Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Christians enter into the power of the spirit of religious authorities.

I came to the following thoughts fairly recently, after consulting with my friend and brother in faith.


Let me preface this by pointing out that I myself have also fallen into the power of the spirit of authority in recent years.

What is this spirit?

Spirit in the demonic sense is any idolatry, idolatry.

When I started around 2010 with my faith I fell into the spirit of authority of a well-known conspiracy site. I was completely uninterested in what Jesus was like and what God expected of me, just what Mr. Henry would write.

Once I noticed the bad fruit on his forum, I left the forum ostentatiously as I wrote about several times. I left because he didn't care about the fruits of his readers on the forum, and I didn't get out of the swamp politics to experience again the rudeness that still lives there.


Moving away from Henry, I started listening to pastors. Even now I think there is nothing wrong with that. The problem is that I only changed names from Henry to e.g. PaulW. or Zac P., then Andrew C and that was the end of the latter, because I had to understand after about as many as 7 years that the reality is Jesus. For all those seven years or so, the phrase "the reality is Jesus" was a slogan that I did not understand. Did you know that you can repeat certain biblical quotations foolishly without understanding them with the eyes of your soul? It can be done, for real.


I once made a video about a quarter-truth:



In it I showed how the various denominations give quarter-truths.

Each has some seed of truth and binds people with leaders, with certain slogans. It may be charisms, it may be the Sabbath, it may be baptism, it may be the name of Jesus. Speaking of the name, did you know that Christians can divide themselves because of the name of Jesus?

I will prove by listing these horseshit, these quarter-truths, these powers of authority who want to seize the religious electorate:



  1. Isus
  2. Jehoshua
  3. Yeshua
  4. Jehovah
  5. YHWH


I recently came across an online teacher who teaches that God is Hayah. I look it up on the Internet by typing in "Hayah" and the results of the Heya mobile network come up, and then I get to the elitist meaning of "I am who I am" from the Hebrew.


If you don't speak in tongues, you're not born again. The problem is that the mass of people who speak in tongues are spiritual bullies.


A sect can be established very quickly on the basis of partial truth and making that truth elitist. People want to feel special because of biblical knowledge, and I have been stressing for about 4 years that knowledge does not save.

I believe this sense of elitism stems from spiritual pride.

Look, Adventists have their handful, Jehovahs have 144,000. The Isus people also. But the criterion is not the group, not the denomination, but Jesus.


Someone will say, but how is it Jesus, after all, everyone believes in him. For a long time, and for me too, it was an abstract statement that the only thing that matters is Jesus. Everyone will say that Jesus is his Lord. So what is the criterion?

And this is where we get to the point.

You are not living in the power of authority only when your life is submitted to Jesus, and that means obedience. Just as he did and we should do.

I'm not going to elaborate on this, and I've certainly already written more than once about what Jesus was like, but I'll just mention it ad hoc:


-quiet and humble of heart,

-he always asked the Father,

-he celebrated the Sabbath,

-he didn't live the world,

-helped others,

-he was against religiosity and deceptive teachers

-he didn't eat the hog,

-had no authority except the Father,

-was gentle in telling others about sin,

-he forgave,

-healed, set free,

-does not enter into ecumenism with followers of other religions


Jesus shined by not shining. He shined with humility. If he lived in the present day he would be the first revolutionary. But not on the level of politics, but of spirit and values.


I can't believe my eyes and ears when I see how many online preachers have crowds of viewers despite the bad fruit.



One of them mentioned in my text wrote a poem in which he wrote about other internauts "you stupid twit". To stay with such a teaching one must have the spirit of authority, which is the same as the Pope. For the umpteenth time I will write: I remember crying after the death of John Paul II. He helped no one despite the riches of the Vatican, he knew about pedophilia and probably many other things, he kissed the Koran urging Jihad, and I cried. That was the spirit of authority. It was a sin because the Pope to me was more important than Jesus.



Many times I have posted videos of a certain internet user arguing about the Sabbath, the hog, etc. I explained his bad fruit, taunting, mocking and challenging of others as zealotry. Did Jesus scoff, mock and challenge? Well, there I fell again. I was for a short time and with little intensity in the power of authority, and this man is just a hater. I trusted a man who was a hater. 

When I posted a photo of some lying teacher who had him among his friends, this one with nothing to justify it posted a link to his company on facebook. Later I saw in a video of this promoter of Hayah's name that he said to him "who are you, what do you do professionally because I have such a company". Not only does he insult all the hog eaters, but he also boasts about his company. Besides, I was not the only one who saw this man's pride a long time ago. I am just surprised that followers of Jesus fall into such authority. I lost my very successful business and devoted myself entirely to this blog. Am I supposed to feel inferior because Mr. M has an industry company?



How is the spirit of the authority of the Pope different from the spirit of the authority of an online teacher or pastor?



Someone may say: there may be a spirit of authority in your person on this blog, too." But of course there is. It certainly is in some people.



There will always be someone teaching, someone older, someone with more knowledge.

However, if I teach badly or have bad fruit, then flee from me as I have fled from others. This is a fair situation. Stay with those who are OK according to the fruit.


The measure of faith in Jesus is fruit:


"Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. (20) So: you shall know them by their fruits. (21) Not everyone who says to me: Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven" Matthew 7



Christians unfortunately can't recognize by their fruit. The vast majority can't. A pastor writing bald-faced, a jutuber telling others to "fuck off."


When the spirit (demon) of authority attaches, all evil is explainable.

I once attended a 50nica service in Kraków. In the children's room techno was playing and the babysitter was teaching them a shamanic dance. The pastor, on the other hand, had a pyramid in his jacket lapel and was falling in the spirit.... Spirit of authority...


All denominations bring in ecumenism, but no one in the churches is bothered by it because there is a spirit of authority.


One pastor making a career in the UK showed in about 10 photos his eye covered, he was in a yarmulke, he dresses in a batman or spiderman shirt, but the spirit of authority works.


I believe that many good pastors work without applause. Many work unappreciated. I also believe that there should be exceptional respect for those who teach in the words of Paul writing


But these "clever" ones with a flair for showmanship subject the faithful to where the spirit of authority works.


The spirit of authority is a sin because putting a person above God's Law is a sin. Unfortunately this happens unconsciously. On the other hand, it shows the demonic nature of the situation. For example, this counter jutuber to this jutuber mocking pig eaters equally curses and insults and this handful of him succumbs to the spirit of authority.


Is God's word no longer the judge?


"If anyone thinks he is godly, and does not restrain his tongue, but deceives his heart, his godliness is useless."


Those jutubers, pastors, bloggers who insult others are haters, but people's attachment to them is so strong that they will not be able to walk away like a wife from an adulterous husband for this example.



The spirit of authority is designed to blur the distinction between what is holy and what is not. It has the job of "sanctifying" rudeness, deception, and vapid language. 

It is a very strong spirit. It binds to a person, even though that person has fatal fruit.


That's what the Pope did by blurring those lines, that's what some pastors do, and that's what these jutubers do. There is also a question: how many of these jutubers are after leadership schools? Some of them have shown occult signs.


Knowledge does not save, and is used by unGodly people to blur the distinction between what is holy and what is not holy. 

They have a lot of Bible knowledge, but the Pharisees had it too.


I speak for the God of the Israelites and we are them:


"Speak to the whole community of Israel and say to them, Be holy, for I am holy, the Lord your God!"

.. Do not turn to idols Kp 19



I could follow Paul and say, "O thoughtless and idolatrous Christians, why is the spirit of man more important to you than the Spirit of Jesus Christ?"


Still fresh in my mind as God works with all for good, a brother in the faith just sent me this quote without knowing my text:


"Therefore come out from among them and separate yourselves, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean, and I will receive you. II Corinthians 6:17 UBG"




Spring is ending and summer is beginning. After such a text, and being free, "for where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom," do you not smell the fragrance of freedom in Jesus?


I already have, and I wish you the same.




Updated: 14 June 2019 — 13:01


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  1. It's like this. Knowledge does not save, the authorities of this world do not save. Faith in Jesus and fulfilling His Gospel saves.
    Thus: Rom 12.2:
    Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may be able to discern what is the will of God: what is good, what is pleasing to God, and what is perfect.

  2. Great text. Thank you 🙂

    1. Thanks, Bozenka. To the Glory of Jesus our only Lord. Glory to Israel in Jesus.


      I already thought you had forgotten about this community 🙂 .

  3. Knowledge, if it is used well (and does not concern some atrocities etc.), is nothing bad... But it is worth remembering that it does not save...

  4. Thank you for this text, very edifying 🙂

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