Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Revelation chapter 13 - my interpretation.

While almost no one has a problem with the end of this chapter, the whole thing does, and I had for quite some time.

I present to you for the first time my current understanding of the thirteenth chapter of the apocalypse, the book of John's Revelation.


One by one I will show you how I see the events of this chapter unfolding.


Verse 1.

And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, which had ten horns and seven heads, and on its horns ten diadems, and on its heads blasphemous names."


The sea symbolizes people in the Bible. The animal symbolizes an organization. In my consideration it is Zionism which has its people all over the WORLD. Note that much is said in the world about the sins of the church of Rome, but almost none, depending on the region of the world, about the power of Zionism.

Chapter 13 begins with Zionism coming out of the people. Why does it have 10 horns? In the Bible, a horn symbolizes power. In my estimation, the 10 horns here refer to the 10 kingdoms of the end times. I have written many times about the findings of the Club of Rome.


This division was established right after the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, which has to do with the following verses.


Verse 2

 And the beast which I saw was like a panther, and his legs like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his strength, and his throne, and great power.


Bear - Russia as the bear, is enshrined as the legs of the antichrist to lay out and support the landscape in the Middle East. It is an open secret that Russia is ruled by the Lubavitch Jewish sect. One is naive to think that Russia will oppose Israel. Russia, along with communism, is overrun with Jewish power.


Lion's mouth - Britain and the United States are like the mouth/voice of the antichrist to set the plans and lead the world toward establishing a new world order.

Coat of arms of England:



Anyone who has immigrated to the UK is well aware of how many Jews own property. We also know about the independent state within a state that is the City of London.


The whole animal looks like a panther and that is what the story tells us.

Isn't Israel devouring like a panther with the mouth of a lion - the military might and finances of the US of Palestine? The panther is predatory and aggressive.


In 1971, the so-called Black Panthers were formed in Israel.


The Israeli Black Panthers later adopted the name of the Black Panther Party of the United States along with groups in United Kingdom , the West Indies, West Africa, and South Asia.


Perhaps an episode of a small group defending its rights in Israel, or perhaps a symbol.





Hamsa - Jewish amulet or Miriam's hand... Miriam, Mary... You know what I mean.



The famous eye. This talisman obviously has nothing to do with the Torah.


Verse 3.

 And one of his heads was mortally wounded, but his mortal wound was healed. And all the earth followed in awe of this animal.



1948 - the creation of the state of Israel.


Verse 4.

And they worshiped the dragon for having given the beast power, and they also worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like the beast, and who can fight with him?



Who is the dragon? Some believe it is Satan himself, while others believe it is the Pope:



After all, the beast is out to destroy the harlot: Zionism Rome.

I think either Francis or the next pope will give the power of Rome to the antichrist.


Verse 5 and 6.

 And a mouth was given to him speaking haughty and blasphemous things, and power was given to him to act for forty and two months. (6) And it opened its mouth to blaspheme against God, to blaspheme against his name and his tabernacle, against those who dwell in heaven.


Earlier in Revelation 11 we read:


But the outer vestibule of the temple turn off and do not measure it, for it has been given over to the Gentiles, who will trample the holy city for forty-two months."


3.5 years Talmudists will trample Jerusalem and blaspheme God.

Let us remember that all of HolyVood is Zionist.

Incidentally, not every Jew is a Zionist and not every Zionist is a Jew.

I have no problem fraternizing with Messianic Jews, although I currently have no such friends.


The Antichrist along with Zionism will blaspheme God. What does this mean?

To blaspheme is to insult the sacred, to profane. It is said that Francis blasphemes God. It is true, he blasphemes him by attributing to him the imperfections of creation, or by denying him the perfection proper to him, or by giving over to creation that belongs only to God.


Verse 7

 And it was permitted him to enter into battle with the saints, and to overcome them; and power was given him over all tribes, and peoples, and tongues, and nations. (8) And all the inhabitants of the earth shall worship him, every one whose name is not from the foundation of the world written in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain. 



From the beginning of the Tribulation, all the tribes of the earth and the nations will worship the beast and all the people who will not be saved.

Adventists think it is the Catholic church, but would all those who did not live in the time of the internet and did not know this truth about Rome as we do not be saved, just because of knowledge? I think on this issue AD7 are misleading their believers as if this passage applies to Rome. By the way, they completely fail to mention Zionism. Even I think Prof. Veith himself, whom I appreciate, says nothing about such a great political and economic power as Zionism....

So those who worship the beast will not be saved.


Verses 9 and 10.


If anyone has ears let him hear. (10) If he who is destined to go into captivity, into captivity he will go; if he who kills with the sword must himself die by the sword. Here the perseverance and faith of the saints will be shown


The faith of the saints will be to come out of the spiritual bondage of this world. People who love this world: movies, TV shows, TV, computer games, or even their church over God's Law, etc. etc., will be destined for bondage. He who lives by the sword will die by the sword, that is, if you fight by carnal means you will die by carnal means.


Verses 11 and 12


 I saw another animal coming out of the ground, which had two horns like rams, and spoke like a dragon. (12) And it exercises all the power of the first animal before its eyes. It causes the earth and its inhabitants to worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed.


The beast coming out of the ground is US showing up like Christians and being seen as Christians but yet not being them. They have horns like a lamb but speak like a dragon. They exercise the authority of the first animal, Zionist Israel. Hence we call them USRAEL.

It is the U.S. that makes and will make the land give/give glory to Israel. The vast majority of churches are pro-Israel. Ask around in your churches.


Verse 13.

"And he does great wonders, so that he also brings down fire from heaven to the earth before the eyes of men.


It is the U.S. that starts the most wars (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq,...) and unleashes fire on the earth destroying countries and cities, all in the name of Christianity and with the approval of both Catholic and Protestant voters.


Verses 14 and 15

(14) And he deceives the inhabitants of the earth by the miracles which he was given to perform before the eyes of the beast, persuading the inhabitants of the earth to set up a statue to the beast which has a sword wound and yet is left alive. (15) And it was given to him to breathe a spirit into the statue of the beast, so that the statue of the beast would speak and cause all who did not worship the statue of the beast to be killed.


Presumably, as I have written several times, during the Great Tribulation you will have to worship a talking statue. Probably through modern technology: hologram, VR glasses, etc.

Are these distant matters since nearly 600 B.C:


King Nebuchadnezzar made a golden statue sixty cubits high and six cubits wide and had it set up in the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. 
 Daniel 3:1, 


It was a foreshadowing of what was to come.

Imagine this situation. Michael Jackson was brought back to life. How many fans do you think he would have today? An unanswered question, but the answer here is not important.

Just to give you an idea of what I am talking about, let me give you some numbers. There are about one billion Catholics in the world. Most of them worship a pope who does nothing for people, but what if a politician came during an economic crisis or World War 3 and solved all the world's problems by printing money, let's say a guaranteed income of 3000 PLN for everybody. How many people would love him?




Next, you already know the next lines:


He also causes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, (17) and that no one may buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the animal or the number of its name. (18) This is where wisdom is needed. He that hath understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast: for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six.


For the past 6 years or so, I have believed that the mark of the beast would be the cleft hexagram as this one is propagated around the world.






Read more about the mark of the beast here:


The mark of the beast in the apocalypse is a pyramid


The time of grace is ending. If you are not sure you are saved, you can accept Christ into your life now by praying:


"Lord Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God. Thank you that you died on the cross for my sins. Forgive me my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I invite you into my life and heart to be my Lord and Savior.


Repent and live a Christian life. Give up malice, addictions and love for this world, be good and kind to people.

Without a shadow of a doubt, most pastors believe that we are living in the end times.

I may be wrong in the details, but Satan will certainly need glory for himself and splendor and will do everything to get him to bow down, just as he desired a bow from Jesus in the wilderness. The Lord Jesus refused to bow for the goods of this world.

Humanity is about to face a last chance choice. Either with God or with demons.






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Updated: 7 April 2022 — 15:42


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  1. Artificial Intelligence

    ...will blaspheme God

    ...or as in the Book of Daniel, the antichrist will speak (blaspheme) great things against the Most High.

    We must ask ourselves how is it possible that the antichrist will blaspheme against the Most High and at the same time be recognized as God by the Israelites and in particular by the tribe of Judah?

    If the antichrist will blaspheme against the Most High i.e. YHWH then I don't see how the Israelites can believe in him i.e. the antichrist, it would be a perversion of the entire history of the chosen people.

    The logical story can only be one, he will blaspheme against Jesus Christ, he will probably say what is written about Jesus in the Talmud, only then can the Israelites recognize the antichrist.

    IF it is as I wrote in point 2, it means that
    Jesus Christ = The Most High = YHWH
    Because the highest as the name suggests can only be one.

  2. Artificial Intelligence

    I would like to share some insights with you, below is an interesting video:

    I used to read the Qur'an and it says that Muslims will be ushered into a beautiful land, a land full of streams and pasture for cattle (is that an allusion to the land of Israel?) and that the infidels will plug their ears in terror from the thunder of lightning that will flash like crazy (is that an allusion to the fire sent down from heaven by the antichrist?).

    In short, the mark of the beast may be XES:…870.870..1077…0.0..……0….1..gws-wiz-img.59_WL7L6h5s

    According to Muslims, Muhammad left the Earth on a white horse and so will return to it, could it be that the first rider on the white horse of the apocalypse refers to Muhammad? The first rider on the white horse of the apocalypse symbolizes deception or false peace, the false prophet as suggested by the next horses bringing misfortune.

    Israel not recognizing the New Testament will be closer to Islam and Muhammad than to Jesus. Furthermore, the antichrist will worship no one but himself, and the papacy does not really fit here because they worship "all the saints.

  3. Very interesting interpretation...

  4. Thank you for this text. I also have a question about this verse:

    (15) And it was given to him to breathe his spirit into the statue of the beast, so that the statue of the beast would speak and cause all who did not worship the statue of the beast to be killed.

    What caused those who did not worship to be killed? The animal, or the statue itself? Because it can be ambiguously read. And is the statue literally a statue, or could it mean something else?

    1. Whether it is a statue will come out in the wash. No one can guarantee that for today.
      I'm betting something a la statue or hologram.

  5. I'll throw in my three cents as well (maybe a bit chaotic due to the time, forgive me)....

    "The whole animal looks like a panther and that is what history tells us. The Germans are very fond of cats smaller than a lion - Tigers, Panthers, more recently Leopards, etc.

    "And it was permitted to him to enter into battle with the saints, and to overcome them; and power was given him over all tribes, and peoples, and tongues, and nations." It is well known which tribe holds power over almost every nation - in a more or less visible way. It is not likely that this is about the NCC.

    As for the US - I fully agree.
    How clearly it exercises the power of the first and, for example, introduces Bill 447 - and never mind that it is pure robbery. Indeed, it started out like a lamb (built by Christians fleeing persecution in Europe), and has very clearly been roaring like a dragon for a long time.

    As for the mark of the beast...
    Hm, since it is supposed to be a counterfeit of the seal of God (on the forehead and on the hand - deeds flowing from conviction), I would rather see it in the spiritual dimension than in the material.
    We see the seal of God at the baptism of the Lord Jesus, and it is also mentioned by Paul: "sealed with the Holy Spirit for a day" and John: "do no harm ... until we have put the seal of the servants of our God on their foreheads". And the seal of God on their hands - keeping the unchanging commandments of God. ALL OF THEM!

    As for the beast, it doesn't matter if the submission is from conviction (forehead) or chosen under pressure/comfort (hand).

    Restoring "Israel" (the state) - here I will return to the CW24 material (about the Gomberg Map, among other things):

    With the Lord God.

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