I am writing this text because of inquiries in the comments, and I have never celebrated Passover myself, and therefore during the actual writing or rather searching for materials, I will find out for myself how it should look like.
Passover takes place tonight and coincides with both the Sabbath and the pagan rituals of Easter, which makes a big difference if someone wants to celebrate it at the last minute without prior planning.
How will I do it?
Passover is a time to tell the story of Passover and God's rescue of His people from Egyptian slavery. So I am going to read the passage about the exodus from Egypt and the ones that talk about the Last Supper.
I also heard the groaning of the children of Israel, whom the Egyptians are holding captive, and I remembered my covenant. (6) Therefore say to the children of Israel, I am the LORD; I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, I will deliver you from their bondage, and I will deliver you by an outstretched arm and by great judgments.
Exodus 6: 5-6
Although the Passover sacrifice is done, we still observe the leaven established in Exodus. It was to remind us of how we escaped from Egypt - in a hurry, without time to let the bread rise.
Why is this night different from other nights?
Tonight is different because we remember that the Israelites as we are today were slaves in Egypt under Pharaoh, and our God brought us out by the strength and power of His hand," If God had not brought us out, we would still be slaves.
The current Pharaoh is the Pope and we have spiritually escaped him, so it would be nonsense to celebrate like Rome Sol Invictus or Easter on the same days (Sunday-Monday).
This year they uniquely coincide on Saturday. But the Passover holiday has two days off (the first and seventh), not three days in a row.
Every year during Passover there are those who speak of removing the "yeast" from our lives when the real word is "leaven" ... which represents sin. And sin, as we all know, grows when it is allowed to take root in our lives. Sin feeds on itself and leads to other sins. It's "leaven" ... and that's why we refrain from eating anything leavened for 7 days - just to please God the Father, who uses the Passover feast, in part, as a reminder that HIS people are to be free from sin. And of course, the most important thing about Passover is to remember that we would not have eternal life if it were not for the martyrdom of Yesus Himself on our behalf ..... He paid a debt He didn't owe, because of a debt we couldn't pay!
The similarity of the situation of Christ-followers and Israelites:
- Slavery - Limited by their bondage, the nation of Israel was owned by Pharaoh. There was Isis and here was Mary. We have been freed from that.
- Miracles - God caused amazing, supernatural events to occur in the process of saving His people. These miracles showed God's power as greater than that of Pharaoh and testified that He is the one true God. When I baptize people I warn them that from now on attacks will begin that will test their faith. However, God rescues from these oppressions during the escape from Egypt.
- Sacrifice - The Passover Lamb was sacrificed so that its blood, spread on the doorframes and lintels of every Israelite home, would provide the covering necessary to prevent the death of all the firstborn in Egypt. Because of the blood of the lamb, the people of Israel in Egypt were saved from death. We, on the other hand, are saved from the death of the second because of the sacrifice of Jesus as the Lamb without blemish.
- Slavery to sin - we were slaves to sin, unable to please God or meet His standard of righteousness. We could not have fellowship with Him because of our sin.
- The Ministry of Miracles - Jesus performed countless miracles during His ministry on earth. These testify that Jesus has both the power and authority to defeat sin and free us from its dominion over us.
- The sacrifice-blood of Jesus was brought into the heavenly Temple to make atonement for our sin once and for all. His death offered us His redemption. Through His shed blood we have redemption from our sin. His life, given for us, brings us out of death and into life in Him.
- Freed to new life - having life in Messiah, we are freed from the bondage of sin and freed to walk in newness of life and fellowship with God (Romans 6: 4). "If God had not brought us out, we would still be slaves."
"Bread at the Lord's Supper. Recipe for unleavened bread.
1) What bread should be at the Lord's Supper?
Simultaneously with the Passover the Feast of Unleavened Bread began, during which for 7 days it was forbidden to eat anything leavened, i.e. leavened bread. This order concerned both the feast of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
2 Genesis 12:3-11 "(3) Speak to the whole congregation of Israel, saying, On the tenth day of this month shall each one take a lamb for his family, a lamb for his house. (4) And if the family is too small for one lamb, let him choose the neighbor living nearest to his house according to the number of people; according to how much each can eat, count the people for one lamb. (5) It is to be a lamb without blemish, a male one year old. It may be a lamb or a goat. (6) You shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month; and the whole congregation of the church of Israel shall kill it at twilight. (7) And they shall take of its blood, and anoint both the doorjambs and the lintel of the houses where they eat it. (
They shall eat its meat roasted on the fire during that night; they shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. (9) Eat nothing of it raw or boiled in water, but only roast it in the fire whole: the head together with the legs and the middle parts. (10) Leave nothing of it until morning, and if anything is left of it until morning, burn it in the fire. (11) And this is how you shall eat it: your loins shall be girded, sandals on your feet, and a staff in your hand. You shall eat it in haste. It is a paschal offering to the Lord."
2 Genesis 12:15 "(15) For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread. On the first day you shall remove the leaven from your houses, for anyone who eats what is leavened from the first to the seventh day shall be removed from Israel."
2 Genesis 12:19-20 "(19) For seven days there shall be no leaven in your houses; for everyone who eats leavened bread shall be removed from the community of Israel, whether a sojourner or a native. (20) You shall eat nothing leavened; in all your dwellings you shall eat unleavened bread."
The Lord's Supper was instituted during Passover, or the Last Supper. Jesus and the apostles ate unleavened bread at that time.
Mt. 26:17 "(17) And on the first day of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus and asked: Where do you want us to prepare the Passover supper for you?"
Lk. 22:7 "(7) And the day of Unleavened Bread came, when the Passover lamb should have been offered."
1 Corinthians 11:23-24 "(23) For I took over from the Lord what I handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night he was delivered took bread, (24) and having given thanks, broke it and said: Take, eat; this is my body given up for you; this do in remembrance of me."
Another fact that indicates to us that unleavened bread should be used in the Lord's Supper is that it was broken, not sliced or broken.
Mt. 26:26 "(26) And while they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples, and said: Take, eat; this is my body."
1 Corinthians 11:23-24 "(23) For I took over from the Lord what I handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night he was delivered took bread, (24) and having given thanks, broke it and said: Take, eat; this is my body given up for you; this do in remembrance of me."
2) What flour and ingredients should be used for the bread at the Lord's Supper?
Unleavened bread during Passover, but not only, was baked from the best flour. Whole-wheat flour was used in Israel. White flour as it is often used nowadays has been known for 200 years, and before that it was found only in Egypt (1 Genesis 40:16-17), where the flour was also purified and deprived of its most valuable ingredient - fiber. We also know that white flour will not leaven, and since all leaven was to be removed and only what was unleavened was left, this indicates that whole wheat flour was used for bread. In addition to the best flour, olive oil and salt were also used for unleavened bread.
So we have these ingredients:
- whole wheat flour
- water
- olive oil
- saltSome believe that unleavened bread should be made from wheat flour and water alone. However, there are passages below that indicate that olive oil and salt were also used in unleavened bread.
2 Genesis 29:1-2.23 "(1) And this is how you shall deal with them when you consecrate them as my priests: You shall take one young bullock and two rams without blemish, (2) and unleavened bread, and unleavened cakes leavened with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil. You shall make them of the finest wheat flour. (...)(23) And one loaf of bread, and one pancake leavened with oil, and one wafer from the basket of unleavened bread that is before the Lord."
3 Genesis 2:4-5 "(4) But if you wish to offer as a food offering that which is baked in the oven, let it be unleavened dough of the fore flour leavened with oil and thin unleavened cakes anointed with oil. (5) And if your offering is to be an offering of food fried in a pan, let it be an unleavened cake of fore flour leavened with oil."
3 Genesis 7:12-13 "(12) If he offers it as a sacrifice of thanksgiving, he shall offer at this slaughter sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes leavened with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil; cakes leavened with oil from the flour of the front. (13) With the cakes he shall offer at the thanksgiving sacrifice of atonement as his offering leavened bread."
3 Genesis 8:26 "(26) and from the basket of unleavened bread that was before the Lord, he took one unleavened cake, one bread leavened with oil, and one wafer, and laid them on these fats and on his right shoulder."
3 Maccabees 2:11-13 "(11) No offering of food to be offered to the LORD shall be made on acid; for nothing leavened or honey ye may offer as a fire offering to the LORD. (12) You may offer them to the LORD as a firstfruits offering, but you may not lay them on the altar to be changed into a pleasant fragrance. (13) You shall salt every one of your food offerings; you shall not deprive any of your food offerings of the salt of the covenant of your God. At every one of thy offerings thou shalt also offer salt."
4 Genesis 6:14-15 "(14) He shall offer as a sacrifice to the LORD one lamb of the year without blemish for a burnt offering, one lamb of the year without blemish for a sin offering, one ram without blemish for a sacrifice of atonement, (15) a basket of unleavened bread of antediluvian flour, cakes leavened with oil, unleavened wafers anointed with oil, together with their food offering and their liquid offering."
1 Kings. 17:11-16 "(11) And while she was going to fetch, he called out to her still: Bring me also, please, a piece of bread. (12) But she answered: As the Lord thy God liveth, that I have nothing baked, but only a handful of flour in a jug, and a little oil in a tumbler. Behold, I am just gathering some wood, then I will go and prepare it for myself and my son, and when we eat it, I think we will die. (13) But Elijah said to her: Fear not! Go and do as you say, but first make me a little cake of it and bring it to me, and you shall make it for yourself and your son later. (14) For thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel, The flour in the pot shall not run dry, The oil in the basin shall not run dry, Until the day that the LORD rains upon the earth. (15) So she went and did according to the word of Elijah, and they had something to eat, she and he and her family, day by day. (16) The flour in the pot did not run out, the oil in the bubble did not run out, according to the word of the Lord which he spoke through Elijah."
Job 6:6 "(6) Can you eat what is saltless and bland, or does egg white have any flavor?"
3) What does the unleavened bread used at the Lord's Supper symbolize?
Unleavened bread is called the bread of misery:
5 Genesis 16:2-3 "(2) You shall offer for a Passover sacrifice to the Lord your God sheep and cattle in the place which the Lord shall choose for a dwelling for his name. (3) You shall not eat leavened dough at it for seven days. You shall eat unleavened bread at it - bread of misery, because you came out of the land of Egypt in haste - so that you may remember the day of your coming out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life."
- Unleavened bread is the bread of misery, flat and unleavened, so that we may remember and recall at every Supper that we came out of this world in haste; this bread is also to remind us of the day of our coming out of the kingdom of darkness and of the pure Word of God which we have received (5 Genesis 16:2-3)
- the seed is a symbol for the Word of God (Lk. 8:11)
- Water is a symbol of life (Gen. 1:2; 2:10; Jn. 4:14; 7:37-38)
- oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit (Ps. 133:2; Isa. 61:1; Matt. 25:1-13; Lk. 4:18; Acts 2:4.17-18; 4:27; Heb. 1:9)
- Unleavened bread symbolizes the pure Word of God brought to life in us by the Holy Spirit, that is, the Word without acid, without additives or impurities (Lev. 4:2; 13:1; Mark 7:6-9; Rev. 22:18-19)
- leaven is the doctrine of the Pharisees, it is tradition, forms, ossification, impurities (Mt. 16:6,11-12)
- It may be a good tradition, but from time to time it must always be confronted and checked against the Word, just as in Israel once a year all leaven was removed and only unleavened bread was eaten, and later all leaven for bread was created anew (Acts 17:10-11; 2 Cor. 13:5)
- Unleavened bread is sincerity and truth, acid is malice and wickedness, we must remove spiritual acid (1 Cor. 5:6-
- The unleavened bread also points to Jesus' sinless body (John 6:27,35)
Recipe for unleavened bread (scones, unleavened bread)
2 cups whole wheat flour (type 1850 or 2000)
1/2 cup olive oil (Extra Virgin)
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 teaspoon salt
Blend the liquid ingredients in a blender until you have a white (slightly greenish) emulsion that looks like cream. Then pour this liquid into the prepared flour and add salt. Mix everything together with a wooden spoon, then knead with your hands, roll it out to a thickness of about 1 cm, pierce with a fork and bake in a preheated oven at 180 - 200 degrees C (you can bake on the fan - you have to check whether the dough is browned and be careful not to burn it) for about 10-15 minutes on each side. After baking, cover with a cloth and wait until the scones cool down."
Jesus symbolically identified his body with this bread - as it was broken, he would be "crushed, broken for our iniquities" ( Isaiah 53: 5
"But he was wounded for our transgressions, grated for our iniquities. The punishment for our peace was upon him, and by his wounds we were healed. "
Customs. The Israelites were in the habit of hunt for leaven that day 🙂
Hunting was done by candlelight at night. Over time, this evolved into spring cleaning, which may also be related to leaven. After all, dirt also symbolizes sin.
Other than prayer, Scripture readings, and unleavened bread, what can you do on this day?
Surely Passover is not just a ritual, a ceremony designed to solidify religiosity and works. I'll pray, read, bake and amen...No. This is a time for self-examination and I'll make a video about it, God willing, tonight. It will be long and take a long time to upload, but maybe I'll make it before dark.
You haven't yet mentioned the cup of wine that the Lord Jesus drank with his disciples at the Last Supper 🙂 .
yes thank you for your insight.
For 2 reasons:
1. writes a text about.
2 I examine the question of whether or not it was alcoholic wine.
I believe that non-alcoholic. Since bread is supposed to be without leaven, (without the evil one, without the acid of the Pharisees, Jesus' teaching was pure), so should unfermented wine, just as His blood was pure, He was without sin.
Besides, I think that at the wedding in Cana, unfermented wine was drunk. And the bridegroom complimented the host for leaving the good wine for the end, because it was probably older at the end, already with some percentage.
A cool video was made by Simon, from Shadows of the Future, you used to send a video from him.
Under Brother Michael's latest video, someone asked about Pasche and Passover "When does it fall, on what date?" and someone gave this answer there, quote:
"Hello, I know the question was to Michael but I would like to share my understanding. First of all, do not suggest the date of the Jewish Passover, because the Jews use a calendar invented by Rabbi Heli in the fourth century, the peasant may have meant well but that is not what the Bible teaches, we ourselves are to observe the sun, moon and stars and so determine the sacred times of YHWH. The biggest problem is the designation of the first day of the first month, or the new year, the Scriptures do not mention anything about this, it was apparently obvious to those people. The only clue I found was here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-PR2oPiUj0&t=3889s This is a link to the 119 ministries page, unfortunately it's in English but I hope you can handle it. The idea is to first determine the day of the spring solstice, and the next new moon after that date determines the first day of the year. I know it sounds complicated but it works. The only thing that I think is wrong about what they teach is when is the new moon because they say that it occurs when the moon is not visible, this is also what modern science teaches. The Book of Henoch helps us by saying that the new moon is when we can see the first sickle of the moon with the naked eye, which is around 3%. So the spring solstice was on March 19 and the next new moon was on April 7 and that was the first day of the first month. Now you determine 14 days from that date and you have Passover day on April 20, 21 is the First Day of Unleavened Bread and 27 is the Seventh Day of Unleavened Bread. I think that's it, that's my understanding of this subject and if I'm erring I would like someone to whom the Holy Spirit has revealed more to show me based on Scripture where I've gone astray. Hallelujah."
Unfortunately, I don't speak English so I won't read the video above, but I also believe that Passover falls tomorrow on the 20th (which is Saturday to Sunday). This is my feeling...
I don't claim to be right, because I'm just a human being - a fallible human being , so I'm happy to hear others' opinions.
Shabbat Shalom.
Admin! Can I ask for some contact for you? Would you write to my email? Is the matter like brother to brother ?
This is all new to me and I'm just learning, so I want to know if yeast is also forbidden because it represents sin, just like sourdough? Thank you for the work you are doing to make people aware of what true Christianity is!
Yes, yeast is out of the question too 😉 What's more, I once watched a video on how they make pâtisserie and from the moment of kneading the dough to baking it cannot take more than a few minutes, I don't remember exactly ( maybe 20? ) because after that time there is already fermentation. I don't know how they calculated it but I know from experience that to make a sourdough starter in good conditions it takes 3 days and the standard is 5-7 days.
No more than 18 minutes ? As for wine, there is Mogen David Concord (and other types), for example. They are kosher, for Pasche, it says so on the bottles.
I am not a wine follower but I have drunk this wine about 4 times and find it very delicious.
By the way does anyone know what strain this is?
I also like it ? On the mogen-david.pl website it says that it is made from Concord grapes.
I wish you a blessed Sabbath and Passover ?
What does whether you keep the yeast for 5 or 20 minutes have to do with salvation? Some kind of substitute rubbish....I see that some people pay more attention to details than to the sense of salvation....
When does Jesus' death fall? That's when we should probably fast?
After Jesus returned from the land of the Gadarenes, John's disciples approached him and asked: Why do we and the Pharisees fast much, but your disciples do not fast? Jesus said to them: Can the wedding guests grieve as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast (Matthew 9:14-15).
Thank you for the information...
After a long time I went to church and I was pleasantly surprised by the pastor's sermon.He said that people focus too much on baskets,hare,eggs,etc ceremonies instead of on the One from whom everything started.If people continue to live in a consumerist way and put human customs before God's then every next generation will be without faith.He gave the example of France,etc.He said things that we know about but I was glad that Catholics heard it and may they take it to heart.
But that's the way it's always been. Truth mixed with falsehood. Today he says that people focus too much on baskets, and tomorrow he will say that the Mother of God is the most important and recommend praying the rosary. How can we get people to read the Bible and think for themselves? On the other hand, it is written that there is a Book of Life and not everyone is written in it, so I guess we have to accept that we won't be able to "convert" all people 🙁 .
Well, yes, but every single one of them, at least 1 in 100, if they see and come closer to God, we must rejoice. I also don't really know how to speak about the faith without discouraging it, because these traditions often prevail, but if there is an opportunity to make people aware of it, we must.I myself am still in the Catholic religion except that I do not practice customs that are not in conformity with the Bible, and above all I do not recognize statues, images, many hierarchs and other supposed intermediaries.
And how do you fulfill the condition that Passover was celebrated in the congregation? Protestant churches have Passover, but as far as I know it's monthly, for example. Depends on the church.
I wonder about them now...some don't celebrate Shabbat either.