Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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The creator of Gang Albania Popek starts a party. Is the cadastral tax on the agenda?


Popek wants Modern Monetary Theory so that Poland has its own currency, so that it doesn't go bankrupt, because you can add money at any time and therefore not worry about the budget deficit.

The author of Modern Monetary Theory is Warren Mosler, who worked on Wall Street for 30 years.


Leaving aside Popek's godlessness and his small chance of getting even one percent of support.

The problem is that according to this theory, politicians would abolish income tax, which would be replaced by cadastral tax. Thus those who inherited houses and apartments and barely keep them would have to pay tax on the value of the property. Little by little, according to Mosler's theory, the state (politicians) would buy up indebted houses. The road to abuse as great as the greed of the left.


We sometimes think badly of those in power, but it turns out that someone worse may come along,

Despite the small chance of this party getting in, I believe that its appearance on the scene is expected to trigger discussions on the cadastral tax.


On the other hand, the political scene in Poland is getting very dangerous, because the stars of the stage are entering the parliament, and this means that in order to win the elections you will soon need a large circle of mindless fans.

Just to mention: Kukiz, Liroy, and in the US Schwarzeneger (mayor).

If people like Popek come to power, it will create a pure (oxymoron) Luciferian system. It is enough to have a fan club like Doda to enter

to the Sejm, and then we will dream of PIS rule.



Updated: 9 January 2019 — 11:36


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  1. This tax has been sitting on the shelf for many, many years. The time for its introduction has not yet come, but they will introduce it in their own time, unfortunately. In the past people were dispossessed in a ruthless manner, now everything is done with white gloves. It is all about destroying the middle class. They are going to introduce this tax anyway, but before that happens people need to be accustomed to this vision.

    1. Exactly, it's a kind of a teaser, an announcement, a prelude. After all, communism is the ultimate goal of satanists. Only it will be communism in white gloves, as you call it, just as thousands of people are already helpless against the actions of bailiffs or other Robin Hood-like sheriffs.

  2. I think yesterday there was an article on Interia or somewhere about how the State will be able to take over companies ps and as for Popek.I do not know the guy personally but I liked some of his songs of the old Company.I recommend the Company songs "once upon a time", "brother" Maybe the vocabulary is sometimes not very polite as befits Christians, but the message is clear and friendly, often showing the flaws of the system as in the last song. Popek is a talented guy, I hope that he is a believer.

    1. Janie, you can't mix darkness with light. Tusk also tells a lot of truth about PIs

  3. I know .Only God's rule is able to change something in order to make it fair .As for Law and Justice my attitude towards them is a little bit negative because comparing to PO although it is often the same thing I think it is better the current ones because they are haggling but they act ,many decisions are annoying but something changes that at least some of the middle class or poorer people get and besides when they want to raise prices and they feel the pressure of the society they at least try to postpone it and play for time .Moreover PO used to introduce , they would introduce unfavorable changes without looking at people and in case of protests they would suppress them I think

    1. and here's where I'll secretly agree with you 🙂 .

      1. It is worth remembering the words of Prime Minister Morawiecki (revealed on the tapes) __" First raise expectations and give, and then extinguish the raised expectations" and about the "work for a bowl of rice" that the Prime Minister likes so much.

    2. And pensioners are still starving. PIS cares about them very much, very much... Previous governments didn't care about them either, but at least they didn't give money to the right and left, i.e. to their voters. In Poland, about 30-40% pensioners do not buy all the medicines because they cannot afford them. PIS gives money to whom it is known. Nobody thinks about pensioners, because there is no reason for that. People have worked for this country for 20-30-40 years and now they should die of hunger, without medication, in lines of several months to the doctor and several years waiting for an operation. And PIS should continue handing out money. But when you are 20, 30, 40 years old, young and healthy, who cares about old, sick people, pensioners. Nowadays there is overwhelming selfishness. By the way, I wonder what is the average age of people reading 'Detective'. PIS cares a lot about the needy, oh so much...?

      1. That's right. It's very sad that people can't even afford the bare minimum...

  4. I think it should be "OR" instead of "and" because he is ungodly, then this world should support him....

    "to win an election soon you'll need a large circle of mindless fans." - This has always been the case. The one who is popular can influence others, is seen on the plus side. Parties also spend money on campaigns to reach people, show themselves, etc. etc. Nihil novi sub sole.

  5. Hey, have you guys seen any videos of this pstor? It seems to me that he speaks wisely. In this video, for example, he talks about how knowing the Torah will be important during the great tribulation, so that we won't be deceived. He also talks about Islam. I also watched his other video about Shabbat, also interesting what do you think?

    1. I think these are Messianic Jews. I didn't watch the video, the channel I know.
      The Truth About the Law so authors? with distance

  6. The serpent seed defines himself in his songs by his blood lineage: " Are you pure blood, are you vip", "then show your fangs".,t,669194.html

    Now let's consider who is really sitting in the vip boxes? Vip, to me, is short for the word Viper - viper.

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