Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The rise of a satanic temple in Canada and the development of satanism worldwide.

Yesterday I barely wrote about skulls, but already today I came across a news item about the creation of a temple of Satan in Canada in a restaurant where a skull is their logo.



There were barely about twenty people at the founding meeting.


Instead of an actual temple or other place of worship, they gathered at Koven, a bar decorated with skulls, spikes and drawings of the underworld.







"When we started, there were four or five of us at the meetings. Now there's this," Marc said, extending his tattooed hand toward everyone sitting at the tables. "And it's happening all over Canada."


As national coordinator for Satanic Temple Canada, Marc has overseen the group's most recent events since he started a chapter there in 2016.

Many members, including Marc, were raised in devout Catholic homes. Once they moved away from these beliefs, they found their way to Satanism.




Lately, Marc has barely been able to keep up with the sudden explosion of interest in Temple and says that hundreds of people across the country are trying to join in.


"We need to put a moratorium on new chapters because we literally have too much growth right now," Marc told the group. Attendees passed around pamphlets describing the satanic temple's mission as facilitating "communication and motivation of politically conscious satanists, secularists and supporters of individual liberty".



Their literature also explains that they do not worship the devil.

While his Ottawa-based group is the only official chapter of the Satanic Temple in Canada, a number of unofficial groups - called Friends of the Satanic Temple - have sprung up across the country over the past year. They want to become official groups, but first they must go through an official vetting process. And that takes time.

Marc recited the list from his phone.

"There are Atlantic Canada, Toronto, Montreal, one in Edmonton and one in Calgary, Saskatchewan and Winnipeg," he said, adding that Temple is trying to be methodical in the sanctioning process and expects most of these groups to receive official status next year.




While the group, founded in the U.S. in 2013, has played a clear role in the fight for separation of church and state, its Canadian counterpart is still shaping its identity and the issues it hopes to address.

"We have a place and a role to play in our community." - Marc said. That night, several members volunteered to organize their participation in the Pride Festival parade and hold a "no-baptism" ceremony in August. While members are not required to participate in any rituals, the Ottawa-based group organizes baptisms for people who want to undo the Christian rites imposed on them as children, and holds a Black Mass, which its website describes as "a celebration of blasphemy that can be an expression of personal freedom and liberty ".


The group cheered: "Hello Satan!" 

The man in his 50s, who wanted to go by the alias Mourning Starr because of fear of retaliation if he was publicly identified, said this was his third time at the Satanic temple gatherings, including the last "unbaptized" one organized by the group.

"I found out about it by reading the news on the computer," said Starr, who said he too was raised Catholic. "I can't resist the spectacle."

He said he is still deciding whether to become an official member.

"There's something humorous and clever about claiming to be a nontheistic religion to advance the separation of church and state," he said. "But in Canada, I'm not sure if we have the same problems or not.



What began as a small, mostly virtual satanic group has since grown into an international movement that boasts over 100,000 members, with 18 official groups in the U.S. known for provocative demonstrations of free speech, religious freedom and LGBTQ2 rights.


Awareness comes from word of mouth and the Internet, not through formal recruitment or proselytizing.

The group adheres to seven "fundamental principles," including that "the body is inviolable, subject to one's will" and "the freedoms of others must be respected, including freedom to offend."

Within a year of its inception, the Satanic Temple gained notoriety for organizing a "pink mass" at the grave of the mother of Fred Phelps, founder of the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church. "Pink Mass" was an example of extreme trolling and involved same-sex couples kissing over the grave as a ceremony to make Phelps' mother "gay in the afterlife."

The group grabbed international headlines and attracted a slew of new followers in 2015 when it unveiled its eight-foot-tall bronze statue of Baphomet in what was described as "the largest public satanic ceremony in history."

Members of the group unsuccessfully tried to install it next to the Ten Commandments monument at the Oklahoma Capitol in protest of the religious symbol on government property.

Ultimately, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ordered destruction of the Ten Commandments monument, because it violated state laws regarding the separation of church and state. The group perceived that as a victory .

The Temple then attempted to erect Baphomet in the state legislature in Little Rock, Ark. next to another monument to the Ten Commandments.




The group has shown no signs of slowing down this year.

In April, the group was appointed as an official tax-exempt church (I wrote about it) by the Internal Revenue Service in the United States.

"This affirmation will help ensure that the Satanic Temple has the same access to public spaces as other religious organizations, validate our position in court when fighting religious discrimination, and enable us to apply for faith-based government grants," the group posted on Instagram .





Last month, a temple member caused a ruckus in Alaska by saying "hello Satan" at the start of a southern district government meeting, prompting dozens of officials to walk out.



But perhaps the biggest boost in membership base expansion and brand recognition comes from a new documentary in theaters titled Hail Satan? which provides an engaging look at the group's evolution and activism.



The satanic temple versus the church of Satan



The satanic temple is not to be confused with the Church of Satan, which was founded in 1966 by San Francisco musician Anton LaVey, who died in 1997.

"The Church of Satan expresses vehement opposition to the campaigns and actions of the Satanic Temple, claiming that they are the only" true "arbiters of Satanism, while the Satanic Temple dismisses the Church of Satan as irrelevant and inactive," the Temple states.



LaVey, who played the devil in a film by a Polish Jew, Roman Polanski Rosemary's Baby , posted The Satanic Bible in 1969, and caused media storms through such things as televised Satanic baptism and a satanic wedding.



Many Satanists, including members of the Satanist temple, neither worship the devil nor believe in Satan as an evil force described in religious texts such as the Bible. Rather, they view Satan or Lucifer as a witty intellectual who confronts the status quo, more in line with the literary anti-hero of the Enlightenment found in John Milton's epic poem " Paradise Lost" .

The attitude is like from paradise "are you sure you will die eating this fruit..." (admin)


"They mostly use Satan as a symbol, as a metaphor," said Cimminnee Holt , a lecturer at Concordia University in Montreal who specializes in modern religious Satanism. "Most of them are atheists - not all. But even those who are not atheists still do not imagine Satan as a cosmic evil ".




As for the future of the Satanic temple in Canada, Marc says the group will continue to do charitable work locally and advocate for women's rights - this includes donating feminine hygiene products to shelters through the Menstruation for Satan program.



The group is also exploring applying for charitable status through the Canada Revenue Agency, similar to an organization in the United States.



The group closely follows the political rhetoric surrounding the federal election in the fall.

They are interested in politics because politics is a world of values. Christians don't, because pastors have told them it's the world. At the same time, they are standing up for welcoming draft age immigrants or LGBT.


It should be known that such groups, admittedly few in number but springing up like mushrooms after the rain, are the fourth league of world satanism.



I would like to point out the "bizarre" coincidence of the gesture with Mr. Robert Lewandowski:





I wrote that these satanists from Canada are fourth league because the most powerful are at the top of the LIBERTY in LEGALLY EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.


Portals like or mr katolics from wreal24 or videopresentations will not write about it for you... They are not anti-system. They are part of the Hegelian dialectic. One of the sides in the game of fooling people.


Catholic pseudo-right-wing portals (they do not follow God's Law) may write about such news, but they will no longer write about the fact that soccer is a new form of games, that music on radio stations is ungodly. Catholicism is designed to create a bridge with the devil's world.

There are probably some good priests. Quite a few leave the church, but most are mired in opportunism and welfare from the Vatican.


In contrast, most pastors teach intellectualism rather than sanctification. Bibles are learned by heart and the lives of believers are no different than those of Catholics. Of course, I am simplifying here, but depending on the church, this may be the case.


The fourth league of Satanism is like the activists of a political party. I was in politics so I know what it looks like. An activist in, let's say, a province or a country doesn't know what a useful idiot is doing, putting up posters. The fourth league of Satanism wants to unbaptize, but this baptism is not important at all in God's eyes. The only valid baptism in God's eyes is shown in John chapter 3.

The freedom that satanists preach is a lie. The only freedom one can have is from God. satan is a tyrant. Just look at the forced pension system, or forced education, or forced vaccinations, or forced conscription for the wars they organize.


They talk about freedom by demonstrating their religion, but a court in Canada specifically ordered them to take down the Ten Commandments monument.

Satanism is progressing and it has its people for that not only in such restaurants and on the internet but also in LGBT. But the center is in the Vatican. Who knows, maybe soon they will present Lucifer as Jesus after all there are already those who believe that Jesus and Lucifer are one and the same person. These are satanists conscious or unconscious.

They stretch verses like Jesus is the light and Lucifer is the light-bearer, so according to them they are one and the same person. Someone not born of the Spirit will swallow such a deception.

Another form of hidden satanism is the claim that it is enough to be a good person, but that this goodness is not filtered through the Word of God, but through themselves.

Bad times are coming, but let us lift our heads because news like this shows that Jesus the Lord of Lords is near.


Praise the Lord Jesus.


If you see some evil beside you, don't intellectualize about how bad it is, what times it is, but pray for the eradication of that evil, whether it be lgbt marches or a Muslim raid. Otherwise it will just be lukewarm and nauseating Christianity.





Updated: 11 August 2019 — 16:44


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  1. The name is also not accidental - Koven, or Coven - I think it's English for "cave, cavern" so it can already be associated with shelter, mystery ...

  2. As a consolation after a depressing post, I recommend the Truth Matters channel -> I so far have not detected a grain of falsehood in it, I recommend you to investigate, regards 🙂 .

    1. from what I remember, he's drifting too far into cosmology

      1. You can skip the series acct, but is the mere desire to understand how the world was created a bad thing? I ask because I do not know, it is not a rhetorical question. If one does not go into it further, into some astrology etc., is it bad?

      2. They don't drift off into cosmology, they just try to understand the creation of the world based on the Bible.

        Sometimes you drift away by claiming that there are galaxies or other NASA creations.

        1. I see Charles your reading my blog in vain because nowhere did I write that there are galaxies that's for one thing.
          I think I've outraged some idol....

          Second, you are clearly a hater because you write to me that I am drifting away, which is disrespectful.
          It's different when you write about someone somewhere you're not talking to, and it's different when you address someone directly.
          If you disrespect me, I'm sure you respect others, but know that knowledge does not save. Jesus saves. If you know Jesus, this truth about Jesus and not about conspiracies will set you free, which I wish with all my heart.

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