Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The demonic "Spirit of Competition" in sports. The idol of sports.

Once again, my brother in faith has led me on a path, completely transforming my thinking, and if you are consistent and love God unreservedly, you too will follow the message of this text.


Over the weekend I consulted my text about Madonna and Lewandowski with a friend of mine in the faith. Since he is more radical than me in some things and is concerned about sanctifying himself and his family, he explained to me the issue of the spirit of competition, which was the reason for writing this text.


Until now, and I myself, I thought that competition was a healthy thing.

But let's look in general how the dictionary of Polish language defines the word "rivalry":


competition "claiming priority or getting something or someone"
competitive - compete


Did you know that there is a competitive spirit in Christianity itself? There are lots of groups fighting with each other. Because of this I have been slandered on the internet by two people who have a competitive spirit. One from a salvation forum and the other from a Jesus monopoly.

I, for one, do my own thing and don't look at who has a bigger audience, etc. Until a year ago I could afford to post pastors' teachings because I thought we were in the same group and everything was ok until I stopped agreeing with the teaching. Well, there are many haters among pastors too.


But let's focus on sports. A key buzzword in the definition of competition is "competing for priority" or "getting something or someone."


What does Scripture say about this?

The fact that I have read the NT a number of times gives me the freedom to associate verses and thus look at the world through the filter of God's Word:


 This is how they came to Capernaum. When he was at home, he asked them: "What did you discuss on the road?" 34 But they remained silent, For on the way they quarrelled among themselves about who was the greatest35 He sat down and summoned the Twelve and said to them: "If anyone wants to be first, let him be last of all and servant of all!"" Mark 9.


Look, by wanting to be greater, and therefore claiming priority, the apostles gave in to the spirit of this world: competition.

I for one have sometimes experienced a competitive spirit among Christians. You want to be better? Go evangelize, help others.


What do all games, tournaments, matches end up being in sports?



What does Scripture say about this?


"He who humbles himself will be exalted-Luke 14:7-14"


Well, we live in a strictly Roman culture, and so the podium is Roman as well. In the Roman circus, it was an elevated place meant for the privileged (emperor, senators, etc.). The Roman Empire still rules.

But but you know how pastors perform?



And what does a place for Romans to speak look like?



What's the difference? None.


Some probably a significant portion don't realize that they are above others.

Personally, I have long been opposed to the current convention of worship services. One person speaks and others listen. This is not how it should be.

A reminder of what the house of ecclesia looked like:



Domus ecclesiae an example of a non-Jewish model of Christian ecclesia.

I don't mind having one or more smart people speak, but not in such a bossy form.



In combat sports, people want to beat others, and so they compete against each other. I am surprised at those Christians who send their kids to train. I consider it an act of non-conversion. I wrote about my testimony when I gave up karate with my son. Admittedly, it was for other reasons, but I loved combat sports. I practiced about 5 styles and even 3 years ago I had a great desire to go to Wing Tsun. I like these sports not for the competition, but for the very pleasant state after training, such a crispness. Currently I replace it with running. Almost the same effect.


Yesterday I wrote about the likelihood of top football players participating in Freemasonry. With this knowledge and the fact that it is a competitive spirit, we should quit watching soccer or other competitive sports altogether.


We live in a Roman culture and nothing has changed in 2000 years.

This is what the Colosseum looked like:



And this is what Roman Catholic culture looks like today:



Once the Emperor and the governors. Has anything changed?

Governor of Rome 21st Century:

Ancient Rome:





There is a movie called "Rose's War" where Michael Douglas and his wife competed with each other to the point of divorce and eventually death, if I remember correctly. The movie was a comedy, but it showed how even in marriage there is competition with each other, which is against the Bible for one reason: they become one flesh. The hand cannot be against the leg...

Don't you often hear in people "you always want to be right"? That's the spirit of competition, because it's not about wanting to be right, but about substantive arguments.


The competitive spirit hiccups in such realms and moments of daily life that you don't realize. Another example is driving a car on the road. Everything is fine when it is right. But just let someone run over someone, someone overtakes someone, and you can see the "kindness" sometimes.


Have you heard of something like this at work, in companies like leakage? This is also the spirit of competition.

In addition to the back-and-forth shown in the Mel Gibson movie "What Women Want" and the Demi Moore movie "On the Web," employees compete with each other in turnover. This often breeds an "end justifies the means" type of character. Hence, so many professions and positions are immoral, such as the bolier room mentioned on this blog:


Praca w „kotłowniach” nadzorowana przez demona mamony.


If we want to live by the principles of old Israel, then that Israel did not compete, there were no idols of sport.


The history of the Olympics key to understanding who you worship.


The games were called the sacred Olympic Games in Greece and were held in honor of the god Zeus.


I would like to remind you that in the opening letter to the church at Pergamon in the biblical book of Revelation, the author addresses the addressee:

I know where you live: where Satan's throne is (Rev 2:13)


Satan's throne was located in Pergamon and he referred to Zeus.

Currently its reconstruction is in Berlin:



Here is the Tribune during Hitler's time:



Turkey and Germany and Satan's throne at Pergamon.


Someone who out of ignorance wants to trivialize the above facts may say "it's the accepted way". Well, both the Greeks were people who were against God and practiced Satanism, and Rome and so far we have a continuation of beliefs conventionally called pagan, which are in fact pagan and frankly speaking I don't care what anyone writes about me because I have a sports idol. I am not bound by anything and so I have the freedom not to defend anything I love except God. It is obvious that someone who loves sport will negate this text, but it is not my religion. Let me remind you that religion in Latin means binding. Today there are no more statues and people do not pray to Zeus, Athena etc. Today they worship them through a lifestyle that corresponds to the particular idol. For example, someone who likes to party and drink is subject to Dionysus. Someone who loves sports is subject to the goddess Nike - goddess of victory. Someone addicted to sex has their goddess Venus or Eros. I remind you that condoms are colloquially referred to or used to be referred to as "eros". Sex for the sake of sex and commitment. The goddess of the New Age is Gaia.


This friend of mine pointed out to me that sports news has a special section in every newscast. The god of sport has a section for himself. The God of competition has time for his fans, or rather they have time for him.


Now look at how much money goes into sports. How much money football players, basketball players earn and how they become idols, not Jesus.


Add to this the rivalries of fans and pseudo-fans and you will see what this demon is.

Not to mention corruption (vide "Soccer Poker").


By the way, how can someone who beats (intentional term) others in the face say that he believes in Jesus. There was a song called "Love is easy to say"...

Is making the sign of the cross on your chest a sign of belonging to God or is it cutting off Satan. It's just like Christian hip hop...

All "believing" athletes are Catholic, and therefore Roman, and therefore pagan, and therefore opposed to God.



Nike, Adidas and many other companies are corporations that worship gods.


Can we be surprised that the vast majority of Catholics participate in Roman sports?

What would you say about giving up your sports idol theater by showing others that it is paganism? Can you afford it?

Well, I don't care about the number of people reading me. Of course I would like it to be as many as possible, so that people would come to God, but I won't suck up to particular groups (idols).


Think about it, if the same money that goes into sports went into evangelism, the whole earth would have overcome sin and Satan long ago.


True Israel at the best time of history for itself, that is, during the time of King Solomon, did not fight, and therefore did not compete with any surrounding state, because it had peace assured from God.


However, there is a legitimate and acceptable spirit of competition in Christianity:


"Love one another as brothers. Exceed in showing respect for one another. Romans 12.10"


He writes this perversely, of course, so that we race in love among ourselves. This is the only acceptable race and competition.


Praise God in Jesus' name for the truth that sets you free,

That we no longer see a rival in the other person.


"The battle we fight is not with the flesh, but with the authorities." Ephesians



Truth Detective.




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Updated: 27 June 2019 — 13:02


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  1. Everything is correct. I used to play amateur basketball and had demonic attacks (competitive demons). It's time to put an end to that, especially since I only got a tendon injury - as they say sport is health, which of course is not true.
    Health is a walk with lorent and watching the works
    Lord Jesus. ?

  2. Hmmm... I wouldn't demonize the competition itself so much, because if it's not accompanied by jealousy, sick ambition, etc. it can be a reason for growth. When I listen to people who quote Scripture from memory, know it well, understand the cultural context of the times, etc. it motivates me to learn even more about the Word and all that is associated with it.

    Besides, Paul also wrote:
    "don't you know that the athletes in the stadium all run, and only one wins the prize? So run so that you win the prize"

    running for the prize involves some form of competition, but during the competition runners don't talk to each other, don't touch each other, so there's no place for any form of aggression 😀 - only skills count here - and this is in a way a healthy competition.

    I think that even among successful athletes there are modest people who do not boast of their successes, treating them only as the result of work (and what work!), because "every laborious work brings profit" (Prov. 14:23) 🙂 Blessings!

    1. Don't you know that the athletes in the stadium all run, and only one wins the prize? So run so that you win the prize."

      Paul also wrote that we should put on the helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit, etc. He took the example of the Roman soldier's dress. Does that mean we can dress like that too? No.

    2. For bodily exercise is profitable unto little, but godliness unto all is profitable, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.
      1 Tim 4

      1. Good quote, the one in 1 Tim 4...complements the note....

  3. A soldier and a runner is a certain symbol - you know. A disciple of Christ has the same character traits as a good athlete and a good soldier, but that doesn't mean that we should be soldiers or athletes (although that's what Paul was referring to). Nonetheless, I respect athletes in a way because their performance is proof that a person has "character", a will to fight and ambition that it would be worthwhile for Christ's disciples to have as well and thus seek Christ/the Holy Spirit with no less zeal. Blessings!!! 🙂

    1. Thank you.
      Here I think similarly.
      May God's Spirit guide you

  4. I am not particularly interested in sports as such, but unfortunately I watch them sometimes. I have to limit it even more.

    1. It's not some kind of must. It should come from the heart, Magda's conviction?

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