Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

What does Madonna's latest album title mean and what does it have to do with Robert Lewandowski?

Madonna is now one of the most illuminati singers in the world along with Kate Perry or Lady Gaga. That's why it's worth deciphering what they are poisoning the hide (occulte - to cover) of the youth with.

Why is Madonna returning to the mainstream at all?


Madonna shows an alter ego on her Madame X album, and it's scary because the things shown in the video confirm what we know behind the scenes about Illuminati activities....

Anyway, people like her are victims of MK ultra, or programming like all other celebrities who hear voices in their heads.

They at first sell their souls for fame and fortune.



Her nickname on her forehead, and her lips red with Madame X written on them show her belief of what is to come.



Madonna sings "oh God" in one of her songs, but that's not our God. We have nothing to do with her god.

She is a slave to the Illuminati, media celebrities are slaves to these elites who rule the world. In their moment of fame here on earth on the outside they are beautiful, but on the inside they are horribly ugly.

In a moment here and now they will spend the rest of their lives in hell, and so will their fans.


In the shot below, you can see not only the famous veiled eye motif (the eye of Horus), but also the gloves.

What do you think, does this combination of summer shirt and gloves fit? If not, what might they mean?

He probably has so much blood on his hands that he has to wear gloves. Baal worship still exists. Masons also have their famous gloves signifying that they are clean despite what they do. Aprons also protect from dirt. Every housewife knows that it is possible to get dirty while cooking, and so she wears an apron.


In the next shot, Madonna is holding a whip in a sexual position with a young man. This shows or rather represents sex slavery. Celebrities have masses of these. I remember Cher famous in the 80's and her flock of lovers. Some things are on the internet. Take a look:



Cher appeared on the show "Watch What Happens Live." The star spoke openly about her sexual adventures.

- He's a great guy," the singer said of Tom Cruise, with whom she had an intimate relationship for some time. - I've had the best lovers in the world. Cruise is in my top five.,676442,title,Cher-miala-najlepszych-kochankow-na-swiecie,plotka.html?ticaid=11da54



Cher even had a collection of young men.

Cher is considered one of the most important icons of the LGBT community


As for MADONNA, later in the video, Madonna is already dressed in a wedding gown and makes no secret of what she has on her hands:



...and it has blood. No bride wears red gloves. It shows again who she works for. They are fooling you by laughing in people's faces because people just get excited about it and cheer them on by buying concert tickets and CDs.

Who is Madonna marrying? A young man, and it is all the same whether he is the Illuminati as a symbolic spouse or Satan himself. She betrays herself with her faith.
The entire music video is in a black and red color convention.
Let's move on to the X.
I have researched the topic and it is very interesting.
The X is primarily a symbol of transformation as detailed in the Scottish Ritual of Freemasonry.
The disciples of Freemasonry have to pass all degrees, but at the 17th degree the truth is given to the initiate. It is as if up to the 17th degree there is some knowledge accessible to the public and at the 17th degree the secret knowledge, which is also connected with their "blessings".
This part of the ritual as a reference to the point in the sky where the celestial equator crosses the plane of the ecliptic, essentially referring to changes made over time. This seventeenth degree signifies the transformation of spiritual power in The Law of Love (Which is reminiscent of the words of occultist Aleister Crowley " Love is the law, love over will ", and it should also be noted that Crowley's Babalon Star serves as the logo for his Thelema system, which has X and O in the upper center):
 Hegelian dialectics (the creation of a New World Order through new cultural "norms"), Baphomet with its aspects of dual sexuality (that is, both female and male), and the pillars of Boaz and Jachin that show us the entrance to a new mystical place of transformation.
To add a little more to the idea of Baphomet and transformation; you will read further that ancient Egypt was unified when the northern and southern regions that were combined. They also combined the deities of Horus and Seth and said that it symbolized synthesis and integration by showing the red and white headgear together:

Perhaps these ideas of transforming humans into some new being are why we see characters like the X-Men who are mutants with "super" powers. The plot of this group is to sympathize with these people who are labeled as outcasts, and some theorists believe that this is a way to anticipate programming us to accept changes in the creation of man and woman.


According to my observations this X gives power to the actions of illuminati stars. I have some experience with a Romanian Muslim, owner of a big company, who told me that companies having X in their name have ... luck. Of course, this is one of many symbols of "luck".


There's probably a reason the famous talk show is called Brand X with Russell Brand.




Another theory is that the "X" stands for death; a journey to a final unknown place. Texe Marrs says it is a symbol of the Egyptian deity Osiris,





We see him in photos in Egyptian pyramids and temples, while we also see pharaohs buried with their arms and legs crossed in devotion to this sun god.



The idea has permeated pop culture, being used in sayings such as "pass my heart and hope to die," and in cartoons, in which we see an "X placed on the eyes of dead characters.


The Perfect Sign of the Master of the Royal Arch is the first sign involving the crossing of arms on the chest, which says that the initiate will be punished by death if he ever reveals the secrets:


This talk of oaths is reminiscent of the earlier phrase "I have a heart and hope to die" - is an oath that contradicts the Christian dogma that no oaths are uttered. In Matthew 5: 33-34, Jesus Christ himself warns us against swearing an oath to anyone other than God


You will certainly recognize the latter symbol as the well-known Yale Skull and Bones secret society, which also features crossed bones with a skull:




Theorists also claim that the "X" marks important "Illuminati" events. This symbol is used throughout the "Illuminati" web so that all members know who and what is designated as one of the people or events that have some influence in the Illuminati community.


Kylie Minogue has released an album titled X, which is supposedly her tenth album, and it has 13 songs.


Big Sean the American rapper shows us everything with a keen eye and an "X", slowly transforming into these occult ideas:



Here is The Weeknd with the song " Earned It" from the movie soundtrack 50 Faces of Grey :



Examples can be multiplied by Generation X, whose marker of belonging here is supposed to be abnegation, nonchalant style and way of life, Another example is the X box or the X-Files.


Now I answer the title question what does Madonna have in common with Robert Lewandowski?



As we know both people are very famous and very rich. But this is not yet a common denominator of distinction.


So let me show you what is so very special about both stars.

Well Madonna's latest albom is called as you know just Madame X. At the beginning I showed you that at the end of Madonna's video she is wearing red gloves and a bride outfit at a wedding ceremony, which I interpret to mean that X as a sign of transformation transforms her and the whole satanic milieu into a group marrying ...Satan.

As we know, we live in the end times and our, Christ-followers (bride) bridegroom is Jesus Christ, but Satan also has his bride whom he prizes.

Madonna, for her success at the end of her life, gave herself to her master of the world of death and thus the "X men".





But what does Robert Lewandowski have in common with Madonna?

Well, according to my assessment, and it is a subjective assessment, which please take as a conspiracy theory, p Robert Lewandowski also shows the X sign.

But before I show it, I'd like you to see a thank you with other signs:



Psc of the movie:



Lewandowski explains the X sign with the X chromosome under the birth of his child and this is the official version trotted out by journalists after many months.



The problem is that here not only are the hands in the shape of an X, but, as with the Pharaohs, the fingers are still extended.


How it is in reality, whether Lewandowski belongs to the Illuminati or X is a sign of what Madonna is, I leave the answer to you. I have my own opinion.



If Mr. Lewandowski's carnation is what I think it is, then we totally shouldn't soil ourselves watching soccer, and the very fact that Catholics notoriously watch it speaks for itself.


It is true that another football player, Griensman, gave thanks with the carnation Take the L. (Take the Lucifer).




The Bible says that the whole world is stuck in evil, and charitable actions like Ronaldo's are for show, which is contrary to the Bible and Jesus' teaching, and in turn typical of Freemasons showing themselves to be supportive.


"But when you give alms, let not your left hand know what your right hand does, That your almsgiving may remain in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will give back to you. " Matthew 6


This is the result of my search as to the X issue.

By giving the title Madame X, Madonna shows that she is Lucifer's mistress and does what she is told to do.







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  1. The Lord is Near

    Good article, I would like to address the topic you brought up. You wrote that "celebrities" show these occult symbols because they are in some sect, illuminati, or satanism. Well, no, I researched the matter some time ago, and I will tell you that a lot of people (also from the music community), show occult symbols unknowingly. In my opinion, such people are under the influence of the antichrist, and unfortunately, it comes out naturally in them.

    For example, there are certain rap and trap musicians (a musical genre) that I considered to be certain satanists. Skulls, pentagrams, depressive lyrics in music, occult signs and symbols. They are young people in the range up to 30 years old. I watched some interviews with these people, looked through their various community activities, and surprisingly, they are not satanists.

    Some people are very confused, they seem to believe in something, but they don't believe in anything, plus they sometimes read for example crowley etc. And engaging in such things, for example, makes these people naturally do what they do, show what they show, unconsciously. Spiritually it plays out in such a way that even on the outside you might take them for Racial Satanists, but when you take a closer look at some of them, they are lied to by Satan, lost people, often depressed, etc.

    I think that rock stars, for example, the first ones, knew what was going on, although they are also lied to, thinking, for example, that Satanism is just theology and Satan doesn't exist, which is of course a lie, Satan is merciless, even "he lies to his own people"... But today, these young artists don't have to be Satanists at all to be able to say, even from their lyrics, that they are Satanists.

    Closer and closer to the end we are, and the spiritual world is running strong. The Lord Jesus is near

    1. Some of these small caliber parrots.
      But what top shelf know what they are doing.
      In exchange for advertising the satano system they get contracts, get into commercials, etc.

      Szymek, you say that you have researched the topic. How? Did you go to music stars and ask if they are illuminati?

    2. I come to the same conclusion. Every now and then I see some new, young rapper either with a demonic image or smuggling in some pagan, occult elements, and if you look closely, he doesn't necessarily do it consciously.

      Let's note that young artists are inspired by someone and usually it's someone from the mainstream, so necessarily the spirituality of mainstream artists influences the spirituality of people new on the scene. And just like you write - they are lost, looking for a way, some sense and it happens that they read/listen to people involved in the occult, which additionally opens them to demonic influences.

      This is why I believe that some of these "musical satanists" have no idea that they are driven by a spirit. World-famous rappers are one thing, and local artists are quite another (although probably even among our own there is someone who consciously traded his soul for 5 minutes of fame).

  2. As for Madonna and other superstars mentioned here, you could guess from the beginning that they signed a pact with the devil. Robert Lewandowski, on the other hand, I have heard several times, loudly says to journalists that he owes his success to God and thanks him for everything. ?

    1. Bedoes stated in one of his tracks that he is very close with God, but his lyrics and behavior say the opposite. If he believes in God, it is either a dead faith or he is talking about another god.

  3. Who would be interested in symbolism, just an artistic performance. The important thing is that the video is cool and the music pleasant to the ear (it's a pity that it's not for the soul).
    I can't even look at some of the artists (the spirit of antichrist is strongly noticeable in them even on google images), let alone listen to their songs (which we are often doomed to do in the workplace, where the radio plays nonstop) without feeling inner discomfort.

    Sad that man, created in the image of a God full of glory, has allowed himself to be so debased and continues to allow himself to be debased... and sorry for those who blindly follow them - where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    1. But there are worthy rappers who behave righteously and lift your spirits. Whenever I was tempted to sin, I always played Hinola and Janopw- Ządze, a song imbued with goodness and a great message. Also ak-47 is full of notes about God - the real God.

      1. Christian hip hop, Christian punk, Christo polo, these are all bridges that connect Christians to the world.

        1. Zac poonen had a sermon on Christian music artists

            1. The other way around. Maybe I'll upload it when I find it.

      2. Of course it is. I don't lump them all together, even today I still like to listen to good, valuable rap.
        As for AK-47 - actually one of the rappers on the Polish scene worth listening to. Unfortunately, a few years ago he started to swim in new age and I stopped following his activities. I don't know how he is now, but I wish him to find the right and the only Way, which is Jesus Christ.

        To admin - after all, this is how the gospel gets to "street people" and blockheads. God grant that the hearers will be encouraged enough to persistently and wholeheartedly seek the Creator until they find Him.

  4. I agree, what does light have to do with darkness. A little acid, the whole cake sours

  5. Music has some kind of magical power. So do Ouija boards, pendulums and other occult items. I only tolerate birdsong 😀 .

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