Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Follow-up to the blog.

I'm revisiting a concept from summer 2018 that I reminded you about in the spring. In fact, I was about to give up blogging in early July but thanks to encouragement from readers and information from God in the form of a verse from Jeremiah, I'm back.



This concept will involve mixing donation income with advertising. Sadly, but I have to admit that I have acted irresponsibly over the last few years, mainly towards my family.

People who know me well know that this is a forced step and it is still a trial one. I will make my final decision in September or October.


I would like to show you that all the supposedly antisystemic portals, which, in my opinion, are not, have donation accounts and Catholics strongly support these portals.



National Media has an account for contributions:



Catholic wrealu24 live on donations:






The pro-Israel Idzpodprad lives on support:




Not to mention the enormous money that goes to the Vatican or to Rydzyk.


Below we ask for support for a priest in a state of dormancy, that is Jacek Międmar:





There are more right-wing and pro-Catholic sites like the above.



Gro blesses me verbally.


In the letter of James we read:


"If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and lacks daily bread, (16) and one of you would say to them, Go in peace, be warmed and filled, and you would not give them what the flesh needs, what good would that do? (17) So also faith, if it has no works, is dead in itself."




Since I took up blogging, my whole life has been focused on evangelism.

I've set up more or less successful websites like, which used to be very popular, a Christian social network and I'm opening new websites soon. Everything is focused around God and evangelism.


I publish 4 to 6 posts daily, I moderate comments so there is no heckling, I answer emails, I help, I organize prayers for people, I operate a facebook profile where I also answer inquiries, I organize reader reunions. Those who have my phone number call for advice, consult with me.



Sometimes just searching for information for one text takes me several hours. An entry is not the same as an entry. You can see the finished product, but sometimes I gather materials several days beforehand.

I also got into making videos. This also takes time. I have two channels on Youtube and soon I will open a third one.



The Bible clearly states:


The laborer is worthy of his wages. 1 Tim 5.


Unfortunately, but when people get something for free, they don't appreciate it. Because they are entitled to it.

This is the spirit of stinginess. Often, as I heard from the readers themselves, they had money for drugs, but not for supporting such missions. I was a little disappointed then, and I'm not talking about the fact that someone drinks a beer or a glass of wine, but about those who go a little overboard.


I've talked to a few people over the years and they've told me that they support me because they've always been stingy. Such a struggle with myself.


Others support, not for the biblical texts as they themselves explore (a small number) but for the mission of drawing people out of darkness.

Another group is the ones that my texts build up, put on their feet, give them faith.

Those who support me are zealous, good-hearted people, but there are also some enslaved people who see a good purpose.




There is another aspect to evaluating this support other than the bodily - the psychological.

The lack of support sends a message to me that I hold my mission and what I do in low esteem.



The Lord Jesus told the Samaritan woman that HE was the water of life. He was the greatest value to her.

By the way, from the age of 30, the Lord Jesus lived on help.



Zac Poonen talks about, among other things, how people should not judge others about their needs. He talks about how others criticize Christians because of needs that everyone has differently....

In the same video, Zac recalls how Jesus and the disciples were supported:


" And certain women, freed from evil spirits and from diseases: Mary called Magdalene, from whom seven devils came forth, (3) And Joanna, wife of Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others. These women provided them with monetary assistance from their own resources." 


When I introduced paid access on a trial basis about a year ago, a reader said this to me: "ooo now I'll be able to support you, because before that my husband told me it was stupid to give someone a donation". And she actually bought access then. Same content, but different perception. In this case by her husband.


The cost of access to the e-edition of Rzeczpospolita is PLN 144/month.


I don't ask for a penny from anyone. Nobody has to support me. I help both the supporters and non-supporters.



For those who want to support me, let me inform you that regularity matters. It is very important.


There is another aspect to all of this. I am probably not the only one who feels that we are such an informal ecclesia, where there are reflections to replace sermons in church, there is agape in the form of commentaries, and there are those who want to interact with others.

I even had this project of a separate site with Bible reflections available only to faithful readers, but it would be at the loss of new readers...Such an online church.


To sum up, after a July callback from my loyal readers and those who identify with my blog, I took up writing on a trial basis.


I sincerely thank everyone in the name of Jesus Christ for the voice of your heart.




I apologize to my small circle of friends on Facebook, but I have deleted my previous account, remaining at your disposal and, of course, maintaining the acquaintance.



For now, the ads will be on other sites, and I'll decide in September whether to blog, and in October whether to keep blogging.



For those wishing to support me, I provide my account number:




in the subject line: "selfless donation"



account no: 03102026290000910204005278


Thank you again in Jesus' name.





Updated: 11 August 2019 — 16:39


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  1. Dear Peter
    We read the Bible every Saturday and your work is not in vain because the Bible and your information change us. However, not everyone understands this and reads your news just for the sake of sensation. A year ago I already wrote to you that you should take commercials. Let this world also pay for exposing the truth about it, which does not change the fact that the support from us is due to you.

  2. In front of my block of flats the police pacified one of the residents about half an hour ago. I recorded this event with my cell phone. If the admin wants I can upload the video.

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