Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Deceitful thoughts and desires separate you from God and from His grace.

Sometimes I write such texts that are a truism to me and I would never think that what I write will appeal to many people. Perhaps that will be the case with this article I am writing now.


One of the earliest references to the tremendous impact of deceitful thoughts on human life is the story of the drama of Cain. Before committing sin, Cain was, like most of us, warned by God himself to finally show him rebellion and kill his brother.


Let us recall the story:


After a time, Cain offered a crop sacrifice to Yahweh. (4) Abel also sacrificed firstborn The animals of his flock and the fat of them. Yahweh looked kindly on Abel and on his sacrifice, (5) But he did not look upon Cain and his sacrifice. Angered it was Cain so much that his face changed. (6) So Yahweh asked Cain, Why does this make you angry? Why did your face change?


As we can see, it all starts with thoughts. Often uncontrolled ones. Cain began envy brother. He then fell into anger To the point that his face changed.



 (7) Is [the offering] not accepted if you do good? But if you do wrong, then sin like a demon [lurks] at the gates and lusts after you. You, however, are supposed to be in control of it!



God gives a warning. He says to Cain that if he had done right, sin would not have entered his mind. Sin begets sin. This is why the Lord Jesus placed such great emphasis on our thoughts, regarding anger itself as murder and lustful looks as adultery. God, compared sin to a demon, for all sin is the invention of demons. Whether it is anger, or jealousy, or self-indulgence, selfishness, lying, stealing, idolatry, etc. sin is fellowship with demons.




(8) And Cain said to his brother Abel, Let us go into the field. And when they were come into the field, Cain sprang upon his brother, and slew him.


Cain disobeyed God, but how many times have we heard God's gentle voice in our thoughts telling us not to do this and that and yet we do. We hurt those closest to us and we don't stop ourselves.




This first forensic recordable murder in world history could have been stopped if Cain had taken the WORD of GOD seriously.


Czy jednak my nie jesteśmy Kainami? Czy nam Bóg wybacza? W Nowym testamencie już jest napisane “gniewajcie się, ale nie grzeszcie, niech słonce nie zachodzi nad Waszym gniewem”.  Parafrazując “masz prawo do gniewu, do pokusy, ale zatrzymaj się w porę”.


Wiele się mówi o alkoholu, o cudzołóstwie z innymi kobietami, ale czym jest masturbacja jak nie życiem Kaina? Pożądliwe patrzenie na inne kobiety, bawienie się myślami jest cudzołóstwem według spojrzenia Jezusa. Kiedyś miałem CB. Na całe szczęście jest już Janosik, gdyż w eterze była tak duża masa chamstwa, że czasem wyłączałem, a czasem ganiłem za “piękne” słowa. Ale czasem także kierowcy tirów pytali się gdzie najbliżej są tzw “tirówki”. Oczywiście pewnie 24 grudnia składali sobie w rodzinie życzenia świąteczne gdyż KRK wmówił im, że są zbawieni.


Co jednak z dobrze wykształconymi mężczyznami w galeriach oglądającymi się za nogami obcych kobiet? Co z chrześcijanami wchodzącymi na strony, gdzie szatan kusi i wcale nie mam na myśli tutaj stron porno, ale choćby takie, gdzie w nagłówku jest tytuł “Aktorka X pokazała za dużo”. OOO pokazała za dużo? Ciekawe co, może wejdę. Tak tylko z ciekawości. Widzi skąpe bikini lub spódnice podniesioną przez wiatr. Oj tam oj tam. Tylko takie tam pudelkowe strony.

Once a person from Kielce told me about a church elder who was caught several times having his newspaper open on a page with a naked woman. It's a daily newspaper, but in order to sell something to people who are convinced that they are not sinning, they put a nude woman not on the porn page, but in the daily or weekend edition.



(9) Then Yahweh asked Cain, Where is your brother Abel? He answered, I know not! Am I my brother's keeper?


Kain udawał pisząc kolokwialnie “głupa” jak większość spoglądających na ponętne kobiety: co to jestem stróżem tych kobiet…”. Nie jest grzechem widzieć dziewczynę w mini, ale grzechem jest kilka razy spoglądać na nią lub zatrzymywać długo wzrok.



(10) A [Jahwe] rzekł: – Cóżeś uczynił! Oto krew twego brata woła ku mnie z ziemi. (11) Therefore be cursed now from this land, Which has opened its maw, To receive from thy hand the blood of thy brother.


Welcome to the world of hidden sins.

God is holy to leave it at that.He cursed Cain, but at the very first he warned him. He showed him his wrath. Therefore, the Word of God , WORD FROM GOD, THE BIBLE is a good Law for us so that sin like a demon will not reign over us.

Zwiedzeni chrześcijanie myślą “Jezus zmarł za moje grzechy, a więc jestem zbawiony raz na zawsze”. No i róbta co chceta…

But let me remind you that some of the Israelites when they came out of Egypt for their idolatry and lack of obedience died in the desert.

Nothing has changed in this regard.

Men fantasize about women, women fantasize about men, how they would be better off with another and bam, a demon comes in and takes advantage. Through sin there is a loss of blessing.


Don't be a fence-sitter.

Just as buying from a fence drives the economy, watching porn drives the market for suffering through porn.

Do you know that some prostitutes are kidnapped beforehand as regular street girls or tricked into thinking they have a good job somewhere?

By looking at porn magazines like this, you feed the boom in women's kidnapping.

By looking at strange women you are hurting your own wife.

By fantasizing about strange men, how you would be with them, how you would have it better, you are hurting your husband.



The new commandmentI give youthat you love one another as I have loved you; that you also you tak się miłowali wzajemnie”


It is certainly not love to lust after strange women or men.



So if your right eye is a reason for you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. For it is better for you if one of your members dies, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand is a cause of sin to you, cut it off and cast it from you. For it is better for you if one of your members dies, than for your whole body to go to hell.


People need to answer for themselves if their desires are hurting others.

Reportedly 80% serial killers were addicted to pornography and this fact does not show that anyone who is an adulterer in their mind will become a serial killer, but it does show demonic connections. Demons like gangsters never go it alone.

The topic is not exhaustive. Let us put desires under it: power over another person, control, mammon. Sooner or later such sins manifest themselves.

Tekstem tym nie chciałem tylko potrząsnąć onanistami, ale nami wszystkimi abyśmy badali swe serca, jakie mamy pragnienia i myśli. Wszystko zaczyna się w głowie. Zanim ktoś coś ukradnie, pożąda tę rzecz. On jej nie kradnie, ale bardzo chce. Kiedy już to zrobi, powie jak Kain “a moja to wina , że ten rower był na ulicy”.

Is it my fault that I demeaned, demeaned others?



All lust of the eyes comes from the world:


“Albowiem wszystko, co jest na świecie: pożądliwość bodies, lust eyes i boast about wealth – nie pochodzi od Ojca, lecz ze świata”



If God cursed Cain and caused the idolatrous Israelites who fled from the Promised Land to die in the desert, then you too, by engaging in the hidden sin of lust, lose God's grace. You lose what is good and ask yourself: why am I unlucky?

I don't think I need to remind you that God did not spare David himself by taking away his child.




Updated: 7 February 2019 — 21:03


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  1. Też tak uważam… ale przy tym sama jestem niewolnicą takich myśli. Czasem czuję, że nie jestem do końca szczęśliwa z mężem i żeby to sobie “wynagrodzić” fantazjuję o innych. Potem jest mi źle, że zamiast próbować coś naprawić uciekam w świat marzeń. Często się modlę o czystość i higienę mojego umysłu. Proszę Boga o to żeby opuściły mnie demony… czasami nawet mówię żeby opuściła mnie Jezebel, chociaż sama nie wiem czy to rzeczywiście taki demon. I rzeczywiście przychodzi czas że jest świetnie. Potem trafia się jakiś kamyk pod nogami, chwila słabości i nieprawe myśli wracają… To straszne i takie męczące. Trzeba się pilnować i o duszę dbać tak samo jak o zdrowie. Jak noszenie czapki, jedzenie warzyw itp. tak unikać sytuacji lub grzesznych obrazów. Nie dać sobie zasiać tego złego ziarna w głowie!

    1. and praise God that you do, that you guard your thoughts.
      Pray for you to be a good wife and for God to solve your marriage problems and for your husband. It may take time, but if you draw near to God, He will show you grace.

      ” Zbliżcie się do Boga, a zbliży się do was. Obmyjcie ręce, grzesznicy, i oczyśćcie serca, ludzie o rozdwojonej duszy. Jakuba 4. ”

      This is to everyone.
      Through a bad life, many have taken up unconsidered relationships. But love is not amours and butterflies but a decision. Love is doing your duty to another person as husband or wife.

      I will pray for you.

      May God's Spirit protect and watch over you.

  2. If someone is a freelancer it is normal that he will look at a woman, it is the nature of a young man, Jesus said love one another, everyone has the right to love someone else, if there was no desire there would be no family, there would be no family, there would be nothing if someone is already with someone and does that, it is already bad, but let's not get paranoid. Jesus said love, for you have no fault in your love. It is not only men who look at women, women today are much more lustful than men, look around, how young girls behave, the 60s are already in the past 🙂 . Praise God Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour.

    1. If you look at a woman once because she just happened to be passing by, it's not a bad thing. You know that. The problem is lust.

      1. Hiob bodajże fajnie powiedział, że “Zawarłem przymierze z moimi oczami, żeby nie patrzyć na kobietę”(Czy jakoś podobnie)

        It is one thing to look and another to look lustfully. In my opinion, adultery in the heart is fantasizing about some woman. At least that's how I understand it

  3. Great text Peter!
    Co do Kaina, widzę tu jeszcze drugie dno, a mianowicie Kain, zachował się tak, jakby uznał że ofiara ze zwierzęcia nie jest mu potrzebna. Uznał, że jest na tyle dobry, że nie musi jej składać. Wbił się w pyche, nie potrzebował krwi, która go obmyje z grzechu… Ta historię można na wiele roznych aspektów podzielic.
    Nevertheless, you made a good text.
    Praise the Lord!

    1. Praise be to God in Jesus' name 🙂 🙂

  4. Therefore if the Son sets you free you will be truly free.
    John 8:36 NBG
    Without Him, we can do nothing.

    1. a great quote to go with the text!

  5. Hey, Peter, I know it's a little off topic, but I have this inquiry. You might say that a sister from church is reading a book like "Kill Kryptonite? - John Bevere. I know this is the second time I've asked for an opinion on a topic, but I'd like to get it right, and if more people research it, it's probably better. (I.e. this question about this teacher is actually directed at everyone.) I have doubts about this book and this teacher. A red light comes on for me. He preaches a lot of truth, but there is something extra about it. I also naturally ask God whether to read such books.

    1. Thank you for this question as I just wasted my money on this book. John Beavere slowly step by step cleverly introduces the reader to the ecumene. I was even going to write about this book as I appreciated The Relentless and The Devil's Trap at the beginning of my journey.
      Beavere jest znajomym specjalisty od powierzchni płaskich czyli tzw padania w duchu – Benny Hina.
      Odradzam zdecydowanie ta pozycję…Autora już niestety też.

      1. I couldn't watch it. I was instantly rejected and somehow I didn't break through. As you can see, good :))))
        Praise the Lord :)))

    1. Thank you sincerely for this opinion, I have just been watching his teachings and have my doubts. There is a lot of truth in his videos and it is deceptive. Thank our God for showing you what is wrong.

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