Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A blessed seventh day of the week.



Happy the man who does this, and the son of man who keeps it, who observes the Sabbath, not desecrating him, and who guards his hand so that it does no wrong. (3) Therefore let not the foreigner who has joined the Lord say, The Lord will surely exclude me from his people, and let not the thinning man say, Look, I am but a withered tree. (4) For thus saith the Lord, Thinning, Who keep the Sabbath and choose what I am pleased with and keep my covenant, (5) I will give them a place in my house and within my walls, and I will give them a name better than sons and daughters have, an everlasting name that will not be worn away.

(6) Foreigners while those who have joined themselves to the Lord to serve him and to love the name of the Lord, be his servants, all who observe the Sabbath without desecrating it, and keep my covenant, I will bring into my holy mountain and make them glad in my house of prayer Isaiah 56.




Updated: 18 October 2019 — 21:58


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  1. Thank you for those words Peter.

  2. It says Sabbath and it should be Shabbat as I checked the Bible or I'm wrong. Because every time I see a spelling or not but the name Sabbath comes up it reminds me more of the Witches Sabbath than the Sabbath of God. It's easy to make a mistake. I guess. How is it with this naming because in many comments here I come across the word Sabbath as well as in posts and I do not know if it should be so or if it is a spelling mistake?

  3. God blesses those who keep the Sabbath, as He Himself said in the Bible

  4. To me it makes no difference whether we say Sabbath or Sabbath.

    The word "Sabbath" acquired a negative meaning and was associated with the "Witches' Meeting" because of the Catholic Church, which, after gaining dominance over other religions and fighting them, called the "Witches' Meeting" groups of believers celebrating the Sabbath, and, according to the Church, deviating from the obligatory religion, i.e. Rome.

    He did so in order to cover these meetings with infamy in the minds of his followers and to set them hostile to these meetings and deviants.

    Translations of God's Word use the term Sabbath, e.g., the Warsaw Bible

    II Moses 31:15 Six days there shall be work, but on the seventh day there shall be a s a b a t, a day of complete rest, dedicated to the CREATOR. Anyone who does any work on the s a b a t day will suffer death.

    Mat 24:20 Just pray that your flight does not fall in the winter or in the s a b a t.

    In contrast, followers of Judaism mostly use the phrase Shabbat.

    1. Thank you, I just don't know the full etymology of the word and what I knew was based on that and it appeared differently in the translations so be it 🙂 I'll take it as it is

  5. I have a question about Shabbat. Should I work if my parents tell me to? They insinuate to me that I don't care about them, I don't give a shit about them, I'm just looking for excuses, etc. even though I have no problem cleaning, working, etc. on any other day of the week. They reproach me and I'm simply sorry because I just try to listen to my conscience 🙁 All my arguments are simply ridiculed.

    1. It depends on how old you are...
      If you are relatively independent and of legal age, God is more important

      1. I'm 17... which means I have to wait a few more months. 18 isn't until May.

        1. Here, it's not the date that is the magic time and more about independence, respect for parents, etc.
          Personally, I think that young believers should be less demanding, but if you feel that for the love of God you should do something, then why not.
          God knows your situation.

    2. Respect your parents for God's sake, and let your heart be full of love toward them; do not keep your neck hard, but do only what is good and just, for the Sabbath is for man and not man for the Sabbath, and thus let the Light of God shine before the face of all May the Light of God shine before all who will be near you to testify to them about the Truth, to testify with their deeds about God, so that they see in you his Love and justice appearing and not the letter of the law which, although it is good, sometimes can obscure Love when wrong decisions are made.

      Luke 6
      , "And he added, 'The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath'(...) Then Jesus said to them: "I ask you, Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil; to save life or to destroy it?""

      1. Well written especially the ending.

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