Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The return of God's people to the Home, or governments from Jerusalem.

As promised after the texts about the Slavs whoever they are, whatever their origin in one thing most denominations will agree with me: The Lord Jesus will reign on earth for a thousand years with His people, Israel, who have circumcised hearts and not flesh.


How do we know about the so-called millennium of Jesus?


(1) And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, who had the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. (2) And he seized the dragon, the serpent of old, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. (3) And he cast him into the abyss, and shut it up, and put a seal over him, that he should deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years were fulfilled. Then he must be released for a short time. (4) And I saw thrones, and there sat on them those to whom the right of judgment had been given; and I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for bearing witness to Jesus and preaching the word of God, and of those who had not worshiped the beast or his statue and had not received the mark on their foreheads and on their hands. These came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

Revelations 20.



Satan is to be bound for 1000 years. Satanists know this very well more than the average Catholic. Masons of high degrees know the Bible very well. Well Smith, probably also a Freemason, starred in a movie called "1000 Years on Earth". Except that their movies are like a drunkard's dream. Mixing truth with lies.


A long verse, and so one by one, starting with the time after the Great Tribulation, let's set up a chronology for ourselves.



  1. The angel with the keys to the abyss arrives with a chain, binding Satan for 1000 years so that he will deceive NO ONE. Now he deceives even the elect.





2 On the thrones are those Christ-followers who (note, remember this) have been given LAW OF THE COURT. There is a Court and there is a Law.

In second place are those who were beheaded. What were they beheaded for?

for bearing witness to Jesus and proclaiming the word of God, and those who did not worship the beast or his statue and did not accept the mark on their forehead and on their hand.






I am 99% sure that this sign will be the pyramid(s)




Photo from Avici's music video.




There are dozens of such photos on my blog. From Protestant churches , the Church of Rome, Illuminati puppets....


By the way, speaking of the mark of the beast. Of course it is not the mark of the beast, but such a curiosity.





In my estimation, since I am not clear on the rapture, there are two groups. Biblically speaking I am in favor of the rapture before the Great Tribulation. Given historical facts, such as the creation or appropriation of the rapture theory by people associated with the Jesuits, i.e., the early dispensationalists, I am in favor of the rapture after the Great Tribulation.

This division, guided by the Bible itself, results from this:


This is what I inferred from the book of Revelation.


3. the resurrection of the saints and reign for a thousand years.


These came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.


There is also the AD7 view that speaks of the symbolic binding of Satan because there will be no one left on earth and he will have no one to deceive. Despite my respect for this denomination, I believe they are partly deceived as well, and as evidence I can only recall how it is their faction that enters into ecumenism with that Rome they criticize so strongly, in addition to supporting LGBT. There have been reliable news stories about this on the blog. The Vatican-edom system has not left this denomination as the only one that is uninvigilated.....


In order to create a picture of the earth after the coming of the Lord Jesus, we can also rely on other prophecies. God has not left us relying only on small fragments of the apocalypse just as the Judeans and Jews had dozens of prophecies concerning the coming of the Messiah that they did not recognize.



Also in the book of the prophet Daniel we have a record of the promise given to God's people:


"The kingdom, authority and power over all the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the Holy of Holies of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all powers shall serve him and be subject to him."



Do we understand what the power of President Duda or President Trump means, for example? It's good that we understand, because power on earth - "thy kingdom come" - will be given to the King - Jesus - and His people.


Someone may say that the kingdom of God will be in heaven. I guess the witnesses think so, but how can you rule without subjects? Who are the people of the saints of the Most High to rule over? By themselves? Nonsense.

Most simply, Israel will rule the earth, but not the earthly Israel, but God's Israel. The earthly one will be destroyed in large part. All of that sodomite TelAviv and political Zionism will be destroyed. Not only that, the people pretending to be Jews will be ruled by God's people:



I know your oppression and poverty - but you are rich - and [I know] the insult done by those who call themselves Jews, and they are not Jews, but a synagogue of Satan. Rev 2.


Here's the promise:


And to the victor and to him who keeps my deeds to the end, I will give power over the Gentiles, (27) And with a rod of iron shall he feed them: as a vessel of earth shall they be broken



The rule of Jesus will be established. There will be a monarchy with its structures. There will still be Gentiles on the earth. Anyway, Satan will deceive the nations after a thousand years. Not the holy people, but the Gentiles. The Gentiles will have to conform to the Law of God. It will be coercive for them, just as the Mosaic Law was coercive for the Israelites.


The very fact of Jesus' reign during the Millennium indicates the validity of God's Law! Unfortunately, many are fooled by so-called biblical authorities, but they are largely Jesuit agents. Do you think that only love will reign during the millennium? Wrong, all-encompassing love is assumed by the new age. Yes Jesus is love, but He was obedient to the Law of God, and there will be no anarchy during His reign. To reign you need rules.


Paul in his letter to Timothy wrote:


(12) If we continue in patience, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He will deny us. 


Where to reign? It's all in the Bible:


(10) And thou hast made them unto our God a kingdom and priests, and they shall reign on the earth. " Rev 5.


This promise of world rulership will be fulfilled during the millennial reign on earth.

One of the criteria will be humility and meekness:


"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." Matthew 5.


This does not mean closing one's mouth to the truth and defending God's Law. Otherwise, Hus fighting Rome and Tyndale would not be saved. Jesus requires passionate devotion not lukewarmness.


The capital of the kingdom of the world will be Jerusalem. Such a NWO but of God. This is interesting by the way, because it may turn out that Satan's NWO will never come into being and then the pagans will recognize Jesus' rule as the NWO... Such is my digression....


We have information about the capital of the world in Isaiah:


” (23) The moon shall blush, the sun shall be ashamed: for the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem: toward his old men shall he be glorified."

Jerusalem will be the capital of the world ruled by Jesus and His people! 



The redeemed community in Christ will in their glorified bodies assist in GOVERNING their King in every corner of the earth.

They will serve as judges, city managers, and pastors (spiritual teachers) over those who will live in mortal bodies.



But the kingdom will be given to the saints of the Most High; they will possess the kingdom forever and ever." Daniel. 7 




 (27) The kingdom, authority and power over all the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the Holy of Holies of the Most High. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all powers shall serve him and be subject to him



No longer will any demon be able to tempt man, but only his human lusts and evil heart.

Jesus revealed His and His people's rule to us in a parable because if He had spoken directly, the Romans would have considered Him a rebel and a conspirator.



"And when they had heard this, he told them in addition a simile, because he was near Jerusalem, and they thought that the kingdom of God was about to be revealed. (12) So he said: A certain man of noble lineage went to a far country to take the kingship and return. (13) So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas, and said to them: Turn them until I return. (14) But the subjects hated him, so they sent a message after him with these words: We do not want this one to reign over us. (15) When he returned from reigning, he had the servants to whom he had given the money called to him to find out how much each had earned. (16) So he appeared first and said: Sir, thy mine has brought ten minas of profit. (17) And he said to him: It is good, thou good servant, for thou hast been faithful in little, take control of ten cities." Luke. 


People will be rewarded for being faithful in small things like the Sabbath, or opposing ecumenism, or other such things. This is mega Good News.


Listen, those who know me know that I was heavily interested in politics. I could have achieved a lot, but I gave it up. For faith in the King of Kings. But I know that far greater blessings will come from faithfulness to God's Law in the here and now. Then, when it is unpopular. God's Law is not popular. About a year ago a young man was sent to me. We met in a coffee shop in Kielce. He convinced me USILY that God's Law is not valid. He came specially from Cracow. I thought it was just out of concern for me. He talked a lot about love but he didn't have it because he kept interrupting.

On top of that he had an ecumenical bible and based on that he wanted to convert me.

I also learned this year that they also use an ecumenical Bible in one of the Baptist churches. What is noteworthy is that where it says "law," "order" has been replaced with the word MOC. Can you feel what a scam this is?

Therefore, you are not surprised that I delete someone's comments who is against the Law of God. These people commenting in this way besides this deception have terrible characters,


Jeremiah speaks of shepherds given according to the heart and not according to usurpation as now. where one enters into a marriage with Rome and supports the present false Israel.



(15) And I will give you shepherds according to my heart, who will shepherd you with understanding and wisdom. (16) And when ye shall multiply and spread abroad in the land in those days, saith the Lord, they shall speak no more of the covenant chest of the Lord, and none shall think of it, and none shall remember it, and none shall feel its lack, neither shall they make a new one. (17) At that time they will call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord, and there in Jerusalem all the nations will be gathered in the name of the Lord, and they will no longer follow the stubbornness of their evil heart


Much of Isaiah speaks of the Millennial era.

For example, it talks about peace, but real peace, not peace improvised by the occult and non-peace-giving UN organization.



(4) Then he will judge the nations and settle the affairs of many peoples. And they will turn their swords into plowshares and their spears into sickles. No nation will lift up a sword against another nation, and they will no longer learn the art of war." Isaiah. 


If only by this verse we can see that the governments of the US and Israel are false because God wants peace and is against killing.


There are many ungodly things in our day. Idolatrous items reign supreme. I remember a mug with a Big Brother print on it. When I was converted I think I threw it away or gave it to someone....

The book of Zechariah even mentions such details:



"In that day even on the bells of horses there shall appear inscriptions: 'To the Lord consecrated,' while the ordinary cauldrons of the house of the Lord shall be used as sorcery before the altar." Zech 14. 



Other promises contained in Isaiah's "apocalypse":


(23) Also, every new moon and in shabbat every one shall come of all flesh to bow down before my face thus the Lord has said. (24) And when they come out, they shall see around them the corpses of those people who rebelled against Me; their worm shall never die, and their fire shall never be quenched, and every creature shall abhor them."


The Sabbath was important before the Mosaic Law, during, and is important now and will be important during the millennium as (note)  SIXTH THOUSANDS.


Pretty much whether anyone likes it or not,


(16) For the Lord will judge everyone with fire; the sacrifices of the Lord will be many. (17) Those who sanctify and purify themselves to enter the garden by following the one who is already inside; those who eat pork, various amphibians and mice: All those will die so the Lord has prophesied."


Now we live in a time of grace, but God sees the rebellion of the people their selectivity of the Law. If these words do not apply to the millennium then what times do they apply to?


Little by little, there will be important holidays that God has established:


"And those of the peoples of the earth who do not hasten to Jerusalem to worship the King - the Lord of hosts - will be deprived of rain. (18) And if the people of Egypt do not go there and do not show themselves there, the calamities that the LORD will afflict upon them will fall upon the nations that do not come to celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. (19) So this is the punishment that will befall Egypt and all the nations that do not go to the observance of the Feast of Tabernacles."


From this we can already conclude that the feasts established by God are as valid as the Sabbath.

I would love to hear critiques of the millennial quotes above.


Of course, during the Millennium there will be renewed land along with animals and vegetation.


(6) Then the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the panther and the kid shall lie down together, the calf and the lion shall feed together, and a little boy shall chase them. (7) The cow and the bear shall cease to be friends; their young shall lie down together. The lion also like an ox will eat straw. (8) An infant will play on a cobra's burrow, a child will put its hand into a viper's lair. (9) They shall do no evil, neither shall they do pernicious work throughout all my holy mountain, for the land shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters that overflow the sea. ".Isaiah. 


And the land on which our King will dwell will be like the Garden of Eden.


"And they shall say, This desolate land has become like the garden of Eden, and the cities that were desolate, and destroyed, and torn down, have been strengthened and made populous. " Ez 36. 


All this will happen very soon. Against the plans of the ecumenists and globalists. They have had their last 5 minutes, but their time is coming to an end, for the reign of the Savior is coming, where there will be no disease, no wars, and no lawlessness.


Why doesn't God first destroy Satan and all evil people, but set up a millennial kingdom? Probably not only Christians ask themselves this question.


First, if only for the same reason he did not destroy Satan. The whole universe needed to see what rebellion was. Second, out of love for man. God gives another chance, a new phase for mankind. A thousand years. People opposed to God accuse Him of ruthlessness, but He gives once again a chance.


God will prove, will show in this experiment of 1,000 years that it is not good circumstances, humanism, rigor that produces a better life. It is human sinful nature, in spite of the prosperity that will come, that will cause people to turn away from God at the end of the millennium, joining Satan again, unleashed. As I read in a book, the mere change of environment for the better, only causes the transformation of man into a more refined sinner and what man needs is not 500plus, guaranteed income and humanism, world peace, but a new heart that only God can give.






Updated: 13 November 2019 — 19:03


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  1. Also I heard that on the renewed Earth will be the so-called trees of eden having several hundred meters in height, maybe even more 😀 .
    Such as before the flood

    1. And also an interesting point: the city of the new Jerusalem will be 2000 km long x 2000 km according to the Bible

  2. Damian (from Sosnowiec)

    God in His Word through the Prophet Isaiah foretold that Jesus would come to GIVE THE LAW to the nations and to ESTABLISH it on the earth... If this is true (and I believe it is), then why do some people proclaim that the Lord Jesus "abolished or nailed to the cross" the Law of God ?? ?

    The Bible teaches something completely different and the Prophets confirm it....

    Isaiah 42;1-4
    "This is my Servant whom I uphold.
    My chosen one, in whom I am well pleased.
    I made my Spirit rest upon him;
    He will not call out or raise his voice,
    Will not let his cry be heard outside.
    He will not break a reed that is broken,
    will not extinguish a wick of faint flame.
    He will not be discouraged or break down,

    Let's go one step further...
    If God's Law has been annulled or changed
    (e.g., the Sabbath or the food instructions in 3Moses 11),
    then why do we read in the Prophets that the Lord Jesus Christ will TEACH THE TORAH when He returns to earth?

    Isaiah 2:2-3
    "And it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain with the temple of the Lord
    will stand firm as the highest of mountains and will be elevated
    And all the nations will flock to her.
    And many peoples will go, saying:
    Let us go on pilgrimage to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob,
    and he will teach us his WAYS that we may walk in his
    paths, ➡ for out of Zion shall come forth the LAW, and the Word
    Lord from Jerusalem."

    Micah 4;1
    "It will happen at the end of time:
    The mountain of the Lord's house will be established,
    restrained on top of mountains,
    And it will shoot over the hills.
    And peoples will flow to her.
    Many nations will go and say:
    "Come, let us ascend the mountain of the Lord,
    To the house of the God of Jacob,
    May he teach us his ways,
    That we may walk in His paths."
    ➡ for out of Zion shall go forth the LAW and the word of the LORD out of Jerusalem"

    Isaiah 9;6
    "Great will be His reign in peace without bounds on the throne of David and over His Kingdom, which He will establish and ➡ strengthen with LAW and righteousness, from now on and for ever. The jealous love of the Lord of Hosts will accomplish this."

    Isaiah 16;5
    "The throne shall be established in favor, and through faithfulness shall sit upon it under the tent of David a judge ➡ CAREFUL for LAW and mindful for JUSTICE!"

    Dan 7;14
    "He has been entrusted with dominion, glory, and Kingly power, and all nations, peoples, and languages have served Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His Kingdom will not be destroyed."

    Luke 1;32-33
    "This one will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. And he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his Kingdom shall have no end."

    Isaiah 66;17
    "Those who sacrifice and purify themselves to enter the gardens behind another who is already inside, who ➡ eat pork and amphibians and mice, will perish together - the oracle of God."

    Isaiah 66;23
    "It shall come to pass that every month at the new moon ➡ every week on the SABBATH, every man shall come to worship me, says God."

    Peter thank you so much for this article. .
    Praise God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    PS. The real NWO will be when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to earth, oh hey then it will be the real NWO ☺.
    New World Order - Governance of the Kingdom of God ☺
    Come, Lord Jesus!

    1. thanks for the super complement Damian 🙂

    2. and by the way, the database crashed with this text

    3. The law of the Lord Jesus is the law of love.

      1. The Lord Jesus generalized law-keeping to two laws:

        "Teacher, which commandment in the Law is the greatest? (37) He answered him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. (38) This is the greatest and first commandment. (39) The second is similar to it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (40) On these two commandments rests all the Law and the Prophets" Matthew 22.

        Notice that we are to love God first. Not even the wife, or the child, or the parents. Only later the rest.
        Love for God was expanded somewhat in the Decalogue. The first 4 commandments are love for God. Here, too, God has shown the order and priorities.
        Another six to love your neighbor.

    4. Hello

      "then why do some people proclaim that the Lord Jesus abolished or nailed to the cross the Law of God":

      Because they did not accept the teachings of God and his Son, but took to heart the teachings of a certain "man" who sowed tares, and they took this strange gospel because it suited them and was lighter to the ear. The true gospel is not a gospel of love, just read the apocalypse, which does not fill the world with optimism, being at the same time the plan of God and the Son for the whole world, the world below and the world above. We need to remember that God has many enemies who from the beginning of creation are constantly struggling to destroy the entire work of God.

      Greetings from God

  3. , "They will act as judges, city managers, and pastors (spiritual teachers) over those who will live in mortal bodies."
    Probably only men will get this authority, positions :/.

    1. NO, because:

      Matt 22:23-32
      "(23) On that day also the Sadducees, those who claim that there is no resurrection, came to Him and put this question to Him: (24) Teacher! Moses said that if someone dies without having children, then the brother of the deceased must marry his wife in order to produce offspring for his brother. (25) So there were seven brothers with us. The first of them married and died without having any children, leaving a wife for his brother. (26) So it was with the second, then with the third, and so on until the seventh. (27) Finally, after all had gone, the woman also died. (2Cool then how will it be at the resurrection? Which of the seven will she be the wife of, since they were all her husbands? (29) And Jesus answered them, Ye are in error, knowing neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. (30) When the resurrection takes place, no one will marry or be married. All will be like angels in heaven

  4. Also about this Kingdom but different and controversial, yet worth noting,

    Millennium, or Millennial Kingdom.

  5. Hey all the best on your new path of life! hahhah

    and I return with the topic of changes in the Bible, I also found the Polish site where they talk about it, here is a link to their Facebook
    go to their entire fb page, this is what they are talking about what I wrote earlier , regardless.

  6. , "Second, out of love for man. God gives another chance, a new stage for mankind. A thousand years. People opposed to God accuse Him of ruthlessness, but He gives once again a chance."

    This can already be seen in the passage you quoted earlier : , "And those of the peoples of the earth who do not hasten to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, will be deprived of rain. (18) And if the people of Egypt do not go there and do not show themselves there, the calamities that the LORD will inflict on the nations that do not come to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles will fall on them. (19) So this is the punishment that will befall Egypt and all the nations that do not go to the celebration of the Feast of Mats."

    Is this also an element of that chance during the Millennial Kingdom where everyone should fall before the face of Jesus and has a chance and opportunity to do so and those who will not do so according to the above will have their electricity, gas and water cut off, metaphorically of course, because Satan is entangled and so these people will not be tempted. Although here another question arises because I am lost, since before the Millennium the mark of the beast takes place and whoever will follow Satan and whoever will not go under the sword, then who will be left during the Millennium to get a second chance since only those from other nations will be left with the chips while others called to life with Christ will already be at his side. ?? How should I read this?

    1. "Though here another question arises, for I am at a loss, because, if before the Millennium the mark of the beast takes place, and who will take to the sword after Satan, and who will not, then who will be left during the Millennium to be able to receive a second chance, if only those from other nations are left who have been implanted, while others who have been called to life with Christ will already be at his side. ??"

      I was thinking about this and this quote comes to mind:

      "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until now7 and never will be. 22 If that time were not shortened, no one would be saved. But because of the elect that time will be shortened."

      Let's ask ourselves the hard questions and we will either be sure of one version or modify that version.

      1. First of all wow for the article. I thought I was alone in thinking this way about the 1000th anniversary. Secondly this is a very interesting point about this passage.
        Overall it must have been very difficult for John to describe everything that he saw. There was so much, and perhaps most things would happen out of chronology as described in the apocalypse.

  7. Beautifully described...

  8. Row 8

    Living by the Spirit

    1 But now for those who are in Christ Jesus1 there is no longer condemnation. 2 For the law of the Spirit who gives life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what was impossible for the Law, because the flesh2 rendered it powerless, [this God accomplished]. He sent his Son in a body like sinful flesh, and for [the removal of] sin he delivered in that body the judgment condemning sin, 4 so that what the Law commands may be fulfilled in us, insofar as we walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.3
    5 For those who live according to the flesh strive for what the flesh wants; but those who live according to the Spirit, for what the Spirit wants. 6 For the pursuit of the flesh leads to death, but the pursuit of the Spirit leads to life and peace. 7 This is because the pursuit of the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to the law of God, nor is it even able to do so. 8 And they that live after the flesh cannot please God. 9 But you do not live according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit, if only the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to him. 10 But if Christ dwells in you, though the flesh is subject to death through the [effects of] sin, yet the spirit has life through justification. 11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will bring your mortal bodies back to life by the power of his Spirit dwelling in you.
    12 We are therefore, brethren, debtors, but not to the flesh, that we should live after the flesh. 13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die. But if by the Spirit you put to death the urges of the flesh, you will live.

    The Sonship of God of Christians4

    14 For all those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 15 For you have not received the spirit of bondage to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons, in which we can cry out: "Abba, Father!" 16 The Spirit himself supports with his witness our spirit that we are children of God.5 17 But if we are children, then we are also heirs: heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, since we suffer with him in order that we may also share in his glory.

    1. For I say unto you, If your justice will not be greater than the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven."

      Serve Christ the Lord, therefore. For he who does lawlessness will suffer the punishment of lawlessness. He has no regard for the person. Colossians 3

      The New Covenant and the new heart is Torah put into hearts. It is a desire to be obedient.

      I love God so I obey him (in works). I love my neighbors so I respect them in deeds....

      He who says: "I know Him" and does not keep His commandments, then he is a liar and there is no truth in him. 5 But whoever keeps His doctrine, in this truly God's love is perfected. 6 It is by this that we know that we abide in Him. Whoever claims to abide in Him should also himself act as He did..

      He was obedient to the Law of the Father. He celebrated the Sabbath, he helped people, he did not mock or scoff, he was zealous for the house and the Law. He had mercy on repentant sinners.

      Go and sin no more.

  9. God has long chosen man waiting for our move until we choose him. We have free will, let us choose wisely. The time of grace is running out.
    May our Lord bless you all.
    Praise the Lord Jesus

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