Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Who stole from the Slavs their history and origins? Part II.

A great curiosity!

In the Middle Ages there existed (historians argue) in the territory of present-day Malopolska a land called White Croatia.





The maps are from wikipedia as is the text below:


Constantine Porphyrogenetus mentions in his work De administrando imperio[1] White Croatia (in the original Βελοχρωβάτοι i Χρωβάτοι)[2] as a place from where, in the 7th century, part of the Croatian tribes were to travel to the Balkans (on the territory of present-day Croatia) at the invitation of the Byzantine emperor Heraclius, to defend the borders of the empire. The rest of the Croats remained in their former homeland, having a separate ruler. Adam Naruszewicz quotes this fact, in his work History of the Polish nation:

"The name of the Braves was still known in the 9th century under Constantine Porphyrogenitus, who writes about them in his book de administrando Imperia in chapters XXX. and XXXI. The Braves lived at that time (that is during the reign of Heraclius) beyond Babigorea[a] where the Belo-Chrobaci are now, (and in the second place he says) while the other Chrobats, from those who to Dalmatia they came in, they lived towards France, they were called Belo-Chrobaci, That is, they are white, and have their own Prince. They worship Otto W. ruling over France, which is also Saxony; they are heathen, and with the Turks[3] They maintain a league and friendship. In another place the Brabatae, who live in Dalmatia, are descended from the white, unbaptized Brabatae, who live in France behind the Turks and border on the Slavs and Serbs. Finally he says: The great White Brave, who are called white, have not been baptized to this day, neither have their neighbors the Syrbs. There are not as many cavalry and infantry as the Christian Croft, because of the frequent attacks of the Franks.[4]

According to Nestor of Kiev White Croats were the protoplasts of the Lachs. Nestor describes in his Novels of years gone by of 1113 in part two "About the Slavic peoples", as in the early Middle Ages the White Croats, Serbs and Khorutans[5] (presumably this refers to part of these tribes and not the whole) as a result of the invasion of the Italians[b] moved from their Danube lands and settled by the Vistula river, calling themselves Lachs[6][7], and these then called themselves Polans, Lucites, Mazovians, and Pomeranians."




The prevailing view today is that these tribes should be connected with the Lêderians. In the 11th century in Nestor's chronicle, the name Lachy no longer denotes only the Lędzians, from whom it is derived, but all Western Slavs except the Czechs and Slovak tribes.

In the 1570s the Lędzianie most probably became part of the state of Mieszko I.


The same was true of the Russians.


While Poles have common roots with Croatians, culturally the closest to Russians are Belarusians, Poles, Ukrainians, Carpathians, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Serbs and Montenegrins. They are connected with Russians by: Orthodoxy, Cyrillic alphabet, linguistic affinity and many other aspects of culture.

In the ancient period and in the early Middle Ages, numerous peoples roamed through the territory of Russia, including the Huns, Alans, Avars, Bulgarians, Khazars, Polovars and Hungarians. Around 632, Great Bulgaria was established in the Don basin, which fell in 668 due to the Khazar invasion. Bulgarians then emigrated across Europe, giving rise to the Balkan state of Bulgaria and Kamska Bulgaria. The place of the Bulgarians was taken by the Khazar Kaganate (c. 650-969), the only known Judaic state whose inhabitants were not ethnic Jews. wikipedia


Can you feel it? Great Lechia, Great Bulgaria, Great Ruthenia, all destroyed by the Judaic Khazars. They work deceitfully. When necessary they flatter, when necessary they kill.



I won't go on, because as the saying goes, the further into the forest the more trees there are. You can check everything for yourself. The history of Rus is the same as the history of Poland, Croatia and begins in about the fifth century.


"The first settlements by the Slavs took place in 5th century. Previously, the present territories of central Russia were inhabited by Baltic and Finno-Ugric peoples."



Russia's power was destroyed in much the same way as Poland's: by a false Christian religion.


Is there a plausible Slavic origin from the scattered tribes of Israel? I looked into this a very long time ago, and since then some not so much facts have come in, but my view of certain research obstacles on this issue has changed. One of them was the view that there was no cultural anchor point. But now I think there were the same deities all over Europe just named differently. When the Israelites worshipped Astarte it was the Slavs who worshipped Leilia.

It comes to this -> Slavic Vedas, <-which strongly resemble the Law of God.

Little do they warn of Talmudist tactics!


All together it turns out that the history of the Slavs, both southern and northern, begins from the fifth century, which is a huge deception, because it is impossible that such a large mass of people suddenly multiplied in one century. At that time there were wars, savagery and the rise of Babylon the Great, or Catholicism, so the conditions for such a large jump in numbers were not favorable.


Another interesting fact is the migration of the so-called Indo-European peoples, who are considered the protoplasts of the Slavs:



Note one very important sketch, a detail. It is the starting point. The starting point of the Slavs starts from the territory of present-day: Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia. It is a little higher than the present Syria and exactly in this place where ancient Assyria was:



The Assyrians took northern Israel or 10 tribes into captivity.

AssyriansAssyro-Chaldeans, (arm. ܥܡܐ ܐܬܘܪܝܐ/ܣܘܪܝܝܐ) - a Semitic people inhabiting Northern Iraq, Iran, Southern Turkey and Syria. The Assyrians are considered to be one of the indigenous peoples in the Middle East. Their homeland is considered to be the area around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.


The Slavs have been devoid of history since the 5th century. It is one great enigma.



I didn't write about all this to live in sentiment for something that is no longer rebuildable, but to show how the Khazarian/Roman enemy has divided us and they continue to do so every election so far. Even on this blog there has been a slight scuffle over whether or not to go to the election when they control ALL sides of the conflict and therefore it is already time for their MESSIAH. The world is prepared.



In conclusion we should not divide like a nation, but as children of God showing others that there is something much more powerful than the kingdom of the Slavs: the Kingdom of Heaven. No hatred, no jealousy, no quarreling, no wars. A kingdom spread out over the whole world. A kingdom whose territory is so vast that no secular state can match. Not even USchazrael.

Now the mother of harlots is gathering all her daughters - Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Islam, Khazar Judaism - into one.


So let's move away from Edomite culture because it is the culture that is destroying our identity. It is the cabarets that mock the Poles while not touching the nation chosen by Satan.

This is their system, not ours. Let us unite in Christ, for He is our ONLY legitimate Ruler.





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Updated: 22 October 2019 — 11:18


Add a Comment
    I recommend the lecture series. Long but I took the time and now the history of the Slavs is obvious to me. ?

    1. Who does Mr. Lalak think they are?
      because he's a new agent

      1. New age needs to be weeded out. I am writing about the snake generation (people who once formed the Sanchedrin), the so called "black-headed" who, with the help of Roman Catholicism, destroyed the Slavs. Of course I don't agree with everything, I don't even watch all the films, but even if they are agents, they put the truth under their noses, knowing that no one in Poland will be interested in it anyway. In his films he always refers to the Bible as the main source of historical knowledge in the world.

        1. Interesting, cool Marcin that you can sift, filter.

          1. You have to be careful and not get too caught up in these videos. I check everything to see if it is consistent with Scripture and the Book of Henoch, which I consider to be inspired. The mistake of these two young historians is throwing the baby out with the bathwater Along with rejecting all religions they do not believe in the Lord Jesus our God. ☹️. I wrote comments under their videos to get my point across. Unfortunately, that can be the case with most people....

            1. And why and on what grounds do you, Martin, acknowledge the Book of Henoch as inspired, when only the Coptic Church has acknowledged it as such? Do you think that all other Christian churches are wrong?

              1. I will say more all religions are wrong.

                1. You haven't answered why you consider the book of Henoch to be inspired? Because it is and that's the end of it? Justify it on what basis?

                  1. You provoke me into a melee over the book of Henoch . I salute you. May the Lord Jesus bless you.

                  2. I simply ask but I see that you click on the answers. You see Marcin, discussion, getting to know the arguments of the other person does not mean provocation or quarrel - it's a pity that you don't understand such a simple matter. Regards.

        2. Lalak and Skwarek are agents just like 98% of Polish yt unfortunately. Just leave them alone.

          1. that last sentence is not appropriate for a Christian. All the Best.

  2. What about hyperborea according to legends and myths? I know you can't trust those too much. But it's an interesting case anyway

    1. Exactly, I'm curious about that too....

  3. Atlantis, Shamballa, Agharta, Los Cesares.

    There are a lot of such legends, about mythical cities or lands. Which one to believe in?

  4. The theory with Atlantis is that it is the Eye of Africa.
    And isn't Agharta a hidden continent?

    1. But these are just fairy tales, legends. I have my own theory about it.

      Just like once upon a time, there were legends about the flood, and we know that it was real. It is these min. The above-mentioned "lands", could in fact have a reference to Eden. For in these mythical lands there was abundance, peace, prosperity, etc. It fits like a glove to the garden that was before sin. After many years, the image of the Truth became blurred for people, but in the form of legends, it is still there somewhere.

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