Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Foreign Legion - a unit with devilish values.

Today I read an interview with a soldier of the famous Foreign Legion and decided to extract some disparaging facts from the life of the average soldier that discredit him as a Christian:


Can you drink alcohol?

Of course. You can even get drunk every night just to be in shape in the morning.

What does the bible say about this?


 A don't get drunk wine, for it is the cause of debauchery,Eph 5




Are you prepared to have to shoot people?

The training is to develop automatic action. A soldier is supposed to act like a machine, locate a threat and shoot. We are taught to treat the enemy not as a human being, but as a target. He is dehumanized.


What does the bible say about this?


"You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these" (Mark 12:29-31)."



The whole thing is available here:



Interestingly, Legionnaires despite living against the Law of Christ celebrate what is called Christmas:


Légion étrangère for that is the original French name of the legion, is a product of Catholic culture, showing Catholic militarism, accepting people of all nations and backgrounds, dedicated to one common goal and bestowing a kind of secular forgiveness of sins through its traditional offer of anonymity to recruits, is a good reflection of the Catholic spirit. Indeed, two anecdotes may help illustrate this fact. First, there is the spirit of Catholic realism, perhaps best told in a devotional book "Paratroopers of the French Foreign Legion: from Vietnam to Bosnia".. A Catholic chaplain in Bosnia is found here distributing medallions of the Blessed Mother. He admonishes his legionnaires that the medallion "is not a substitute for good shielding and not a substitute for armor. I'm not doing voodoo here. So be careful," he says. "Well said, Father.

Catholicism's Top 10 - Part 1


Another curiosity is the badge of the 13th Foreign Legion Half Brigade:



13 ka is a strictly Masonic number, and if you add the dragon to it, it's all clear.



It is worth adding that Mr. Adolf Kudlinski was a soldier of the Legion. Of course, not every soldier is a Freemason. The Legion is a mercenary army...



But the most important symbol of the Legion is the Masonic pomegranate fruit symbolizing spiritual knowledge,

The Pomegranate Fruit is the first Plant Symbol that the Freeman and Freedwoman encounter in the Temple.




""the fruit which Eve gave to Adam, and Paris to Venus, is not an apple, but the fruit of the pomegranate, and that whenever an apple is mentioned in various myths and folk customs connected with nuptials it is to be guessed that a pomegranate fruit is meant" "

The pomegranate fruit on each column is itself made up of hundreds of tiny fruits, symbolizing for all of us Sisters and Brothers - brotherhood and harmony.


Another badge is the one below and on it is a pentagram like on the flags of most countries:



The Legion was created by King Louis Philippe of France 1831.


"Louis Philippe I was elected king of France through the efforts of La Fayette, who, to appease the republicans, carried out a revision of the Constitutional Charter. The powers of parliament were extended, the tricolor banner, the National Guard, freedom of the press and religion were restored. The French became citizens in their own country rather than subjects of the king. However, this did not change the system of power. There was practically only an exchange of aristocratic royal officials for rich bankers. So the positions changed, not the principles. Nevertheless, the social and freedom slogans of the July Revolution spread throughout Europe. They inspired the August uprising of the Belgians against the Dutch king, the December social revolution in Switzerland and in Italy and several German states, and the November uprising in the Kingdom of Poland."



La Fayette, on the other hand, was a freemason.


Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier Marquis de la Fayette (also Lafayette) (born September 6, 1757, Château Chavaniac, Auvergne, France; died May 20, 1834, Paris) was a politician, French aristocrat, liberal, and humanist. General, participant in the American War of Independence, freemason.


Digging for information I came across many more gems. This is one of them:


"Few people know that. "The Count of Monte Christo" by Dumas is a metaphorical description of the Black Jesuit Pope of his time, a vindictive, deceitful, and unctuous man. Dumas was a friend of King Louis Philippe I of France, who was an enemy of the Jesuits, and he also liked Giuseppe Garibaldi, an Italian revolutionary and enemy of the papacy.



Today, the church of Rome is ruled by just the highest ranking Jesuit....


In conclusion, the Foreign Legion is one of dozens or hundreds of organizations hostile to God but used for political games and wars. The paid mercenaries are just pawns in the game of papacy not only building their wallet but also their ego of elitism.


The Bible says that "he who is a friend of the world is an enemy of God" and the Legion absolutely is an enemy of God.

Let us pray for the soldiers of the Legion, that they may know the truth that will set them free.



Updated: 29 July 2019 — 13:25


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  1. Thank you for coming back
    Please pray for my Grazynka.She has had a high fever since Saturday. Often when we celebrate Shabbat something happens.As soon as Grazynka gets better we will continue to support you. And we encourage everyone to do so as much as possible I left a good (but in the world) job for Shabbat. Now I'm having a bit of trouble sorting out my work life hence the problems with supporting you regularly but I won't let go
    May the good Lord watch over all of you in our little community

    1. " Often when we celebrate the Sabbath something happens.J"

      For me, this is the norm.....

      Thank you for your kind words. I will certainly pray.

    2. Speaking of work.
      A reader offered me a license to (I can't say what for)....
      This is an election. I refused, of course.
      I wish you many blessings in this financial one.

  2. To think that as a teenager I dreamed of the Foreign Legion.

  3. Thank you for your kind words and prayers. We also pray for you and other readers that nothing bad will happen to you or other readers. I refused, explaining to him why, but he didn't understand, saying only that it was Luther who forged the Bible. Let what happens and God never wants bad things for us.
    May God help you and others like you

    1. you gave a powerful testimony. Praise God. May the Father bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.

  4. I didn't know ? thank you for the warning....

  5. The devil's structure haha good.When the enemy invades our country with rosaries we drive out the invader? I know a lot of soldiers who have more empathy and moral principles than a Christian. State proverb says the first one under the figure of the devil is behind his skin.

    1. Red, apparently you have not seen a biblical Christian.
      Besides, we're not Catholic, which is probably why you had a bad experience.

      I in the article do not judge the legionaries but the unchristianity of this unit.

      When the enemy assaults, we pray relying on God, for choose either God's power or our own strength.

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