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Castor oil

The first recorded medical use of castor oil was around 3,500 years ago. It was used to stimulate blood circulation in the body's tissues and improve lymphatic drainage. Castor oil supports detoxification processes and can be used as a simple and natural home therapy to help cleanse the body.

Castor oil is made from the seeds of the castor plant (ricinus communis). It is a colorless to light yellow liquid with a distinct taste and a faint, mild odor.

Castor oil has been used to make soaps, lubricants, hydraulic and brake fluids, paints, dyes, coatings, printing inks, cold-resistant plastics, waxes and pastes, nylon, pharmaceuticals, and perfumes.

In addition to commercial uses, people around the world have had remarkable success using castor oil for a variety of conditions - including cancer.

The Aztecs used castor oil to treat skin lesions, menstrual cramps and digestive problems. The Persians used it for therapy in cases of epilepsy. The Egyptians, on the other hand, for vision disorders. The Greek physician Dioskurydes used this oil to reduce tumors. The first European users of castor oil called the plant "Palma Christe", meaning the palm of Christ, because they believed that the leaves resembled the hand of Christ. They also discovered that it had extraordinary healing properties, making the name even more symbolic.

A piece of cloth, preferably flannel soaked in oil - improves lymphatic drainage, stimulates lymphocyte growth and improves digestion. This extremely powerful combination of health benefits makes castor oil an excellent addition to healing therapies.

Is castor oil safe to use?
Castor oil is pressed from castor seeds, which are native to India and have a unique chemical composition. This oil is essentially a triglyceride, consisting of fatty acids in which 90% is ricinoleic acid, which is found only in trace amounts in other seeds. Oleate and linoleates are the main components of castor oil. The main component of castor oil, ricinoleic acid, is a phytochemical compound. A photochemical compound is a natural compound found in fruits, vegetables, and seeds that usually have specific effects in our bodies when we consume them. For example, ricinoleic acid targets specific receptors in the gut, as well as in the smooth muscle cells of the uterus, naturally stimulating detoxification.

The U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives and the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) consider castor oil safe, but it is not recommended to take it orally.

Absorption of castor oil through the skin stimulates blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and lymphocyte production.

How is it possible that castor oil was responsible in one study for inhibiting tumor growth? Castor oil has the ability to fight cancer because it stimulates the release of toxic buildup and debris from the lymphatic system. On the other hand, when the lymphatic system functions poorly, bacteria thrive in the fluid that accumulates in the lymphatic tubules and channels.

Scientists have found that absorbing castor oil through the skin stimulates blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and the production of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell belonging to the immune system, usually found in lymph fluid), which are crucial for a healthy immune system. For this reason, castor oil can be used to treat people with weakened immune systems, such as those with AIDS or HIV.

A small study published in the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine in the late 1990s showed that a simple castor oil combo significantly improved key immune cell counts. The study showed that a 2-hour treatment period resulted in a significant increase in the number of T-11 lymphocytes.

This increase in T-11 cell lymphocytes represents an overall increase in the body's specific immune defense. Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow and thymus gland. They act to defend the body against viruses and other pathogens, as well as against cancer cells. On the other hand, low lymphocyte levels are a major risk factor in the development of viral disorders and cancer.

Although the increase in T lymphocytes was temporary, this study showed that treatment with castor oil increased the number of T lymphocytes for more than 7 hours after treatment. It then slowly returned to normal levels 24 hours after treatment.

Castor oil can relieve constipation and promote a healthy functioning digestive tract.

One of the simplest therapeutic strategies in promoting detoxification is to maintain healthy gastrointestinal function through frequent bowel movements. The popular cleansing castor oil stimulates bowel movements. Additional therapeutic benefits of castor oil occur when it is directly massaged onto the skin for absorption. Fabric soaked in oil can effectively promote healthy digestion and cleansing.

The laxative effects of castor oil may help with regular bowel movements, along with increased energy and improved mood. In one study, 80% older patients reported relief after decades of struggling with constipation, following a brief 3-day treatment with cloth
soaked in castor oil.

The therapeutic properties and ease of use at home make castor oil a natural and very effective detoxification therapy. One of the vital organs necessary for the body's natural detoxification abilities is the liver. Your liver functions much like a garbage disposal. The accumulation of disease organisms and contaminants is similar to the inedible food you throw down the drain.

Like garbage disposal, your liver converts toxic debris in the body into a form that can be properly eliminated. In the kidneys, this debris is dissolved, flushed out through the bile ducts, transferred to the small intestine, and successfully exits the body through the stool. For this reason, if your stool appears white as chalk, your body may indicate that your liver is functioning poorly.

So castor oil packs can be a great way to detoxify your entire body and reduce your risk of cancer.

When making compresses, use therapeutic grade castor oil for optimal health benefits.

To avoid oil containing pesticide residues settling on your skin, buy castor oil labeled as :
* cold-pressed
* without hexane
* 100% pesticide-free
* organic
* non-hybridized
* no preservatives or additives
* without deodorization
* not solvent-extracted

How to prepare and use castor oil?
Before using castor oil, test the sensitivity of your skin by first massaging
A small drop of castor oil directly on the skin. When sleeping with an oil pack, it is recommended to use an electric heater with an automatic shut-off to avoid burns. I used the thermophore with reason. It can be a messy process, so be careful and follow the directions to reduce castor oil spills on your furniture and body.

Materials to use :
* organic castor oil of medicinal grade
* large wool flannel, unbleached and organic
* a piece of plastic (bag, cling film)
* a heat source such as a hot-water bottle or heating pad
* a large towel or sheet
* glass container for storing flannel

Application Instructions :
1) Make sure you are well hydrated and have gone to the bathroom to empty your bladder and/or colon before starting.
2. choose a place where you can lie down comfortably. To avoid dripping oil on surfaces, cover the space with an old towel.
(3) Find a piece of flannel large enough to cover your belly. Saturate the flannel with castor oil, but so that it does not drip.
Lie on your back on a surface protected by an old towel and cover your abdomen with flannel. Most importantly, the right side, where the liver is, should be covered completely, from just above the groin to the sternum or breastbone.
Place a very large pillow under your knees and feet to relieve pressure on your lower back and focus blood flow in your abdominal area. You can also lie down on the floor with your legs up on the couch.
Cover the lanterns with a piece of plastic (such as cling film) and place a heating pad or hot-water bottle on top.
Relax for 45-60 minutes (up to 2 hours) while the oil slick does its work and use this time to read a book, or pray, or just breathe deeply or take a nap.
8. when finished, place the flannel in a jar and seal, keeping in the refrigerator. Continue infusing the flannel with castor oil for future wraps if you wish. You can also throw it away and use a new piece of flannel next time.
Replace the oil container if you notice a visible change in color or a bad odor.
10. wash off the remaining castor oil on your skin with natural soap or a solution of 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
Remember to stay well hydrated, as hydration levels will play a key role in detoxification effects.
Using compresses for just a few days may be enough to relieve some symptoms, but continuous treatments work best.
13) Try to do castor oil treatments for 4 days a week continuously and then take a break for 3 days - and so on for 1 to 3 months. People who see better results do this daily. However, this may not be possible for you because of the amount of time this treatment takes.
14) Try to create a schedule for yourself where you can use these therapies in the middle of the day as a break to detox, pray, relax, take a nap.
15 Do at least 3-4 days a week for 1 month and you should notice an improved quality of life.
16-If you're battling a chronic illness, it's a great idea to use wraps during detoxification and healing.

Combining cleansing therapies.
Castor oil packs stimulate the lymphatic system to move toxins and stimulate the digestive system to cleanse the body of toxins. The benefits of toxin removal can be enhanced by combining it with other healthy supportive therapies. Some of the best detoxification therapies used in conjunction with castor oil packs include coffee enemas, infrared saunas and alternating (hot/cold) showers. If you use infrared saunas or enemas as part of your health regimen, it is best to use a castor oil wrap beforehand to increase the amount of toxins excreted by the body. A great detoxification regimen would be to hydrate in the morning, including consuming green juices, then using an oil pack for an hour, then a coffee enema, and finally 15-20 minutes in the sauna, then alternating showers (provided you don't have adrenal fatigue) for 5 minutes (30 seconds hot water, 30 seconds cold water, and so on 5 times).

Who should not use castor oil packs.
The use of poultices is not recommended if the following conditions or circumstances exist :

* Pregnant women.
Many midwives believe that castor oil can cause contractions. Some studies suggest that this may be true, as castoric acid can affect the uterine mucosa and potentially increase contractions in pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid castor oil unless advised by a qualified physician to induce labor naturally.

* Breastfeeding women.
Castor oil packs carry toxins into the bloodstream to be excreted by the body. However, when a mother is breastfeeding, these toxins can potentially enter the breast milk. This can be dangerous for the baby. Therefore, this therapy is not recommended for breastfeeding women.

* Women with heavy menstrual bleeding.
Such women, who usually experience heavy menstrual bleeding cycles, should avoid castor oil packs during menstruation. The compresses can trigger further bleeding and potentially be life-threatening in such situations.

If a woman has cramps or discomfort without excessive bleeding, then compresses can be extremely helpful in reducing pain.

* Some gastrointestinal problems.
Rhinic acid is a natural laxative and is good for improving flatulence, gas, cramps and constipation. But it can also affect the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and worsen certain conditions such as ulcers, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids and colitis. Castor oil packs are not recommended in these cases.

* Extreme skin sensitivity.
Some people have very sensitive skin or chronic skin conditions that are easily aggravated. These people, are more likely to have reactions to castor oil and therefore it is not recommended in such cases.

Castor oil packs have been used by people around the world for many cases of illness. They have anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties that improve the body's ability to heal itself.

Cancer is often marked by decreased digestive, circulatory and detoxification system function. By improving the function of these systems, oil packs are a powerful natural therapy for anyone dealing with cancer.

Natural health treatments such as castor oil packs have received little attention from the scientific community, so research and evidence supporting their use is minimal. However, there are thousands of stories from people around the world who have used castor oil with remarkable success. If you want to improve your health, try castor oil packs and share your story.





Updated: 18 September 2019 — 13:01


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  1. A natural remedy from our Dad 🙂

    Awesome that you're bringing such health tidbits to the blog 🙂 I'd love to hear from you.

    1. I agree, very cool note!

  2. Do you already know that, Peter?

    I wonder what it will take to civilize sites like yours?

    1. Hard to judge if like mine.
      The truth is unreliable to the system.
      So Polin must do something to stlams the remnants of truth orators.

      Their father is Satan. Of the entire Sejm and Polin.
      It is hard for Satan to like the truth. According to them, Poland has been around since 966, but history has a lot to tell....

    1. Damian (from Sosnowiec)

      They've been talking about it on TVN24 every so often since this morning .
      I would not be surprised if they soon announce to the world that "we are not alone"

      1. Yes And the first will be the journalists of GW and TVN

    2. Iran and USA are arguing, but I see that they seem to agree about UFOs :))) 2 such news at relatively the same time? :)))

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