Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A Christian doctor can lose his job over praying with a patient.

A Christian doctor in Britain who often prayed with his patients is under investigation and could lose his job over spiritual practices.


I lost a doctor friend because I offered him prayers for patients....


Richard Scott, a 58-year-old general practitioner, often prays with patients suffering from depression, anxiety or addiction, reports The Sunday Times .

But the General Medical Council (GMC), the organization that oversees and licenses doctors, is now investigating Scott based on a complaint from a patient who reportedly felt uncomfortable and vulnerable through prayer. NHS England, which runs the National Health Service system, is also investigating him.

"They are bowing to aggressive secularism," he told the newspaper. "Public safety is where they are, but suddenly they've turned it into a big issue."


Scott works at Bethesda Medical Center in the town of Margate, about 80 miles east of London.


British National Secular Society (NSS) - it's interesting that such a thing exists - reported to the General Medical Council in May that a "highly sensitive" patient felt "discomfort when using prayer," The Telegraph newspaper reported. The NSS complaint says Scott was warned beforehand about "expressing his religious beliefs in a way that disturbs" the psychologically anxious "patient."

Scott maintains that his actions benefit patients.

"The NSS is clearly taking shots at me - and I wish I would lose my job because they don't like me," he said. "... They think I'm irresponsible and dangerous and I would say the same thing about them."


It reminds me of Jesus' announcement:


“2 You will be hated by all because of my name." Mt 10



A GMC spokesman said the body had a "duty to investigate". 


"No one alleges that he ever forced religion on anyone or that his faith ever impeded his ability to provide medical care," - he said


. "... [The Christian faith is] central to our country's history and our traditions. Its legacy is evident everywhere. It is true that today no one expects a person in a position of power and responsibility to be a practicing Christian. However, we seem to be heading for a disturbing situation in which the profession of faith becomes an active disqualification of ".


Evidently every possible Luciferian agenda has created an official war against Biblical Christianity, against Biblical values.

Ikea and the fired employee. Satanic invocations in US city councils. LGBT. Secular organizations. The times of the Great Tribulation are coming and I ask myself: who will burn the Harlot?

But about that and my thoughts maybe in the next article.






Updated: 5 July 2019 — 19:09


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  1. Sometimes I hear that Christians are not persecuted, as this graphic shows
    But reading articles like this I sincerely doubt it.

    1. Hah, good one that graph. :/ Like someone already wrote in some comment that "statistically it's a man walking a dog with 2 paws and half a tail" 🙂

      1. 3 paws 🙂 statistics are deceiving 🙂

  2. It's a shame for the man, even more so if he was trying his best to do his job...

  3. Terrifying, cruel, and ruthless power, but even the darkest night cannot stand before the light, for night is only a void, a name for where day has not yet appeared

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