Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Do you testify of this world that it is evil?

Today I was reading the gospel of John and an observation came to me. Namely, there are some people, among other readers of my blog, who represent a diverse cross-section of people as far as faith and religion in general are concerned, and who perceive my writings as discouraging because of quoting Scripture or showing the sins of this world.

However, I remember at the beginning of my conversion I was afraid to look where I felt my weakness, vices, some sin would be exposed. So now I understand people who are concerned about showing darkness in their lives or their idols.

Just yesterday, on Facebook, Monika wrote the following under my comment about Kukiz:


". And the showering of wisdom from the Bible is cosmic... such sacred content, so unnatural to our world. Find another language with which to reach people. Certainly not like this:


This was in response to my comment in which I included a Bible quote giving Kukiz's opinion.

The problem lies in the mistaken assumption that I aim to reach every person. It is worth considering all of this because it applies to all of us, which is to say, you Bible Christians.

We must not emotionally set ourselves up for the salvation of 100% people with whom we have the pleasure or unpleasantness of speaking and evangelizing. This is an erroneous and harmful assumption because it burns out the enthusiasm of evangelism.


Let me just remind you of the scene in John chapter 6:


As the Father sent me who lives, and I live through the Father, so he who eats me will live through me. (58) Such is the bread which came down from heaven, not such as the fathers ate and died; he who eats of this bread shall live for ever. (59) This is what He said when He taught in the synagogue in Capernaum. (60) And many of his disciples, when they heard it, said, This is hard speech; who can listen to it? (61) And Jesus, aware that his disciples were murmuring because of this, said to them, Does this make you angry? (62) But what if you see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? (63) The spirit brings life. The flesh helps nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life, (64) But there are those among you who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning who were the unbelievers and who would deliver him. (65) And he said, Therefore have I told you that no one can come to me unless it is given to him from the Father. (66) From that moment on, many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him.


I am not directing this blog to everyone, but to those who want to cling to the Father, and consequently to the haters of this broken world.

Here we come to the key quote in this consideration and observation of limited truth seekers.


 The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me, because I testify of it that its deeds are evil. John 7


The world cannot hate people who do not bring light.

Be glad if the world hates you, if your evangelism is met with resistance. Sausage evangelism is much more simple than truth and love evangelism, because truth is love and love is truth. Marching with Jesus is more fun than truth-throwing.


Some people say: "Because you have only bad news". If you want to have fun, start watching The Voice Of Poland, Kuba Wojewódzki Show or some comedy.

I'm already leaving out that there are edifying texts, but I know that those people saying this have news and conspiracy information in mind.



We have truth seekers with limited search territory. As long as it doesn't violate their personal idols.

For example, Korwin Mikke speaks a lot of truth about economics, but he won't say anything about the Jesuits or Zionism. Can you trust someone like that?

P. Michalkiewicz speaks a lot of truth about agents, but doesn't he know that the cult of Mary is idolatry? Such an enlightened man.


We have many jutubers supposedly anti-system who avoid the subject of the biblical harlotry by a wide margin. They will never say anything bad about the church except to comment on films like Sekielski's.

Truth with limited perception...

We have jutubers showing agents, but to Jesus they will not bring them because they are most likely agents themselves.

I have researched the truth for a long time, and I believe it is impossible not to follow the thread to the puck to Jesus. It is impossible. Hence, they give something not necessarily good for everyone.


Rejoice if the world hates you because of Jesus, because of pure theology.

But now comes at the very end of my text the essential question:


Do you testify in the world that the deeds of the world are evil?


 The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me, because I testify of it that its deeds are evil. John 7



After all, this is what your Lord did.....


Ms. Monica was moved by the testimony about Kukiz.

But you esteemed Bible Christian, do you testify about the world being evil? About the church's erroneous teaching, about your denomination's ecumenism, about evil in music, about politics as a tool of Satan, etc., etc... Or maybe you listen to hip hop, compromise on biblical principles, maybe you swear, etc...




Updated: 30 July 2019 — 14:36


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  1. In this world people love darkness more and they don't want and don't like to come closer to the light because then their bad deeds come to light.A man searching for the truth will come closer to the light and seeing his previous actions he will change them.It is a very painful process sometimes, but it serves to purify and sanctify oneself.Today people want to listen only to what tickles their ear and is comfortable for them.Once I heard that preaching about the necessity of conversion to Christ is considered as violence.

    1. Here's the thing.

  2. Good text. And exactly right - we cannot follow emotions - we know that the vector goes from God to man, not the other way around. Unfortunately, most people think it's up to God to conform to them. At one time, until quite recently in fact, I couldn't accept somewhere deep down that the vast majority don't listen at all (let alone hear), that most will not return to God. Seemingly a trivial thing, and yet it had a major impact on my behavior by nesting in the subconscious and silently imposing itself in everyday life. And it is very dangerous because the person is then lukewarm - torn left and right.

  3. This post is encouraging to me!
    I am not fully spiritually pure.
    I want to be with God and have Jesus in my heart, but at the same time I worry about what others say, what they think about me. It hurts me - at the same time I fight against it. This is my weakness. Some more.

    1. If you are worried about what others think of you, how they perceive you, that means you want to receive glory and honor for yourself from people, and that is idolatry, the worship of man.

      1. The reason for this was a difficult childhood.
        I don't hide it, but more than collecting glory - I care about not being hated by anyone - so I have a peaceful life, without nerves and stress - to which I am not very resistant - yet.

  4. None of the people will come to Jesus unless He draws them to Himself.
    Unfortunately, this is the truth.

    1. You're wrong, Martin. This will be the subject of my either video or reflection

      1. So what about the words "seek and ye shall find"? The heart must want to seek 🙂

  5. Interesting topic, I've been pondering it for a long time too and still do. But I think there are different evangelistic strategies that need to be adapted to the situation, which doesn't necessarily mean compromising, "sausage evangelism" (I like that term 😀 ). Nevertheless, it is possible. Yeshua also used different forms and did not always speak directly.E.g. The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man and other parables of Yeshua, in terms of style, are haggadahs (a popular literary style in force during the second temple period. Interestingly, this is how the Jewish sages taught moral principles to their students. One could just as well accuse Yeshua of taking an example from the world; Paul also quoted pagan poets. Apparently they had a purpose in doing so. The Bible is also a beautiful work of literature, including poetry, hymns, didactic treatises, and ten other literary styles. It was written by poets, farmers, military men, and philosophers under the inspiration of God, so this proves something. Not everyone is equally inspired; maybe God has inspired you, Peter, to this form of evangelism? And glory to Him for it.

    I think that the erroneous teaching of the church, ecumenism, evil in music, etc. can also be taught through rap - why not? I'll say more than that, few musical genres make it possible to convey so much content. Rap, stripped of all hip-hop and commercial surroundings, concentrating only on its form, is after all only rhyming words to the rhythm - and what words we use and to what rhythm is a completely different story. It's like playing the guitar.

    One of the attributes of God is that He is creative, so believing people should also be imaginative in this matter, although here it is easy to cross the line, nevertheless it is possible.

    I invariably wish you all the best and blessings!!! 🙂

  6. What do you guys think about conscious dreaming?
    Permission to be possessed by demons or something harmless?

    I'm asking because it's a chance to experience something I won't have on earth.

    1. OBEE is direct contact with demons. Discard this idea necessarily!!!

    2. Pablito, it's better not to get into it, I used to be a little interested in it in my 'old life' and I don't recommend it, it has demonic traits.
      And a very edifying and informative text thank you in the name of the Lord Jesus!

    3. I used to be like that, when I was asleep, I knew it was a dream and I could do anything, knowing that I could wake up at any time. But it was on its own. I would not go in this direction because you will wake up demons that are there but are hiding from most of the society. I'm sure you'll have some unforgettable moments. Only they'll be terrible moments you'd like to forget.

  7. And I have a question: What do you guys think about signing up for boxing? I would like to start training in September to get in better shape. I already do some calisthenics training, but I feel like I would like to do something else. Boxing, seems interesting to me, and typically masculine. I have no intention of competing, fighting in the street - none of that.

    1. I think you can go and let your conscience tell you if it is a good choice. I used to exercise but I was a non-believer. It seems to me that there is nothing wrong with healthy rivalry, but be careful that sport doesn't become your idol, because unfortunately that often happens when a person gets too involved.
      Some quotes here as well:

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