Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"End Time Events. Jesus' return in 2027.

This movie recommended by a brother in the faith in "exile" 🙂 I recommend it to you and me, because this teaching man gives a very fair portrayal of the time of the Great Tribulation.


However, keep in mind that whatever lecture you watch about the Great Tribulation, the end times, each one of them will be very believable. I recently watched Prof. Veith's version, which is really Adventist, because when you enter that religion you accept the doctrines of the religion. Everything seemed reasonable and yet the versions differ from the one below as well as those where there will be a rapture before the Tribulation.

As far as I know, the church in the video below is some kind of Adventist denomination and they believe not in the one triune God, but in the two one God. I am writing about this so that you do not blindly follow this teaching, but with some distance listen to a very interesting lecture, from which you can extract some interesting insights.



Very difficult times are looming for followers of Jesus.

As I have written several times, this year will be full of very important events, and the next 2020 will likely be the year of the Great Tribulation or prologue.



Zbigniew Wiergowski talks about the descendants of the Edomites befriending the Vatican, Yes, this is the case. They are fighting each other, but only ostensibly, as I have written about many times. Their goal is the same. It is the Vatican-Zionist agenda.


I know that for some it may seem absurd to give a year, but the Bible only says that "no one knows the day or the hour". Anyway, here it is not the year that is important, but the preparation for persecution.


Interesting thread on the withholding of the perpetual sacrifice and a few other things. I watched until 1am today because I was supposed to make a video about the rapture. Well, these Adventists think there will be no rapture. I think there will be. But the people who are raving about the time of the rapture are unbalanced people. I mean those who get emotional and sometimes even insulting. Simply put, either I am wrong or my adversaries are. The subject of the apocalypse is a very hard subject to unravel.


One thing is for sure: gro Christians will be terribly persecuted and soon. There is no shortage of haters among the readers of this blog let alone in the world.

Note: I do not recommend the channel, and the video to watch. The video currently has barely 83 views and I don't want to give my authority to people I don't know. I have already advertised some Polish pastors and it turned out to be a big mistake. I am posting this one because he himself claims that it is from the churches that there will be persecution.

This is one of the few videos of others teaching that I have posted in the last year.



In the face of the words of this seeming brother in the faith, though theologically I don't quite agree, my conclusion is this: Christians should be guarded above all.

Brother will spend brother. In one church one person will spend another. Just see the fruit of people commenting on this blog who disagree with the content of the blog. There are many people deluded into believing that they are Christians and they are full of anger, hatred and rudeness.

The churches are in ecumenism. It is that time of derogation already. All the denominations are together with Rome. They are putting everything together.



Updated: 19 March 2019 — 14:41


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    1. Yes , come!!!!! We are waiting. It's time. With God's help we will make it.

  1. Yes this is full scale derogation. "Ecumeny" of Christianity with Judaism and Islam.
    To quote the Satanist Freemason Albert Pike (the one behind the three wars) from Wikipedia: The crowds must be told: We worship one God!
    And we worship Jesus Christ, and we're good with that 🙂

    1. you made a good comment...

  2. I have this thought: "as in the days of Noah," reading the book of Yisher, it says that God took all the good and those following in his footsteps before the flood. They died earlier to avoid watching the horrors and death of loved ones destined for perdition by their sins. However, Noah carried his loved ones through the flood at the command of the Lord.
    And so I think the rapture may be before the Tribulation but we also have those who came from the Tribulation.

    1. Luke, thank you for your comment I think so too. I might be able to release a video on this tomorrow

  3. My question is whether 2027 is about the parousia that is to occur at the end of the WU or the end of the Wrath of God after the 7th Trump?

    1. My understanding is that 2027 is the date of Christ's coming to earth and the establishment of the 1000 year kingdom. They don't seem to say anything about the Parousia. Parousia after the Tribulation doesn't make sense to me personally. The way I understand it is that the Parousia will be before the Tribulation for all the converted, and the rest will have the opportunity to be converted during the Tribulation and they will be taken to Heaven later, but there will also be converts who will survive alive until the end of the Tribulation. Correct me if I am wrong.
      I just don't know how they calculated the year 2027? There doesn't seem to be an explanation in the video, or I missed something.

      1. Hello, this lecture in the link below gives a calculation of the year 2027 when our Savior will return. Specifically, 15.10.2027, at the beginning of the last Feast of Tabernacles on this earth. You can hear all about it in the following lectures.

        Come Lord Jesus...

  4. I listened to this gentleman, his films were once translated here Steve Cohran, I will give you a link He claimed that the WU would begin in 2017 which unfortunately did not come true, now he claims it is 2019-2020. But what he does say is that the parousia will be in the middle of the Tribulation based on the quotes "These are the ones who came out of the Great Tribulation which is neither before nor after, and that after 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation according to him comes the Wrath of God and then no one has a chance of salvation anymore, but that's just his interpretation, I don't know if he is a false prophet or not he spoke quite interestingly.

  5. Dedektywprawy wrote: "As far as I know, the church in the video below is some kind of Adventist denomination and they believe not in the triune God, but in the binary one. "I answer that I also do not believe in the Triune God, because the Scriptures say that there is only one God, 1 Corinthians 8:6; 2 Genesis 20:2, and not "the triune one". I have studied the Bible myself from beginning to end... and there is no basis in the Bible for worshipping a third person besides the Father and His divine Son as the third person of God! Who is the Holy Spirit?
    In studying the subject it is necessary to explain : Holy Spirit - רוח הקודש what does holy mean? The Hebrew word holy. Holiness in Hebrew is qodesh and in Greek it is ἅγιος hágios and "means separated and it has two aspects in the Bible: separation from something and separation for something."
    "Ruach ha-kodesh" is literally: "breath of holiness", it is of course understood not as a separate entity, but as God's Inspiration (also sometimes: God's Inspiration), which can make a person (e.g. a prophet) take extraordinary actions . In Judaism there is no concept of the "holy spirit" in the sense in which it is abused present in Christianity.
    The Bible says that there is God the Father and God the Son, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of YHWH...not a separate God. Genesis 1:26. 1:26 "Let us make man in our image like unto us..." and v. 27 And God created man in His image. In the image of God he created him as male and female he created them. So man is Adam and Eve. There are two of them, not three... 2, 7: Here we read "...from the dust of the ground Adam was formed, and the breath of God brought him to life, and he became a living soul (a living being). 1 Gen. 2:21-2(23) Adam was already alive and some time had passed, the Lord God YHWH sent a deep sleep upon Adam and filled the place with flesh. And out of the zebra, YHWH Allah formed a woman..., whom Adam called a married woman, because she was taken from a husband." The image of God - must be like the Original. From the image, the Scriptures teach us. that there were two of them... not three. There are many verses in the Bible that prove it.
    E.g. Gen. 1:2 "Spirit of God" is not the same as "God the Spirit"; He also has no personal name.
    4Moses. 11:17 and 25-26+29 Notice that it says God will take v. 17 and 25 "a little of the Spirit"...and v.29 that the Lord GOD YHWH will put HIS Spirit upon them. The PL translations have blurred/unjustly removed the name of God YHWH and the translators write there the Lord..., but even... , one can see that it was the Spirit of YHWH and not a third party!
    E.g. Judges 6:34 "But Gideon was overwhelmed by the Spirit of the Lord (Jahuwah), so that he blew ..."
    and Judges. 11:29 "Then the Spirit of the Lord (JaHuWaH) came upon Jephthah. ...!
    and 14:6 "And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him...," (read Jahuwah)
    1 Krol.18,12 again it says: the spirit of YHWH ; 1 Krol. 18:46 "...the power of YHWH..."
    1 Krol.22,24 "So the Spirit of the Lord (Yahuah)has departed from me to speak through you? "
    2 Chr. 2:9 c "...And Elisha answered, Please let me have a share of two-thirds of your spirit."


    Nehemiah 9:20 "Thou hast given them thy good spirit ." Ps. 51:12-13″....And do not take away your Holy Spirit from me . " Ps. 139:7 "Where shall I flee before thy spirit? And where before thy face shall I flee?
    Isaiah 59:21 "...saith the Lord, My spirit that resteth upon thee, and my word which I have put in thy mouth, ..."

    Isaiah 63:10 +11+14 "But they were perverse and grieved His Holy Spirit..." "...Where is He who put His Holy Spirit (separated) in their hearts." "...Thus the Spirit of the Lord (Yahuah) led them to rest."
    Isaiah 61:1 " The Spirit of the Almighty, YHWH over me, for YHWH has anointed me to preach good news to the poor; he has sent me to comfort those whose hearts are contrite, to proclaim deliverance to the captives and sight to the blind,"
    Ezek. 11:5 + 24 "And the Spirit of YHWH came upon me, and YHWH said to me:Thus saith YHWH ..." 11:24 "And the Spirit lifted me up and led me in a vision, in the Spirit of God, to Chaldea."

    In my Bible there are 3 chapters of Joel, in some translations there are 4, so search. Joel. 3,1+2 "I will pour out MY SPIRIT.... Scripture says, but I will not send a third. Micah 3:8 " But I am full of strength, the Spirit of the Lord, the law and the power to declare to Jacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin". ( In the NT also, when the Spirit of truth comes he will declare sin...etc)
    Zech. 4:6 +10 " This is the word of YHWH to Zorobabel: Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit shall it come to pass, saith YHWH of hosts. " v.10 "These seven lamps - these are the eyes of the Lord; they are the ones that look over the whole earth." Compare to Rev. John 5:6 "And I saw in the midst between the throne and the four figures, and in the midst of the old men, standing a Lamb as if slain, which had seven horns and seven eyes; and these are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth."
    It always says that God YHWH will give us His Spirit. That was the ST.


    The Spirit of God in the NT.
    The phrase "Holy Spirit" in the NT is quite common and familiar to many believers...but not always well understood and often misinterpreted by those who want to "prove" the unbiblical Trinity or Triune God. Translators of the NT often translate as they believe, influenced by their denomination... YHWH the Lord God is never wrong and there is not the slightest shadow in him.
    The Apostles John and Paul write most clearly about the Spirit. But also the whole NT is consistent with the ST. It cannot be otherwise!
    John, 14, 10 How was the Father in his Son? By the Spirit of God, which he received at baptism. John 1:32-33 Matt. 3:16 & 4:1 Scripture says Spirit of God( from ST we know it is the Spirit of YHWH) John 14:17-18 Jesus said: " ye know him (?), for he abideth among you-who abideth among them, and whom did the disciples know? In 18- he explains: "...I will come ( Jesus says) to you. John 14:23 Who will come and dwell...? The Father and the Son. Not three and not someone else-a third person, no . John 14:28 "...I am going away and coming to you :" Christ in the Spirit will come / has come , not physically . Acts 5:9 ".... to tempt the spirit of the Lord? " 5:32 "And we are witnesses of these things, and also of the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him ; You see this ... The Spirit must be given by someone ... He can do nothing by Himself ... The Father gave His Spirit to the Son and the Son of God gives it to us. Everything comes from the Father - flows through the Son to us. The Son of God is God's channel, the Father's mediator.
    Acts 16:6 -7 here it is nice to see the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus... " And they passed through Phrygian and Galatian lands, because the Holy Spirit hindered the preaching of the Word of God in Asia.
    16:7 And when they came toward Mizia, they wanted to go to Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not let them;
    Further texts now from the NT stating that the Holy Spirit is none other than the Spirit of YHWH of ST, with which Yahushua was filled at baptism and in whose power he lived a holy, pure, sinless life, having in himself both the fruit of the Spirit and gifts from the Spirit of the Father.(John. 14,10-20 ; John 15,1-16 ) In the last days before his death, in his conversation with his disciples, as I have shown from the Word of God, he promised that he would not leave them orphans, that he would come... His perfect Sacrifice evidenced by Christ's glorification and place on the throne at the right hand of the Father in heaven, "made possible" the outpouring of the Spirit of YHWH through Christ in such abundance as never before, thus fulfilling to a great extent the prophecy of Joel 3:1-2. He in the Father and the Father in him in the Spirit are one...that is why the NT Scriptures alternate between the Holy Spirit (- that is, separated for us), the Spirit of Christ, or the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Father, God gave his Spirit, etc..but it is always the one Spirit of YHWH who proceeds from the Father and through Christ, by his merits, is poured out on different degrees, for different purposes, in different ways...

    Mat. 3:16 "And when Jesus was baptized, he soon came up out of the water, and, behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God (YHWH) coming down in the form of a dove and resting on him."
    "Then the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." Matthew 4:1
    "I baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit "(read separated) Mark 1:8
    Luk. 4:18 "The Spirit of the Lord ( read IHuWaH) is upon me, therefore he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor; he has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives, and sight to the blind, to set the oppressed at liberty, " Compare with Isa. 61:1 "The Spirit of the Almighty, (the Lord) YHWH is upon me, for YHWH has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor; he has sent me to give comfort to those whose hearts are contrite, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and sight to the blind,"
    Acts 15:8 " GOD also, who knows the hearts, confessed to them, giving them the Holy Spirit (separated) as to us,"
    BW - Acts 16:6-7 "And they passed through Phrygia and Galatia, because the Holy Spirit hindered the preaching of the Word of God in Asia. "And when they came toward Mysia, they wanted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not let them;"
    Philippians 1:19 "For I know that through your prayer and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ it will come to my deliverance."
    Romans 8:14 "For those whom the Spirit of God leads are children of God."
    v.15 For you have not taken the spirit of bondage to be afraid again, but you have taken the spirit of sonship, in which we cry, Abba, Father!
    Romans 8:23 " And not only it, but we ourselves also, who have the beginning of the Spirit, groan within ourselves, expecting sonship, the redemption of our body ."
    And see in Galatians it is:
    Gal. 4, 6 And because you are sons, therefore God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying out: Abba, Father!
    Rom. 15:18b " ...what Christ has not done through me, to bring the Gentiles to obedience in word and deed,
    w. 19 By the power of signs and wonders and by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that, from Jerusalem and the surrounding countries to Illyria, I spread

    ( I Cor 2:2:4 "And my speech and my preaching were not preached in persuasive words of wisdom, but the Spirit and the power were manifested in them,
    That your faith may not be based on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God."
    "For God has revealed this to us by the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.
    1 Corinthians 2:10 "For God has revealed this to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.
    1 Corinthians 2:11 "For who among men knows who a man is, except the human spirit that is in him? ( If only my spirit knows who I is not that my spirit is another person or another person, but the one in me. ) In the same way, who God is, no one has known but the Spirit of God. In the same way - not someone outside, another person, but a spirit from within God.
    w. 12 "but the Spirit which is of God". w. 14 "...which are of the Spirit of God."
    1 Corinthians 3:16 "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? "
    The word "Spirit of God" is not the same as "God the Spirit". And there is no such word at all in the Scriptures.
    2 Corinthians 5:5 "And he who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has also given us as a hand the Spirit.
    If the Holy Spirit were the third person of God, then one cannot give "a little bit of the spirit" or the "infliction" of a person ! It is either all or nothing.
    Ephesians 1:13 "In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and have believed in him, have been sealed with the promised Holy Spirit,"
    w. 14 "Who is the surety of our inheritance,..."
    Ephesians 1:17 "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to know him, "
    Ephesians 3:16 -19 " That he would cause you, according to the riches of his glory, to be established in the inner man by his Spirit,
    w17. That Christ by faith may dwell in your hearts, and you, rooted and grounded in love,
    18 They were able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and height, and depth,
    19 And could know the love of Christ, which surpasses all knowledge, so that you may be filled completely with the fullness of God."


    Ephesians 4:30 " And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you are sealed for the day of redemption. It is not written: do not grieve "God the Holy Spirit" but God the Holy Spirit.
    1 John 1:3b "...And our fellowship is fellowship with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ."
    "And whosoever keepeth his commandments dwelleth in God, and God in him; and by the Spirit which he hath given to us ( he cometh not himself- he is given to us) we know that he dwelleth in us. "1 John 3:24 Compare with the next given in 1 John 4:12 "....God dwelleth in us".... By this we know that we dwell in him, and he in us, that of his Spirit he has given us." 1 John 4:13

    So we see that the Holy Spirit is not a third party...but the Spirit of the Father Himself being in the Son of God, poured out on the newborn through the Son of Yahushua.

    Peace of God to you, Righteousness and Joy in His Spirit.
    J S.

    1. Sin against the Holy Spirit*

      MT12,31 Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 If anyone speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him, but if he speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come*.

  6. The video is not available.

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