Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Occult symbols in Eurovision 2019.

Below is my analysis of the symbolism of this event. The first version of the video was removed by YT. About 4 hours of work almost to the trash, because I included songs from Eurovision for a few seconds. Now there are just stills:



The footage I relied on is from this recap:




Interestingly, it seems that a spiritual sacrifice was made in preparation for this event.


A man who was injured while preparing a technical stage at this year's Eurovision Song Contest is dead. The man had 66 years - Radio ZET reported.





The artists competed in satanism. I think it was probably the band Keiino that led the way.


Check out their original music video:



Hairstyle a la horns.



Pretty much the lower singer, supposedly a rapper, sings:


"He lå e loi la"

What Norwegian means: he's lying.


But in what context?


Wherever the wind blows
He lå e loi la
I see your soul in heaven
Where the aurora borealis takes shape.
He lå e loi la


In my opinion, they blaspheme God secretly.

Look at how I convert to Polish from Norwegian:


Wherever the wind blows
he's lying
I see your soul in heaven
Where the aurora borealis takes shape.
he's lying.


Do you understand?

The wind is a symbol of what? "the wind blows where it wills"

after which:


he's lying.

I see your soul in heaven

he's lying...


So who is lying about life in heaven?

They worship the true liar in Norwegian, calling the savior a liar.


Well, what is the title of the song?


Spirit in the Sky


Spirit in Heaven.



I don't watch Eurovision, but I'm betting this band will win. Why?

Not just because he sings offstage for others in the open air, but because he is spiritually heavily involved, and the song is catchy and likely to be chosen by the boss himself. The boss of them all.

I may be wrong about this type, but that's how I see it.


This band has a lot of the PR of a future totalitarian state in it:


Right Ying Yang: good-evil. Not that you have to walk away from evil, but everyone has some good and some evil in them. A truism for demonic purposes.

On the left "peace" and on the right on this or any other jacket has LOVE.... Sympathetic people will preach love, but not obedience to God's Law. Just like some pastors who are already helping the beast by preaching that God's Law does not apply.





All-encompassing New Age Love.

This is why the harlot is attacking the church of Rome, because in the new age love will be the right to abortion, to adopt children by homosexuals, etc.

The harlot was making money off of a scrap of God's Law, and now she's being destroyed because that's the way it's supposed to be according to the Bible....



All in all, I think that if I were to find the most important of the observers of this event and the most "excellent" of the guests at Eurovision, this and all the others, it would be Lucek himself sitting in the front row.



Praise the Lord Jesus for showing us what we should not see, that we are no longer lied to. Praise the Lord Jesus for His Spirit who shows us this.






Updated: 16 May 2019 — 22:15


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  1. Hello!
    "In my opinion, they secretly blaspheme God." I know from certain sources that Satanists during ceremonies and prayers at secret meetings recite prayers in a blasphemous way, often using popular Christian prayers, but prepared in such a way that they become blasphemy. Apparently for the fallen angels and their demon sons this is, besides human sacrifice, the highest form of worship, devotion and adoration of evil powers by man.
    Greetings from the Lord God

  2. As for Tulia the fire is connected with the lyrics. I understand your approach and I agree in general about Eurovision, but I heard the song of these girls and the overtone in my opinion is not bad, a call for love without satanic overtones, the song is catchy. There is a reference to the sun at the beginning, but in the overall context it is not about something bad.
    Don't misunderstand my comment, but at least this one team is normal 🙂 I'm not.

    1. Perhaps it is as you wrote.
      But... Tulia recorded the song not only Depeche Mode but also Mtellici. In the mildest version, they are simply unsaved living in a world

  3. I didn't like this graphic from the very beginning (scene design too), now it's even more... :/
    I don't like this song from Norway, but now I don't like it even more... and I thought that those weird jokes from the bald guy (yes, the bald guy is a rapper, he comes from the Sami/Lapland nation spread between Sweden, Finland, Norway, but probably also Russia... where this type of singing is quite common; the guy was also for some time a spokesman for the Saami people in the Norwegian parliament or something like that, anyway, he sometimes appeared in politics :/) mean something completely different, but here it is :/. The guy was also at some point supposedly some kind of spokesman for the Saami in the Norwegian parliament or something like that, anyway, it sometimes comes up in politics :/ ) mean something completely different, and here's the rub :/ The song itself was written by the first one who sings (not the bald one, but the other one, the blond one) in agreement with her "husband", supposedly as a reference to the history of their "feelings" also another brrrrrrrr :/
    Admin, you complained about Iceland and about Norway, but there is something even worse from this edition: France (yes, the singer is a boy, but so called. France (yes, the vocalist is a boy, but so called non-binary, that is supposedly not identifying with any of the genders, hence his "outfit" and a wig with long hair; moreover, during the performance there are supposed to be some subtitles in English like - at least according to what I've translated - "you don't know me and you want to judge me by my image" or something like that, and at the very end of the performance "we are all kings/queens" also worse ...)/ and during the show he's supposed to be accompanied by a deaf dancer and a plus-size ballerina, like this one:
    I don't mind if someone is fatter or thinner or deaf/blind - in some dance show one of the participants is supposedly a Paralympic relay champion, blind, talented girl - and she wants to e.g. dance or sing but I don't like this kind of exploitation of their differences 🙁 I don't like it.
    I can't stand Konczita, but this one/this one yyyyyy... at least he sang well and the French guy can't even sing properly; the guy also represents an interesting mix: apart from what I mentioned earlier about his "non-binary" origin, he comes from a family of Moroccan roots and is gay)
    text (with French phrases translated into English, as the piece contains phrases in both French and English):
    Unfortunately there is no Polish translation as such... but here is my attempt, I relied only on this English translation because I hardly know French:

    I'm me
    And I know that I will always be
    I'm free
    Yes, I create my life
    Don't ask me who I am

    Yeah, I've always been the same
    ever since I was little
    And in spite of the ["judging"-my emphasis] stares, in spite of the opinions
    I cry, I laugh and I go out [that is, I do something that other people also experience as if on a daily basis - my note].

    You put me in a box [i.e. someone wants to squeeze him into some already known mold- note mine].
    You want me to be like you
    I don't follow the beaten path [read: I'm different; I wasn't sure how to translate "I don't follow the codes"].
    It's very disturbing/people are strongly disturbed [this I don't know even more, because the line is in French and the English translation probably doesn't go very well].
    At the end of the day
    You can't change me, bu!
    So, let me fly away

    I'm not rich but I shine brightly and clearly [shine bright or as here, I'm shining bright, can be translated differently].
    Now I can see my kingdom
    When I dream, I am the king
    When I dream, I am the king
    I am not rich but I shine bright and clear
    Now I can see my kingdom
    When I dream, I am the king
    And I know-e-e-e-e-em [I tried to replicate in translation to know o-o-ow].
    Even if o..o..o [this entry I can't be entirely sure of].
    You are trying to humiliate me/destroy me/ mock me/kill me/rub my nose in it or teach me humility [take (somebody) down is a phrasal verb and has exactly these few meanings, i.e. (somebody) to kill/ humiliate/destroy/ mock or rub someone's nose in it/teach someone humility]
    You can't break me, no no no ["nah" is probably such a carelessly thrown "no" but I can't be sure of that].
    All those voices
    They do it this way, they do it that way [although "comme ci comme ça" which appears here literally means "as so/so"].
    I don't look directly at them [although this could probably also be read as "I don't care about them"].
    You will never remove my crown

    Who are we?
    When we hide, we fight in vain [fight for free is literally to fight "for free", but here I think it would be totally pointless].
    Only God can judge you and me [oho, what the dude and those who "helped" him write this nightmare].
    What we are, we did not choose
    Our job, our hairstyle, our friends
    Our routine [perhaps you meant the daily routine? or the "routine of life"?]
    Sometimes love too [uuuu, you can see the reference to LGBTQ+, if not the guy himself is so fitting there, then this...].
    Carriage or carriage but whose business is it? [the original text says "ça passe ou ça casse", which someone translated into English as "make or break" and that's more or less what it means...].

    I'm not rich but I shine brightly and clearly [shine bright or as here, I'm shining bright, can be translated differently].
    Now I can see my kingdom
    When I dream, I am the king
    When I dream, I am the king
    I am not rich but I shine bright and clear
    Now I can see my kingdom
    When I dream, I am the king
    And I know-e-e-e-e-em [I tried to replicate in translation to know o-o-ow].
    Even if o..o..o [this entry I can't be entirely sure of].
    You are trying to humiliate me/destroy me/ mock me/kill me/rub my nose in it or teach me humility [take (somebody) down is a phrasal verb and has exactly these few meanings, i.e. (somebody) to kill/ humiliate/destroy/ mock or rub someone's nose in it/teach someone humility]
    You can't break me, no no no ["nah" is probably such a carelessly thrown "no" but I can't be sure of that].
    All those voices
    They do it this way, they do it that way [although "comme ci comme ça" which appears here literally means "as so/so"].
    I don't look directly at them [although this could probably also be read as "I don't care about them"].
    You will never remove my crown
    When I dream, I am the king
    When I dream, I am the king

    1. Thanks for the rich comments.
      It's interesting about this Frenchman. I wonder how far it will go, but the very fact of promoting such songs on the Holy Land is blasphemy.
      All the more reason to see what present-day Israel is

      1. That's right... :/

  4. Sorry this is in a separate comment but I wanted to pass this along....
    Hungarian singer performed a song dedicated to his dad (to be precise: apparently his parents are alive and well, so the song was probably supposed to be "Thank you for being there", but in their lifetime), but unfortunately he didn't qualify to the final :/.
    [when discussing the 2017 edition - I remember that the admin didn't like the Swiss song about Apollo, but also a little bit the lyrics of a song from Portugal I think...- also scrolled this Hungarian, because it's the same artist only with a different song].
    a very nicely arranged and sung piece, without any euphony, even without knowing the language you could feel that you could understand what it's about... (even when I wanted to know what the song was about, I used the English translation of the text)
    song with music video:
    A slightly different sounding version from the one linked above, but this is the one that resonated at Eurovision:
    and the performance in the semi-final (well, unfortunately the scene looked hopeless... but at least they tried to make something out of it, even there were some photos of the vocalist's father in the background):
    translation of the text (there are even two versions in English, #1 and #2, you can view them by clicking on the corresponding numbers next to Versions: #1 #2):én-apám-my-father.html-0
    And this is my attempt at translating this text (Hungarian->English->Polish; I used English translation of the text, because I know Hungarian very little, if at all; I must say that even though I know English I'm not really sure what and how to translate it; here and there you'll hear nananana and uuuuuuuu - or something like that, but I didn't translate it, because it probably doesn't even translate 😀 ):
    My father picked me up like the wind
    [wind] Which blew gently, sang, told tales
    He lived where every road ends/where every road has its end
    A thousand and one years is not enough to live, to live
    I can hear him, his heart is in the strings of my guitar
    I can see him, with the deeper wrinkles/stigma of time on my face [here I think the idea is that the older the lyrical subject gets, he starts to see more and more similarities to his dad in his reflection in the mirror?]
    I am proud to profess his faith [here I can't translate exactly...].
    Of a thousand and one songs, this is the one I keep humming, keep humming

    The old days, the beautiful days
    I love his memory/remembrance [memory can mean both memory and recollection of a moment].
    He calls me and I run to him
    It was a great/cute way to play the game
    Old songs recall him
    I can still feel/feel the light of the sun
    I can still hear the sound of the wind
    I can still hear him amidst the sound/noise of the wind

    He blew away my sorrow through song
    All I can give is that I belong to him
    And I can proudly tell my son [let me mention: the singer has probably two or three children, including a son...or maybe two sons? , a daughter... and (which is very nice among people chasing romance) to this with one wife].
    This is my father, and here is my home

    The old days, the beautiful days
    I love his memory/remembrance [memory can mean both memory and recollection of a moment].
    He calls me and I run to him
    It was a great/cute way to play the game
    Old songs recall him
    I can still feel/feel the light of the sun
    The wind whistled a lullaby for me to have a beautiful dream
    The wind whistled/whistled the lullaby, today I can still hear it

  5. ...'The harlot made money from a scrap of God's Law'...Very well put. But Mr. Peter, the sentence above, I think it's the Beast attacking the church of Rome.

  6. All the more sad that in this beautiful country where the prophets, the history of the chosen people and the coming of the Lord, birth, death and resurrection take place such things, such symbols

  7. Fortunately none of these crap won 😀 neither Iceland, nor Norway (the girl from there has a nice sounding voice, I felt sorry for her) , nor France which I warned against 😀 nor any of the ones the admin referred to in the video (nor e.g. Romania trying to be "pseudo dark" or others like that) 😀.
    But it was like this:
    1) Iceland (by the way, during the announcement of who got how many points the spectators took out scarves with the Palestinian flag on them, trying to draw attention - if they hadn't taken away the Palestinian flag before entering the competition arena, they probably would have waved their flags... - to what 'Israel' is doing in those territories and were booed by the audience in the arena...probably there must have been a lot of "locals" or people who don't like mixing politics into everyday life, and who knows if not general, what's most interesting is that the one "screaming" through the whole song and the one squealing so much in the "refrains" are cousins 😀 )
    a) semi-final no. 1
    - in the overall summary (in the combined jury and viewer ratings) they took 3rd place (!) with 221 points (!!!)
    - If only the jurors decided about the results, they would take the 8th place with 70 points (including one 12-point mark, the highest one!, from the jury from France; with these marks it is like this: 12 points is the highest one, then going lower and lower there are 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 points and the lowest mark, i.e. 1 point - I don't know where such a classification comes from, but it was introduced a year after the ABBA band's victory, so quite some time ago, and in various variants as to who "judges" - only the jury, only the audience, jury+viewers - it has been in place until today...)
    - If only the viewers decided the results, they would win this semi-final (!!!) with 151 points (including four 12 point scores from the viewers from: Poland!, Finland, Australia and...Belarus)
    (b) the final
    - in the general classification they took 10th place (!) with 234 points
    - if only the jury decided about the results, they would take 14th place with 48 points (without any 12 points)
    - If only the viewers decided about the results, they would take 6th place (!) with 186 points (including three scores of 12 points from the viewers of: Poland!, Finland and Hungary :/ )
    [maybe the band played their roles, in a way parodying the degeneration of capitalism, etc., and in a way "trolling" the audience and the jury... but musically I just didn't like them and that's it+ that dejecting environment...].
    2) Norway
    a) semi-final no. 2
    - in the general classification the team took 7th place (!) with 210 points
    - if only the jury decided about the results, they would take 11th place (that is the first place not determined by promotion to the final, as 10 countries from each of the two semi-finals go to the final) with 40 points, with a difference of as many as 7 points to the song that would take 10th place in the jury's ranking...
    - If only the viewers decided about the results, they would take 1st (!) place with 170 points (including four scores of 12 points each from: Albania, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden)
    (b) the final
    - in the general classification the team took the 5th (!) place with 338 points (!!)
    - if only the jury decided about the results, they would take 15th place with 47 points (no score of 12 points)
    - If only the viewers decided about the results, they would take 1st place (!!!) with 291 points (including 12 points from: Australia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Iceland, Ireland, Germany, Sweden and the UK...that is as many as 8 times they would get those 12 points! :/ )
    3) France
    - in the general classification of the final singer/, well... this proposal took 14th place with 105 points (!)
    - If only the jurors decided about the results of the final, it would take 13th place with 61 points (12 points didn't come from nowhere; interestingly: the Polish jury awarded "this" as many as 6 points!)
    - If only the viewers decided about the results of the final, it would take the 18th place with 38 points (from nowhere there were 12 points; interestingly, in the voting of the viewers from Poland it did not score any points, but it was a bit short of 1 point! out of 26 songs that were in the final)
    From what I saw, the Dutchman won with a calm song, without any madness on stage (the boy is talented and sings well, but... unfortunately he is bisexual and "has a boyfriend". (Interestingly, the song was inspired by the story of the singer's good friend from school, who died at a young age due to a serious disease; the girl was quite in love with one guy and - in the last days before she passed away - she wanted to see him, but the object of her affection never appeared :/ )

    1. "if the results were decided only by the viewers, they would have taken 1"

      About the Norwegian band.
      Well, I think that's why such an event has to be partly innocent hence there are some very neutral songs like the one from Holland.
      But Keiino will probably be a hit at discos.

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