Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Why was Patryk Vega's film "Politics" made?

A lot of interest was aroused by the film "Politics" by Patrk Vega, a director little known to Poles until recently.


Unfortunately, a significant number of people who are deprived of the moral compass that is the Word of God become enamored with this production, which is set in time for the election.


First, let's take a look at the trailer itself:



The first scene shows, if I read it correctly, the background of Mrs. Beata Szydło. It is supposed to be cozy and rural. But who was Lepper invited by Leszek Miller's government?

Later, we have the pro-leftist Andrzej Grabowski in the role of Kaczynski.

Once such a task was given to the Ani Mru Mru cabaret and unfortunately mocking did not help....

The person of Rydzyk was played by Mr. Zamachowski, who supported Kijowski's KOD together with Danuta Stenka, Malajkat, Seweryn, Jerzy Trela, Chyra and Peszek.


So the movie "Politics" is another attempt to deflect power, because it is not the program that counts, but the social engineering. Using famous people to build a leftist society.

My readers are well aware that I don't support PIS and never have, but of the two evils I definitely prefer PIS to the pro-gay Left, KODs, Spring etc.


What does Mr. Patryk Vega offer with his person? What worldview?

This is well reflected in his lifestyle.



Here is his faith.

But in Catholicism you can do anything: be against abortion and tattoo yourself with skulls at the same time:




Skulls, sex and rockn roll.

He receives gifts for his obedience to his spiritual master:



A car for two million zlotys.

All the famous people from the world of media and film will lend their image for a very comfortable living.

Here is the mystery of faith, Lamborghinis and dollars.


What is happening in Polish politics is a fight between two gangs: the godless left and the pious left, and the Poles are participating in this embarrassing right-left choice.


Ok, lots of truth plus mockery in the video.

I personally don't care who shaves us: the Zionists or the Vatican. Shaving is shaving. It doesn't matter if it's a scythe or a mower.

I wish they would give people back their lawns instead of arguing over who shaves.



As you can see, the godless left saves itself with films because they know very well that films have a big impact and much more than shouting from the parliamentary stand or giving a biting interview to the opposition. They have no more arguments. Nobody believes in their social welfare anymore, because they had many chances for social welfare for people, but they only shaved so that Mr Grabowski or Mr Vega could live in luxury.


The left has nothing to offer the Polish public. They have had several majority governments since the table without horns.


Getting excited about the movie "Politics" is the exaltation of people who are neither politically nor morally immature.

Why p  Flint - that's his real name - won't he make a movie about how it's LGBT pursuing pedophilia?

After all, in Sweden, an organizer of equality parades was caught for pedophilia.


On the other hand, pagans execute pagans. The film is due to PIS, but the opponents of PIS will not understand it, just like the opponents of the clergy did not understand Sekielski's film.

The movie "Just Don't Tell Anyone" gives vent to people who don't want to seek God. They already feel exempt from doing good. it is enough that they know the truth about the clergy.

It is the same with "Politics". Few people realize that there is no choice in politics, that it is in God that we should hope.


Vega's films are full of violence and in this case cynicism. However, nobody has to go to the cinema to know what Polish politics looks like. Anyway, a similar film entitled "Career of Nikos Dyzma" has already been made.


Mr. Vega would be credible to me if he brought people to the Bible, to true liberation. But oh well, I'm a voice in the wilderness and the real fight will be on the lefts-Catholics axis, i.e. between the gangs.




Updated: 12 August 2019 — 17:26


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  1. Speaking of movies. My wife and I were at the Lion King yesterday. The reality mapping effects were amazing.
    Technology has already prepared for the antichrist to deceive people.

      1. It's a very well done film. And a tear jerker.?
        The message as usual, to turn people away from the truth.

        In the end, the Lion of Judah's generation will prevail anyway. ?

        1. Thanks for the recommendation...

  2. I don't know if Vega is so little known... He worked on various films and TV series, he made also series and films like Pitbull (there was also such a series, so I'm not to make a mistake), Kobiety mafii (Women of the Mafia) or those other ones, where there were shootings etc. and cuss words were used thick and thick, and there was also Botox... But I wouldn't be able to watch it anyway, besides, not everybody likes this kind of films
    And after Polityka people are already eating in the comments under the trailer in various ways - that the guy made a full-length Ucho Prezesa (The Chairman's Ear), that it looks like all those memes about politicians were transferred to the big screen (there's also a film about the opposition, a small thread but you can see it in the trailer) and so on...
    Someone made a good remark about casting Andrzej Grabowski in the role of Kaczyński - as this actor is known for the role of Ferdek Kiepski, he can transfer these associations to the politician he plays and, well...

  3. One might as well ask why the film 'Smolensk' was made. You can ask a question where did the shaman from Toruń come from?

  4. In fairy tales, human characteristics are given to animals. Think about what for? Why were fairy tales invented and why do animals speak with a human voice? And a famous quote from a certain book: "G...are animals".

    1. I've been thinking about this lately.

  5. Fejs has this app that "gives features" of animals to people. Such innocent fun for youngsters...he, he. But what a mockery of unsuspecting teenagers they are.

  6. These are movies, and look how dirty politics must really be if there are more "suicides" recently in the jails of people who know something about politicians

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