Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

When a woman becomes a man's plaything and a man becomes her slave.

Recently I started thinking about a video I made about Disney. I thought to myself "to what purpose do they sexualize children?". After all, intercourse is natural, so it seems logical to ask the question; what purpose are the fairy tales of Disney and probably from other movie stables supposed to serve.


I don't know about you, but one of my symptoms of being born again was noticing the beauty of nature: birds singing, the sound of the sea, the sight of stately mountains, the original character of various animals; ducks, dogs, cats. Not far from where I live a blackbird or blackbirds sings wonderfully. They have probably always sung, but I didn't always know they were blackbirds.

The Lord Jesus himself was a naturalist.



"Look at the birds of the air: they do not sow or reap or gather into granaries, but your heavenly Father feeds them. Are ye not more important than they?" Mat 6.


Look at it... Look at it because Jesus created it.




"Therefore God gave them up to the shame of the passions, because both their women exchanged the intercourse according to nature for that against nature." Romans 1:26.



Did they switch? Because whips, latex, swingers, and anal sex do not occur in nature, and we are, after all, on the cutting edge of consciousness.

Satan's chosen nation has just such a purpose. He makes fodder out of food as if it were fodder for animals, for omnivorous cattle.

The beauty of love transforms into an animal drive without higher feelings.

The "parent-child" relationship steals in favor of the "state preschool-child" relationship. That's what the women had to get on tractors, among other things, for, to get them away from the children who took over the kindergartens. What a nasty maneuver by the Vatican-Communists. Against nature.


I am not a prude, but I think many men have become victims of Disney. It starts with fairy tales and ends with Playboy, Cats, and these days porn sites.


I was thinking a little bit about these archetypes of women from Disney. We've all fed off of them.



It may not have been as obscene as the scene above, but according to the principle of small steps, we eventually came to such scenes as well.


What is the ungodly character Jesika Rabbit feeding us?

Jessica Rabbit is Roger Rabbit's wife, a stage star full of sex-appeal, feminine charm and allure.



Subliminal and suprathreshold messages...


Let's also see how children are programmed with toys.

Perhaps the most well-known synonym for children's programming is Barbie and Ken.




Extra car, painted up doll and metrosexual Ken.




Satan's world makes evil out of good. The Marlboro cigarette commercial emphatically shows this. This is what a real man looks like:




Usually depicted on horseback or by a river. A man who is not only the opposite of Ferdek Kiepski, constantly sitting in front of the TV, but is also something other than a metro sexual man.




What is the iconic cowboy?

Freedom, independence, courage.



In the midst of nature and the elements. The viper tribe has only added poison in the form of tobacco.


Currently and rightly so, cigarette smoking is considered a weakness.

However, the marlboro only represented a part of the man. Brave and independent. Ten jigsaw puzzles detached from the rest put together is not a picture, but a shred of a picture, it is out of context.



A true man is the protector of his princess. He is to protect her from all moral evil. He is Adam, but a vigilant Adam. Not demoralizing, but just watchful, based on the Law of God. I've been blogging for many years, but only now am I beginning to understand David, who pleaded with God for his ability to keep God's Law. I have this amount of pride in me that makes me feel bad about not being perfect. I wish I could be a man like Noah or David, but I'm not. That's why I envy young converts. You have everything ahead of you. A new life at age 20 let's say. A great start. There is a difference starting over at 17-20 years old and not at 40.

I like to hang out with people who are better than me. The kind who live a life of sanctification, the kind I can learn from.

I've been thinking lately about whether or not those who reject God's Law are saved. After all, just like Catholics, they are deceived by false teachers. I have realized that I cannot change them, but I can set a trend with my own person like those from whom I learn. I don't know many such people. A few. But Praise God for them.


I also learn from others. From everyone something good. Last year I met a man near Łódź who created a biblical family model: wife doesn't work, sons brought up in the biblical spirit at university.


I am learning to understand the position of sinners from a young woman from Mazury whom I baptized several years ago.



People jump off bandjams, have fast motorcycles, have exciting immoral sex, but the common denominator of all this is lust, and thus a drug-like state.

When I was probably in my twenties, I came up with a poem like this:


"instead of poisoning yourself or cutting your veins, go to the dentist for a washout"


I don't remember the rest, but the message of this poem was to redirect the emotion and suffering from self-injury to the "torture" of having a tooth healed :D.


Today, now on the spur of the moment, I present this one:


Do you want to be manly, feel emotions, overcome fear, get excited about a number, feel like a cowboy?

Go through life with your wife and Jesus God the Law not with your lust but in threes.


Do you want experience and adventure?

Convert to Christianity to cool the infernal heat and chill.

Do you want to be a hero of faith? 

Follow Jesus, and maybe like the Christ-followers of Hebrews 11:37 you will come out of this whole thing with God's help.



Yes, giving your life fully to Jesus is a state of permanent adventure. With the Holy Spirit adventures. In confrontation with the spiritual world.

I used to admire Bruce lee and Steven Segal, or fictional characters like Indiana Jones, but when I converted to biblical Christianity, now in retrospect I recognize them as weak because they are not , they were not free from the system of Evil. They were characterized by opportunism. In order to be known they had to buy their way into this world. The same is true of ecumenical pastors. Satan gives fame and success for departing from God, for relativism, for blurring differences, for such oj tam oj tam.


A woman defiantly dressing like this world, MTV fashion, etc. becomes the thing a man wants to have, by a small m. Skirt length is not the norm here. I once had a conversation when I was still seeking God with an evangelical woman from over seas. She was a woman in her 60s and we chatted casually about everything. She ran a fryer. I asked her how a woman should dress. She answered very convincingly and symbolically at the same time: decently. There is no such thing as a correct skirt length to be calculated in centimeters. According to the words of Paul: all things are lawful for me, but not everything is profitable. Only the spirit of religion can determine the length of a skirt or a neckline. If one has the Spirit of God, he knows how to dress.


We live in the age of the Jezebel spirit, where sex is the driving force. It is said in colloquial language, for example, "he was possessed by the demon of sex". There are different realms of enslavement. A metaphor for enslavement to speed is the speed demon. It is all sin against oneself or another person.


By the power of sex, Jezebel ruled not only Ahab but also Israel. Therefore, she is the personification of a sexually corrupt woman who enslaves men. Women can play with sex. that was the intent of the sexual revolution. Sex became a desirable commodity.


Here is the reign of sex. For such a sight a man will lose his mind:




For Jezebel, it makes no difference who the slave is.


And it started with a fairy tale...



There is another side to this coin. It is the man like Ken with money or position who enslaves the woman by making her his sex toy. Two people are harmed.


A woman who fulfills the whims of a man contrary to nature is like a slave Isaura, or rather a slave of Tyrannosaurus.


Demonic sex results in the lack of satisfaction of normal love, and intercourse that is consistent with nature and one where the man and woman are subjects and not objects is also very exciting.


In the Song of Songs, such love is depicted. Generally this book is God's erotic, though perhaps that is an oxymoron.





May your spring be blessed! Rejoice in the wife of thy youth! (19) The doe is the nicest one! A goat full of charm! May her breasts give you constant delight, and may her love fill you always with joy. Proverbs 5


Here there is no question of swingers, dogging. What a perversion it must be if breasts are no longer enough for intercourse. People who seek sensations contrary to nature are degenerate and it is a disease. It is necessary to repent of it. Just as with homosexuality. How can using a place to poop sexual pleasure? I apologize for the vulgarity, but I also want to show who the voters of Spring and the Civic Coalition vote for. I promised myself that I would not speak to these voters because I do not want to participate in their darkness. Even if someone here will consider it as some kind of norms of their own, as children say "goodbye, papa".


The Sodomites were just destroyed for this whether anyone likes it or not.



"Whoever communes carnally with a man as one communes with a woman commits an abomination. Both will be punished with death; they have brought this death upon themselves. "


Such a death befell the Sodomites.

Look who on 100% will not enter the Kingdom of our King Jesus Christ:



" For of this be persuaded, that no debauchee, nor unclean, nor covetous - that is, an idolater - has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God."


Debauchery is otherwise known as perversion, licentiousness. I would also like to draw your attention to the word "unclean". Notice that eating pigs, unclean animals, was forbidden because one, pig meat contains toxins (pigs don't sweat), and two, they were the vacuum cleaners of cities at the time, and therefore unclean. Homosexuals and people who have anal sex are also unclean, and the reason for that is because the place is unclean. It's not that someone doesn't wash or that place, but as a rule it is unclean.


Homosexuality is a subversion of the world order like everything else of Satan. I wrote recently that overturned houses are fashionable at the seaside as tourist attractions. Punk, metal, hip hop, etc., similarly are subversions of God's order.


You want to be a man? Make sure your woman is right, you be right.


"Husbands love your wives, for Christ also loved the Church and gave himself up for her, (26) so that it sanctify, Having cleansed with the washing of water, accompanied by the word, (27) to personally set the Church before Him as glorious, without blemish or wrinkle or anything like that, but to be holy and undefiled. (28) Husbands should love their wives as they love their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. "


Loving your wife means sanctifying her, not demoralizing her. Loving is not just nice words, but responsibility for the woman.



After all, no one has ever referred to his own body with hatred, but [everyone] nourishes and cherishes it, as does Christ the Church,


Getting out of this matrix also means getting out of Satan's culture.


Do you want to be a woman?


 Let wives be subject to their husbands as to the Lord, (23) for the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the Church: he, the Savior of the Body.


Not subject as a slave, but submissive in God's leading.



People go to psychologists and psychiatrists because they do not know God's Law, and it is simple. All they have to do is use the super manual of "how to live". The manual that the Chinese enjoyed so much:



What was Noah like?




What was Abraham like?






After all, what was Jesus himself like?





Love is responsibility for another being.





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Updated: 7 June 2019 — 12:48


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  1. Super article! I, when I converted, started listening to classical music 😀 . And I used to say - how can you listen to this crap. And as for the birds. You can't talk about nature with people anymore, they find other topics. Once in my life I saw an oriole and a green woodpecker, for which I thanked God a lot. I am most impressed by different kinds of falcons and hawks. Once I saw a falcon attacking and once a hobuz attacking a hedgehog - the most beautiful view you can imagine (two fastest birds in Europe). And as a pigeon breeder, I can also add that being with these wonderful animals is very calming. Every day I thank God that I can admire what he created!

    1. I've been seeing buzzards along the roads a lot lately

    2. I have been observing marsh harriers (birds of prey) and I have seen a white-tailed eagle and a kingfisher. Kingfisher is the prettiest bird I have seen so far. Recently at work I saw two goldfinches and to the office flew Cinderella? Today to our apartment fell a swallow, my wife sent me a video. And so at the end I confirm with the admin that blackbirds are outstanding singers. ? I recommend you to buy a nice bird atlas and write next to the pictures the date when you saw such bird for the first time and where. It is good fun.

    3. My taste in music also changed dramatically after my conversion, and besides, I finally began to see the true beauty of what the Almighty Lord created in nature... 🙂 I immediately became more interested in the species of birds and plants, whose diversity, complexity is simply fascinating and it would be a shame not to know them 🙂 Because how can you not be amazed by the brilliant design of the Creator, looking at beautiful creatures such as these:śna or at least beautiful umbrella trees, whose petals become... transparent when exposed to rain 😀 . Wonderful is all, and the most wonderful Our God. 🙂 .

  2. Very nice article...

  3. I got converted about a year ago when I was about 15 years old, it's not that easy to get away from the world, especially if you go to school etc.
    But somehow I manage c:

    1. It will certainly be difficult for you if you do not have a church or at least one believer in your area. Your parents may also be blocking you. And you are dependent on them because you are under 18.
      School is the hardest, unfortunately. You don't have much influence there on who you spend time with. So you have to survive it. It is best to be systematic in your prayers and Bible reading. If you are lonely and you have no choice, then unfortunately, you go towards the world (I know it from myself).

      1. I've noticed the same thing with myself - although I want and try to live the life of Christ, I tend to identify more with the world. Our surroundings have a huge influence on us, and it's very hard to separate yourself when there's a lack of knowing God around and you're alone on the battlefield. And to you, Crypto, I wish you much strength and perseverance in your pursuit of holiness.

  4. I find it annoying how young people talk about someone who doesn't have a girlfriend as a loser. Young people have made love into consumerism.

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