
    I also think that with this progress, 10 years max and we have a 1000 year old Kingdom! :)))

    1. exactly today even or yesterday while writing about the desert I thought of Avici. Us non-news and the rest trendy.
      I can even be a mohair, as long as I am saved and, God willing, saved from WU.

      1. I agree 🙂 But when 5G launches it suggests aluminum berets 😉

        1. There is already underwear, some clothes for women, including those who are pregnant (in fact, I saw a website from which it is sold) - admittedly it is some T-shirts, etc., but it is there... now it is time for hats...

          1. You inspired me, I searched and was horrified.
            A suit like for a cosmonaut to operate a GSM station. Wooow. I didn't know that.

  2. Hello Friends,
    Your concerns and observations are valid and true - some time ago I wrote here on the blog about 5G technology, which Peter published as an entry - I also mentioned (because under the entry in the comments someone asked for an explanation) to explain how this is a deliberate killing of unaware people, if I find the time I will make such an entry, but now I want you not to forget one thing: The technology at their disposal is geared and directed according to the directives of the ruler of this earth, the one who owns all kingdoms, and those to whom he has given power, money and fame are at his service. All that is going on, the plan for the debasement of man, has been set up successively for the last 2,000 years, in order to direct successive generations to the tracks of evil by deceit, lies, hypocrisy, pride and greed. I am mentioning this, because you should remember, that not everything, what they say openly is the truth, even that, what you buy from them, is not necessarily what they tell you, but it is important, that you are convinced, that it is as they say, it will be and there are many false prophets, therefore listen to the words of our Father, because only through him, you will be able to separate the grain from the chaff. His servants are taught by the greatest of liars, they are able to "mix" the truth and falsehood in such a way that the majority will not realize it, so that in time, removing the truth, they will speak only lies and deceive - what is happening now. Most people will trust, believe, because the truth was in their words, but deceptively, to lull their attention and caution to feel and see that it is the truth, and once their hearts and minds have been lulled to sleep, they are told lies to manipulate them, but they no longer think, they don't feel, they don't have Love, they believe the lies and they are so convinced of the truth that they are willing to give their lives and their families for it, that's why it's so important to stand by the Father and listen to his voice so that eyes can see and ears can hear.

    May the Father watch over you and your Families - abide, for time is speeding up.

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