Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Are you able to humble yourself before a person who is wrong or attacks you?

Sometimes we humans misunderstand each other about the meaning of words. That's why I took the liberty of posting the dictionary version of humble:


"to show humility and submission to someone or something; also: to acknowledge one's inferiority"


Unfortunately, but learning about the Bible builds pride, and that is why evangelicals specialize in it, or generally speaking, all of us. It is enough to visit Christian groups on Facebook to see what "love" reigns there.

It takes skill to argue and disagreements themselves are natural. Paul wrote:


"" I do not commend you for the fact that common meetings do not lead you to good, but to evil. (18) First of all, I hear that when you come together for a meeting, there is a division among you. I partly believe that, (19) For there must be partialities among you, that it may be seen who is tried." 1 Corinthians 11:17-34″


Why must there sometimes be such strife and division? According to Paul, disputes cause a test for the church and its principles. I believe that in the vast majority of cases one side will go the wrong way. Suppose one of the larger quasi Protestant denominations (there are no Protestant denominations in Poland) comes to a division over ecumenism with Rome. Such a division will show the true faith of some and the lukewarmness and false love for Jesus of others.

Let's turn to the survey results:






I did not expect such an optimistic voting result. Not only are as many as 50% voters in the process of learning this habit, but in so responding they realize their frailty. Praise God. I was even more surprised when I looked at the second result, where 35 people, out of 118, got it perfect, although I suspect some of them were not on the thicker training ground :-).

Someone may ask, did I come to this? Before I answer, let me tell you a part of an argument I was involved in. A brother in the faith attacked me with the question, "We grind in our little group, and where do you grind" with the emphasis on the fact that there was no one to grind me. First, I have family near and far. Second, this blog is one big grind for me. Mental work in the quarries of hard hearted neo-Christians.

I don't post many comments. Recently celery called me a Jew just because I want to vote in the election and he doesn't. It was of no use that I announced a prayer to save celery when things were bad with him, as I called the police to save him. It was no use that I defended him on stopsyjonism. I simply became a Jew.

I didn't know that making choices involved Jewishness.... Between Satan and Jesus, I chose Jesus, so looking at it that way, he could call me a Jew. On the other hand, an ex-brother from Lodz, who is no longer in the group of readers, when he found out that I celebrate the Sabbath, called me a sabbatarian and got offended later by attacking me in


I would show hundreds of other comments written in "love" but probably devilish.

In general Christians are masters of the pin. I mean evangelicals. One famous internet pastor (unborn again in my opinion) called internet users "bludgers" and since dumb sheep can't tell by their fruit, they continue to graze at the sheep's clothing. Another time I was called a one-time preacher of the devil's teachings on a single issue, even though the person calling me that didn't want to talk to me to clarify the thread.

In a word, I sometimes feel like Moses (though I am as far from him as the moon), who was supposed to lead the wayward people to the promised land.

I've already been cornered online, slandered, just because someone had a different opinion.

The Lord Jesus said:


"By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13



Love means that one party does not accuse the other, but in a gentle way explains, explains. If one party is quarrelsome or pretentious, then as the book of Proverbs states in many places, simply stop the dispute and leave that person alone.

Most people full of pride and unborn of the Spirit of Jesus in disputes attack not the problem but the person. All the more reason not to talk to such. Unless he admits his mistake and apologizes.


I will now ask all such quibblers: how do you want to bring offerings of fasting and prayer to God while having evil hearts?


I ask the masters of the pin,

Did they sometimes get their religion mixed up?


How can you humble yourself in a biblical dispute situation?

For example, in this way:

"sister/brother, I understand your arguments, but as for me they are not convincing and therefore let us end this dispute. I respect you and I don't want the devil to enjoy our disagreement.


Such disagreements are silly arguments about the Law. Whether someone will eat pork or not does not lead to anything good. I believe that the Sabbath or other things are to be led by the Holy Spirit. If the divisions are great in something, then we need to part ways in agreement. But there is nothing to quarrel about the details.

In Romans 14 it says:


" And treat him whose faith is weak with kindness, without judging him or arguing about what he in his conscience thinks is right or wrong."


This also applied to food because the new Christians from Rome ate different foods than the original Judeans. Simply put, the weak in the faith were to have a choice.

Are you aware that Satan sometimes gives the Bible to create division and sow confusion? There are demons in the Bible as well. Please don't catch me by the word, because it was just a stylistic device. But I will show what demons they are:



-pork ban,

-name of Jesus,


-Grace vs. Law



All these elements mentioned are very important, but if they introduce bad emotions they are demons. You can go on and on about the Sabbath, every day, just like you can go on and on about the name of Jesus and get burned out eventually, and the reality is Jesus.

The Pharisees caught Jesus' disciples picking ears on the Sabbath. These were the demons.


I celebrate the Sabbath, I don't eat hogs, I pray to Jesus, I believe that the Moral Law from the Bible is valid, and the ceremonial one has been abolished. Someone will maliciously say: what about mixing materials of clothes? When I have the opportunity I buy from one. I have a few from linen, and the rest is unfortunately mixed. But saved will be the one who wears clothes from one material as well as from several. Saved will be the one who celebrates the Sabbath as well as the one who does not. Saved is he that eateth the hog, and he that eateth not. Although I don't really understand the end of Isaiah....

Saved will be the one who prays to Jesus as well as to Isus.

However, all must do the will of the Father. To love God with all their heart and their neighbor as themselves. If you hurt your neighbor, you will not be saved man. You will not get to a place where people who are full of love for their fellow man and who are devoted to God will stay.


The Lord Jesus, God in the flesh came to humble himself. He could have smartened up with theology, but He chose to serve. He explained in parables.


"If anyone wants to be first, let him be last of all and servant of all!" Mk9


Humility is something we all lack. It is the master state that I wish for everyone.

And let's also learn to talk. Especially between brothers and sisters.


Updated: 9 May 2019 — 17:50


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  1. Very good article, in 100% I agree.
    ps. too bad about Celery 🙁
    ps.2 I also try to end arguments, not to convince by force. You cannot convince an unconvinced person neither to religion, nor to politics etc. etc. it is a waste of nerves.
    ps.3 And I have learned not to evangelize by force according to Jesus' advice. People have the right to reject God, especially those who lust all the time.
    "He who listens to you listens to me, and he who despises you despises me; but he who despises me despises him who sent me."
    ps.4 But pray for your persecutors.

    1. Celery insulted me many times, but I ignored it just as many times.

      "And I have learned not to evangelize by force according to Jesus' advice. People have the right to reject God, especially those who lust all the time.
      "He who listens to you listens to me, and he who despises you despises me; but he who despises me despises him who sent me."

      This is also what I have recently realized, that we must not force ourselves or we will become Jehovah's Witnesses, seen as intruders. You wrote well Boro: "People have the right to reject God".

  2. ,,...and the reality is Jesus..."
    On point

  3. First of all, a warm welcome to all of you here 🙂 I would like to welcome you.

    I also think that this is a very, very important topic of faith. It is like an island in the middle of the ocean - it is beautiful there, but the way requires effort, training, even and sometimes a fight with oneself, one's habits, faults, often facing the remnants of a person from the world of the past.

    On the timeline of Earth's existence, each of us is like a drop dropped into the ocean, and being rooted helps us remember that we are not the drizzling rain. However, it is our responsibility to fertilize the earth, to be that spark in the midst of a weary, stubborn nation, to leave a mark and God will do the rest.

    I believe that we as believers need to knock out our own pride, because in the battle against the pride of the unsaved, we face a long skirmish of 12 rounds - often requiring overtime. And when the thought arises in our minds that we have reached some sky-high level, Christ reminds us how wrong we are. Oh, thank you, O Lord, for giving us such love and patience!

    To see more we must climb higher, but the summit does not fuse with our guts. Traps await, but they are nothing against the protection of Christ. The battle is not over, each of us has a different area, our enemy has lost and is retreating, so let us not be afraid to take the blows to defend our loved ones and non loved ones, just as God raises us as His children, let us be like parents to those who are blinded by the delusion of this world!

    "If the world hates you, know that it hated Me first. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its property. But because you are not of the world, for I have chosen you for myself from the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word I said to you: "A servant is not greater than his master." If they have persecuted Me, they will persecute you also."

    Thank you, Lord, for without you I could do nothing, and all that I have I have received from you, and all that I have is yours!

    With love

    1. I would also like to point out that I greatly appreciate the work of the author of this site! Also, the presence of all of you here in the Lord, for I tangibly do not have such people next to me on a daily basis. God bless you 🙂 .

    2. thanks for the smart comment 😉

      1. I'm glad it is perceived that way! Thank you! First of all to God for your work, for we here see only the top, the final results. One should remember about it. May it be a motivation for everyone here, also for those who are yet to come!

        1. Thank you for your heart-written text and for your honest, good comments that serve to build the common good.
          This earthly journey could be compared to a rope course, with its many complicated obstacles and buckets of sweat, and sometimes blood. Our faith in Christ is what overcomes all evil and this sin-sick world.
          Let us remember this our weapon of warfare, which the devil hates very much. May people desire this faith if we use it well?

    3. Wisely expressed!

  4. The truth will always prevail .Remember Peter how it was when I was defending people from that period e.g. SLD etc and you were on the other side .Both you and I know how it all works that they go where the interest is and not the conviction .Only God remains .However since we are in this world and the Lord has not come yet I do not exclude going for elections and maybe even vote for people who are far from perfect but departing from the system of evil and stupid regulations and it may be logical to choose people of confederation . As for the current rulers, apart from their harmful anti-Russian policy, for today it is still a better option than the PO there I think .

  5. Do you think it makes sense to pursue higher education with the Great Tribulation approaching?

    1. constantly in this type of dilemma I say:

      Live financially as if WU were 100 years away, but spiritually as if it were tomorrow.

      1. Great shot 😀

  6. Really great text. Thank you

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