Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Deception of Daniel's 70th Week.

Understanding seven years of 70 -this Daniel's week is very important because it exposes the lies and goals of the antichrist system.



The truth is that Daniel's 70th week began when Messiah was baptized at age 30 and anointed By the Spirit.

The Messiah's ministry took place in the first half of 7 years; so it is not possible that it is future.

The truth is. covenant Daniel 9:27 is not simply a seven-year covenant as we think it is.

It is eternal covenant, the same by which Abraham was saved, because he believed by faith that the Father would provide Lamb, to be laid to rest the sins of men.


The truth is that the Messiah and His Disciples fulfilled the 70th week of Daniel, from 27 to 34 AD, when for 7 years confirmed with the Judeans that He is the promised Messiah who ratified the everlasting covenant With his blood as The Paschal Lamb .


Messiah he confirmed, That he was the promised Messiah through his miracles, wisdom, knowledge of Hebrew letters, fulfillment of prophecies, and resurrection.


After Messiah's ascension, the apostles continued confirmed Jews that he was the promised Messiah, proclaiming how he fulfilled the prophecy and how he rose from the dead.


On the Day of Pentecost 3000 Jews were saved from the witness of the Spirit-filled Apostles and the preaching of the Gospel in their tongues. The Church of Messiah is built on the foundation of the Judeans who accepted Messiah as their Savior.


Paul announced first to the Judeans. The seven years ended when the Jewish leaders stoned the apostle Stephen to death when he announced that they had killed the promised Messiah.


Immediately after Stephen's death, the Gospel was also passed on to the Gentiles. The disciples were scattered throughout Judea and preached the gospel. Philip was led to an Ethiopian eunuch who was saved. Saul was converted to be an apostle to the Gentiles. Peter received a vision of unclean animals that represented that the everlasting covenant would be preached to the Gentile nations. The Samaritans received salvation and the Spirit of the Father.

Scripture clearly shows us how Daniel's 70th day was fulfilled, how the Messiah and His Apostles confirmed along with the Jews that he is their promised Messiah.


Some accepted Him and were saved, but most rejected Him and were condemned.



The deception is that Daniel's 70th week has not yet been fulfilled.

We are told that this is about the end-time antichrist making a 7-year peace agreement with Israel that begins a 7-year tribulation period.


The Jesuits created this deception in the 16th century to dismiss the guilt of the popes of Rome because the Protestant Reformers correctly identified them as Daniel's Little Horn , Son of Perdition 2 Thessalonians 2 and the beast of antichrist From Revelation 13.

They ordered Jesuit priest Francisco Riberie, a brilliant man with a doctorate in theology, to write a 500-page commentary of opposing views in which he manipulated prophecies from the books of Daniel and Revelation to create a narrative of a one-man antichrist during the 7-year end-time tribulation.


Thus, for 500 years they waited for the antichrist without seeing the one who carried out the Crusades, burned at the stake for promoting Bible reading, and collaborated with Hitler and to whom all the rulers of the earth bow down....


This idea, called futurism , was quickly adopted as the Roman Catholic Church's official position on the Antichrist.



The true church effectively rejected these futuristic concepts until the 19th century, when the Jesuits got several people to promote them; including Pastor Edward Irving, John Nelson Darby, and Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, which led to the teaching of these deceptions At Dallas Theological Seminary, Where the sourdough of Jesuit fraud has spread around the world.




The historical testimony of many persecuted believers and theologians of the past has been sidelined, and most pastors teach futurism.

Let's try to unravel these 70 weeks logically and with childlike clarity.


Just ask yourself:

How long does it take the Father to fulfill His 70-week prophecy?

The obvious and correct answer is 70 weeks. If a 70-week prophecy is given and it has not been fulfilled for 70 consecutive weeks, the prophecy is invalid.

Which week follows the 69th week?

The obvious answer is week 70, but the enemy would have you believe that there are 1,990+ years interval between the 69th and 70th weeks although there is no such time gap specified in Daniel 9.

Daniel 9:25 mentions the arrival of the promised Messiah , and then Daniel 9:27 mentions " covenant ". Which covenant do you think he is referring to?

Is it not logical to assume that it is covenant Messiah , because the reason He came was to die to ratify everlasting covenant With His blood as the Passover Lamb?

The text even proclaims that he was " cut off " meaning He was killed in the middle of seven years, which corresponds to Isaiah's prophecies about the promised Messiah, in Isaiah 53: 8: " After anguish and judgment He was removed; and who cares about His fate? Yes! He was taken out of the land of the living; for the sins of my people He was beaten to death "


„Mego ludu”. Jakiego? Tylko Judejczyków czy już nie ma Żyda ani greka?


The consequences of Daniel's 70 week cheat are huge!

The enemy's end times deception is based on the concept of Daniel's futuristic 70th week.

It causes people to look for the time of a one-man Antichrist, instead of identifying the office of the papacy as the beast of Revelation , Daniel's Little Horn i Son of Perdition .

It is for this reason that the Roman Catholic Church created the deception associated with the end of the 7 years of the Tribulation.

They were accused by Protestant reformers of being an anti-Christ system that persecuted the saints.

Protestant reformers told people to " they came out of it " which caused millions to leave the Roman Catholic Church and be saved by the pure Gospel of Messiah.

The enemy programmed our minds to see Daniel's 70th week as futuristic. He used pastors, Left Behind movies, books, and trained pastors.

But when you understand that Daniel's 70th week has been fulfilled and that this is not a 7-year end-time tribulation period; most of the enemy's deceptions are exposed.



It is the papacy that is the antichrist and the antichrist system that is being built with the pseudo-protestants not protesting but cooperating with Rome.

The indispensable evidence in the form of a forum composed of the Polish Evangelical Alliance






They have everything under their control. The anti-ecumenism facebook group is also under their control except for the serial participants. Look at the statements of the admins. They call people idiots.


You Dear Reader have to decide which side you want to take because you are reading a man who is not on their side.

Their system is a political-financial-religious system.


Now it is also apparent that those who promote the rapture before the Tribulation and the so-called Great Tribulation apparently are agents of the beast.

Ja dotychczas „obstawiałem” na pochwycenie przed uciskiem, ale biorąc pod uwagę wszystkie informacje, które znalazłem w ostatnich tygodniach uważam, że nie będzie żadnego siedmioletniego ucisku ani pochwycenia. Owszem jest pewien problem, który znalazłem w biblii. W apokalipsie jest napisane, że kiedy na ziemi ludzie są mordowani za Jezusa to na górze święci proszą Boga i pytają ile to jeszcze ma trwać, ale może to być tak, że zmarli są już w niebie lub jest coś co musimy zweryfikować.


One final point. There is much talk about the so-called Abomination of Desolation in the end times. Since beginning my research I have come across many theories related to this. Even one so silly that Obama made it happen....


But the Abomination of Desolation occurred when the first division of the Roman army appeared in 66 r. And surrounded the Holy City, where they should not be. They were ready to take the city captive, but for no reason they left. The saints apparently saw this as the sign and took the opportunity to flee into the mountains, as Jesus told them in Matthew 24 . Jews stayed, and three divisions of the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem; and they camped, waiting for orders from Rome when Emperor Nero died. As a result, 1.1 million Jews died in and around Jerusalem; from starvation, pestilence, internal fighting, suicide, crucifixion and the Roman sword.

Wypełniło się także przekleństwo, które na siebie rzucili „jego krew na dzieci nasze”.





Updated: 23 August 2019 — 11:07


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  1. I it generally already waiting for the fall of the Harlot and the last Beast to be destroyed by Jesus.
    As long as we live in these times, and all signs point to it, we are unlikely to miss this world event 🙂
    „A dziesięć rogów, które widziałeś,
    and the Beast -
    these will hate the Harlot
    And make it desolate and naked,
    And they will eat her flesh,
    and burn it with fire,
    because God inspired their hearts to carry out His design,
    and that's one thing they did -
    And they gave the Beast his royal authority,
    Until God's words come true.

    1. We're not likely to miss it -- there will be signs....

  2. So John's Revelation is essentially about the times then up to and including the present day, not entirely about times related to the distant future?
    Although when it came to Daniel I always clearly identified it with Christ and saw nothing else there.

  3. What about the mark of the beast? Has nothing changed in that regard? Because I'm already a little confused... I've read a few posts here about the Tribulation and the rapture and lived believing it was going to happen, and now news like this, I'm a little confused. 🙂

    1. As for me it will be the mark of the beast because it has to be 🙂 In my opinion it will be digital money and it doesn't have to be a chip, it can be for example a tattoo and scanners everywhere. We will live and see. I hope that soon Babylon will end its activity :)))

      1. And I hope that the mark of the beast and the image of the beast won't be hard to recognize... Because there are a lot of options right now, and there may be new ones that we don't even expect and don't really know what for 🙁

        1. For those who know the Bible, this will probably not be difficult. No one who knows God and tries to keep the Law will worship an image. And it will be a commandment under the threat of death.

  4. „Słuchaj, Izraelu! Pan jest Bogiem naszym, Pan jedynie!Będziesz tedy miłował Pana, Boga swego, z całego serca swego i z całej duszy swojej, i z całej siły swojej.Niechaj słowa te, które Ja ci dziś nakazuję, będą w twoim sercu.Będziesz je wpajał w twoich synów i będziesz o nich mówił, przebywając w swoim domu, idąc drogą, kładąc się i wstając.Przywiążesz je jako ZNAK do swojej RĘKI i będą jako PRZEPASKA MIĘDZY TWOIMI OCZYMA.Wypiszesz je też na odrzwiach twojego domu i na twoich bramach.” V Moj 6:3-9
    It has always seemed to me that the mark of the beast is ungodliness and lawlessness. Perhaps the warning in the book of Revelation that no one without the mark would be able to buy or sell anything would involve breaking the Law.

    1. surely it will be the breaking of God's Law with the mark of the beast as in Daniel's day the statue was commanded to bow

      1. That's the point. Worshipping an image is not according to the Law of our God.

  5. Well, I don't understand. There won't be any great tribulation or kidnapping, so what will there be? As for Antek, I'd agree with that.

    1. I'm just a researcher and I take everything into consideration.
      According to me, there will not be a rapture before the Tribulation, but we will be in the time of God's wrath, as it must be called, protected.
      I have to put everything together again from the beginning.

    2. Mrs. Beato, the kidnapped will be 144,000 as it is described and another part of the people will be led to the place where they have God's preparation and the collect the rest of the people will have to go through tribulation

  6. znamie bestii to chipk który mają ludzie przyjąć na rękę lub czoło. tak włąśnie jest opisane w biblii „kto nie przyjmie znamienia bestii na rękę lub czoło…” ten mówiąc wprost nie będzie miał niczego.
    Why? Because in this chip everything that is in the current ID, driver's license, health insurance, etc., etc., will be accumulated to guide the individual. This chip will be connected to technology that will influence us, determining what we can and cannot do.

  7. Hi. Lately I have just been having doubts about what happens to us after death. As I understand your view Peter was that everyone is asleep and waiting for the second coming of Jesus. And I have argued this way in conversations with people too, yet there is the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. Maybe you will try to explain it in the nearest future ☺ The second thing is, in some text you wrote that in your opinion the last pope will be a Jew. There is a series called The Young Pope and now I saw the trailer for the sequel to New Pope. At the end of the trailer for a moment the word Jew Pope is made out of letters which gives the Pope a Jew.

    1. Hello Luke.
      I have sort of lined up the topic of the state of man after death. It began to intrigue me after reading the apocalypse where it says how the saints in heaven are calling out to God to intercede already, but God is still waiting.

      it's interesting...

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