Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Pink Floyd in Poland.

Pink Floyd like hundreds of other performers belongs to the cream of Satan's system.


This weekend there was a concert near Slupsk, where there were many satanic graphics. Of course it was dominated by black and red colors.








In an esoteric song by bandleader David Gilmour showing the fall of Satan in the clip, the lyrics of the song read something more:


Let's do everything
To get out of here
Across the Fire Lake 
Or the East Gate of Paradise
We'll get out
Smash the lock, throw away the chains
Smash the lock, throw away the chains
Smash the lock, throw away the chains
Smash the castle

Let's do it
Let's do it our way
Let's go back to the day of the fall
And let's lose ourselves all over again
Sin - goodbye, Chaous - au revoir
If there is any heaven - it can wait
Sin - goodbye, Chaous - au revoir
If there is any heaven...

And the other wanderers
Before our eyes they turn into wraiths
All around furies and hulks
And fallen angels in disguise
Coincidence, Rumor, or Confusion
They will not disturb this delight
Coincidence, Rumor, or Confusion
They will not disrupt this...

To do
It attracts like a flame
Through darkness, night and gloom
The world is suspended on a golden chain
Coincidence, Rumor or Confusion
They will not disturb this delight
Coincidence, Rumor or Confusion
They will not disrupt this...

Smash the lock, throw away the chains
Smash the lock, throw away the chains
Smash the lock, throw away the chains,david_gilmour,rattle_that_lock.html


Roger suggests going back to the day of the fall and losing yourself again in rebellion.



And he cried in the power of his mighty voice, saying, Fallen, fallen great Babylon, and become a habitation of demons, and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and foul fowl" Rev. 



They are all believers...



A reader of my blog was at the concert. She wanted to make her parents happy last year....

What is not on the Internet I pass on to you from her. Well, at one point, two figures appeared on the telescreen: Alex Jones and David Icke, and satanic laughter in the background. She perceived this as showing these two men as disinformers who are blindly followed by people who lack God's compass. Incidentally, I believe that such people aim to channel the world of truth so that it will not come to Jesus.



Waters ridiculously sings about God in the song "What God Wants (Part I)"

God gets what he wants.
God help us all.
God gets what he wants.
The kid in the corner looked at the priest
l dragged his fingers
Across the strings of his bright blue Japanese guitar.
And the priest said:
"God desires goodness,
God desires light,
God wants chaos
l fair fight,
And what God wants he gets."
Don't be surprised, this is the dogma
Cried out by some foreign prophet.
Beetle and gazelle
They took Bibles off the hook.
The monkey in the corner was diligently taking notes
The lesson in your notebook.
God gets what he wants.
God help us.
God wants peace
God wants war
God wants hunger 
God wants the chains
God accomplishes what He wants.
God wants rebellion
God wants sex
God wants freedom
God wants semtex
God gets what he wants.
Don't be surprised.
It's just a joke -
A foreign comedian wept.
The donkey and the hyena took off
Hook plume.
The monkey in the corner wrote down
Notebook Joke.
God gets what He wants.
God wants pirates
God wants crack
God wants rains
God wants Latinos
God gets what he wants.
God wants voodoo
God wants chapels
God wants the law
God wants a half-wit
God wants crusades 
God wants jihad
God wants good
God wants evil
God gets what he wants.


After such a text, how can someone who has not come to know God want to come to him?

Such bands and frontmen are given success and money to lead but to hell.

Listeners who have not delved into God's Word in the Bible will concede Roger's point, but I ask: why didn't Mr. Waters create a song about how Satan does evil, how he almost destroyed Job?

Why doesn't he put together a text about the Jesuits, the Illuminati, etc.?

The answer is simple and I leave it to you.




Updated: 5 August 2019 — 11:27


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  1. Fortunately, I don't listen and have never been drawn to their music.

    1. Well, yes, but another one is probably similar in message...

    2. And it's a shame, because it's the best team in the world.

      1. Anyone can say that about their favorite band, and that's how the so-called idolatry comes about: worshipping gods in the persons of bands, music, leaders...
        You wrote in another comment about catholicity. Missed. We are not Catholic. Most people who are on the PF blanket are Catholic....

        You also wrote out of helplessness about intellectual backwardness. I had about 500 cassettes, I led the backyard hit list in the 80s. I know more about music than you, but you don't know anything about Satanism in music.

        I recommend the lecture series on YT titled Dilemmas of Music. Especially from episode 5,6 onwards.

        Do you really want to end up in hell?

  2. This is exactly the so called tribute band... such bands play mostly covers of songs by a particular band (here: Pink Floyd), rarely (if ever) having their own work... This is not the real Pink Floyd...
    Nevertheless, indeed, neither the graphics nor the color scheme are accidental....

    1. Are you normal ❓❗
      I was at the concert and it's beyond my head how you can write such stupidity. I recommend a 180 degree turnaround.

    I was captivated by the joy in this band, even though Catholic they have beautiful songs.

  4. Really? The world has fallen on its head, the three of you, the illuminati, the squares and David Podsiadlo. I am a believer, but what you are doing here may attract the attention of subversives, not believers.

    1. A believer? But in what god? The god of this world.

      John 15

      18 If the world2 hates you, know that it hated me first. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own property. But because you are not of the world, for I have chosen you for myself out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word I said to you: "A servant is not greater than his master. "3 If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept my word, they will also keep yours. 21 But all this they will do to you because of my name, because they do not know him who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had sin. But now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates Me, hates My Father also. 24 If I had not done among them works that no one else had done, they would not have had sin. But now they have seen them, and yet they have hated both Me and My Father. 25 But this happened so that the word written in their Law might be fulfilled: They hated Me without a cause.4
      26 But when the Comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he will testify about me.5 He will testify about me. 27 But you also bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning.

  5. Have you lost your mind, people? These are Waters' anti-war lyrics (The Wall). You need to think a bit, not translate if you've only had a little bit of English. It is so convenient to seduce, slander and frighten you with Satan. Look for Satan within yourself.

    1. yes, just as Gorbachev and JPII were for peace and freedom....

    2. As Nicko McBrain once recited - " Beware of creatures with three heads, stay out of things you don't understand". We raised on the Floyd find the real messages.

  6. Hmm. And priests listening to Pink Floyd molest altar boys? I dread to think what they do when they listen to Black Sabbath.

    1. ask the priests. We are fortunately not Catholic

      1. The Catholic Church is holy, and we make it up, sinful people. Let us not depart from the Church, but continue in faithfulness and trust in converting ourselves.

  7. Music fans are agitating for God's words like some kind of demons. So do LGBT people and other such...

    1. Whenever an idol is violated, the response is emotional, usually challenging, outraged, like some kind of sacrilege

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