Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

ODFNEST 2019, or the ecumenical pastors of Wrocław together with the Catholic Church.

At about 1:30 p.m. Pastor Adam Piatkowski announces that the meeting is organized together with the city authorities, and the authorities are from the pro-homosexual PO. The pastor leads a charismatic church Community For Jesus. Its genesis is interesting:

It was founded in 2000 as a result of a merger of two other Wroclaw communities: Zion and Adonai.


Zion and all is clear. It is also no surprise that he is a member of the Evangelical Alliance.

Participants in this ecumenical i mprezation included:

Baptists from Wroclaw, Agaliatuis Catholic Community, Betel Community, Catholic House of God. Catholic Alleluia, Canaan Centre, The Rock Pentecostal Church, Koiniona Pentecostal Church, Church in Wroclaw, Free Christians Church, wspolnota 2122, KZ Antioch, Nowa Studnia and others

As you can see the gate is very wide.

Then the rock concert begins. But the Lord Jesus said that from that time - His coming - true worshippers will worship in Spirit and in Truth.


Later, one of the guests is Josh Mc Dowel, formerly an apologist and now an ecumenist.


I'm not a bigot, I can even go to the movies sometimes. By the way, the last time I went was probably a year or more ago. I like to look good. But a Christian authority figure with a gold chain around his neck? What do you say to that?


Charismatics worship God not in Spirit and in Truth, but ecumenically with Rome and the Zionists. To worship God is not to not raise your hands.


The incense offering is an abomination to me. I cannot endure your new moon days, your Sabbaths, nor this great day. My soul despises your fasting, your holy rest, your new moon days, your feasts. I am nauseated because of you; I cannot bear your sins any longer.'" – Isaiah 1:11-14″


People are living in darkness through the teachings of Rome, among others, and here pseudo-Protestants are merging with Catholicism and thus with the worship of the Queen of Heaven.

On the other hand, if evangelicals are to merge with Rome then why did we need to leave the Roman Catholic Church? Rhetorical question.

Unfortunately these poor people, the participants in this NWO festival because that's what it must be called, don't see what is what, what is the truth.


One religion, one government, one money. This is the NWO.

They are probably the ones who will deliver Christians who resist world religion.



Updated: 3 April 2019 — 18:56


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  1. God said He could no longer endure the Sabbaths. So how are these Sabbaths in the end?

    1. and this is how false doctrines are created. E.g. Christopher King quoted this verse in refuting the Sabbath and did not understand that God was disgusted with celebrations as if He said to Catholics today if these were His holidays: I am sick of your feasts of December 24th, three kings and Easter. Repent. After all, the Lord Jesus celebrated the Sabbath!
      Simply put, God is not interested in worship, fasting, works if someone sins

    2. It was all about the attitude of the Israelites, what they were doing was mere religiosity, just something to tick off, and on a daily basis they were sinning, not keeping the commandments. In the same book God says that they worship Him only with their lips, and their heart is far from Him, which Jesus later quoted in a conversation with the Pharisees.

  2. The awfulness with this "fest", it's horrible....

  3. I would also like to add two prophetic messages by David Wilkerson for your deep reflection

    one when he was in Poland:

    the second from 1973:

    We need to think about this, but in spirit...

  4. An article about Mr. Bartosz, who is seen on a filmed account of the "Renewal" festival (he sings in the choir):

    Mr. Adam Piatkowski calls all brothers and sisters who undermine the false unity and who openly oppose adultery with the KrK as haters.

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