Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. As far as these "authentic" star pictures are concerned, exactly the same effect can be achieved by trying to photograph such a star at zoom when the camera cannot find the focus. Then you get such an "authentic" picture.

    It is the same with a telescope. You point it at a star, use a lens with a short focal length, and if you turn the knob properly, you get the same effect.

    No authentic photo of the star just the usual camera/telescope optics. I have received such results dozens of times.

    1. I was reminded of two famous "wonders" of the sun that were created solely through optics.

      1* in Medjugorie when someone tried to film the sun with an autofocus cell phone. The cell phone was pointed at a very bright light source and could not focus, resulting in a flashing sun.

      2* A camera pointed at the sun recorded... a black sun. It turned out that the camera had the ability to eliminate the highest intensity pixels and therefore the sun disc was recorded as completely black.

      There is another "novelty" ahead of us, which I have written about before. Namely, behind great water the concept of preadamites becomes extremely popular.
      So it will reach us as well in some time.

      1. I have a question Fxx.dll. Do you know why you can kind of see the secondary mirror and spider of the telescope on Sirius? Plus the ripples...could it be an uncooled telescope?
        It is known that it is impossible to see the disk of a star with an amateur telescope, so far pictures have been taken of some of the largest stars, probably by Very Large Telescope. Interestingly, even the biggest stars still have a smaller angular size than Pluto

        I don't understand the point of showing defocused stars in this video?, although you have to admit that the sounds presented are interesting, you can also find planet sounds on the internet.

        1. The idea of "sounds" of stars and planets is as old as this world. It appeared in many cultures. We are most familiar with the so-called harmony of the spheres, the music of the spheres derived probably from Pythagoras (or Aristotle) and the latter took it over from the Egyptians, who in turn relied on the Babylonians.

          Pythagoras/Aristotle preached that the universe works on the principle of the laws that operate in music (all those tones, intervals, chords and the like).

          You can read about it in their works but frankly it is boring. They write about how stars moving at high speed create sounds and the speed of the star is proportional to a particular chord.

          Of course, no one has ever heard such a sound. So how did they get out of it?
          Very clever. It has been found that a person comes into contact with such sphere sound at birth, assimilates it, and therefore it becomes... inaudible to him.

  2. But it's interesting... 😮

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