Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jewish V column in the clergy.

What is a fifth column?

The term was taken from the Spanish Civil War, during which Francoist General Emilio Mola, who said in a 1936 radio address that in addition to the four columns of General Francisco Franco's army marching on Madrid, there was a fifth column, the Nationalist supporters in the capital.

Subsequently, the term V column had reference to German collaborators on Polish soil.


In the period before the Second World War, there were many German organizations on Polish territory, recognized as fifth column:

  • Jungdeutsche Partei in Polen (JDP) - included all of Poland within the pre-World War II borders
  • Deutsche Vereinigung (DtV) - operated in the Pomeranian Voivodeship and the Poznan Voivodeship
  • Deutscher Volksbund - covered the area of the Śląskie Voivodeship[4]
  • Deutscher Volksverband in Polen - an active organization in the Łódź Province[5].

Together with several smaller organizations, these associations gathered in their ranks about 25% of the German population living in the territory of the Second Polish Republic and maintained permanent secret contact with the party and intelligence organs of Germany - NSDAP, Auslandsorganisation, Gestapo, Abwehr, and SD.

In 1937, out of about 800,000 Germans living in Poland, about 200,000 were members of Nazi organizations.



The modern V column in politics is all too visible and not to be underestimated. About 80% of the media in Poland is German.

The situation is similar with the Jewish V column. In general, Poland is long gone.





Karol Wojtyla himself was of Jewish descent, and it is not surprising that many other priests are of that nation, or rather denominational group (Astarte) to this day. Not only among Catholics, since Polish Evangelicals are not a lonely island of independence. If someone sees it this way he is a very naive person and it is enough to look at the cooperation of the Evangelical Alliance with the Catholic Church to see the dependence.


I don't need to convince anyone of the overt Jewish background of the following gentlemen from the party that was the source organization for the OP:


NCU leader with the Primate -Editorial Board of Więź At the home of Primate Wyszyński. Gniezno 1975 From right: Primate Wyszyński, Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Jan Turnau, Zdzisław Szpakowski, Kazimierz Wóycicki (stunned)


Which we will find out from wikipedia, lest I be suspected of conspiracies. I give the facts:


Jan Turnau:

"Polish Catholic columnist and writer, initiator of activities for the ecumenical. In 1990 he joined the editorial "Gazeta Wyborcza" as a writer on religious life.

Author of texts in "The Sunday Visitor" and "Tygodnik Powszechny".[1], as well as in "Protestant Thought. Member of the Club of Catholic Intelligentsia in Warsaw[1], one of the translators of the Ecumenical Friends Translation

In 2006 he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta by President Lech Kaczyński[2]In 2012 President Bronisław Komorowski awarded him the Commander's Cross of the same order.[3]. In 2017, he was awarded the Medal of Honor "Warsaw Ghetto Uprising" by the Association of Jewish Veterans and Victims of World War II[."



Gazette staffer, Catholic, ecumenist and Protestant columnist. They are on each side.



Turnau himself wrote:


"He claims that Benedict XVI is a descendant of Judah Loew (1512-1609), the famous rabbi of Prague whose great-granddaughter Elizabeth Tauber (b. 1834) converted to Catholicism, while her granddaughter, Maria Peintner-Rieger married Joseph Ratzinger and both are parents of Joseph Alois Ratzinger, who sat on the See of Peter from 2005 to 2013.

Article published at:,gdy-prababka-zydowka.html

In the above photo, all Jews with Primate Wyszynski.


In turn, below Jacek Wójcicki with Macierewicz during the "hunger strike".



Solidarity hunger strike of Jews from the Committee for Social Self-Defense KOR (KSS KOR) in the Holy Cross church in defense of political prisoners in Czechoslovakia .On the photo from the left: Mariusz Wilk, Kazimierz Wóycicki, Antoni Macierewicz. 3-10.10.1979, Warsaw


Look at the list of those who are on hunger strike 🙂 .


October 1979, Warsaw, Poland
The hunger strike of Workers' Defense Committee members in the Holy Cross church, in front from left: Antoni Macierewicz, Adam Michnik, Father Stanislaw Malkowski ( MALKOWSKI ), Jacek Kuron ( KURON ), Kazimierz Woycicki ( WOYCICKI ), in back: Konrad Bielinski ( BIELINSKI ), Mariusz Wilk, Kazimierz Janusz.
Photo Janusz Krzyzewski ( KRZYZEWSKI ) / Oúrodek


Anti-Pole Michnik along with Macierewicz and Father Malkowski.....




The fifth column in Protestantism. 


Here the matter is not so simple. Materials are scarce, but they can be found from confident Jewish pastors.



  1. Wojciech Włoch.


Below is a photo with Pentecostal Church Bishop Mark Kaminski:


2 Pastor Kurylas.


This person claiming to be a pastor is a man of his own glory:


3 - Paul Chojecki.


With the head of the American-Israeli Association.


4. the admin of the anti-ecumenism Facebook profile Michał Roszak was also wearing a yarmulke. Unfortunately he blocked access to the photos.



I have nothing against the Jewish nation because as Paul wrote "there is neither Jew nor Greek" but in Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek. In Jesus non-ecumenical with a church that persecuted Christ-followers.

At the first convention in Sulejow I even baptized a woman of Jewish origin, Grazyna, but she loves God's Law and does not fraternize with Rome.

The problem is that they are ecumenists and Zionist Jews, enemies of God's Law.



2 Peter's letter clearly indicates the operation of such a 5th column:


But there were false prophets among the people1 just as among you there will be false teacherswho will introduce pernicious heresies among you. They will deny the Lord who purchased them, and they will bring upon themselves imminent destruction. And many will follow their debauchery, and through them the way of truth will be blasphemed."


In contrast, in 2 Corinthians Paul warns us:


 These false apostles are deceitful activists pretending to be apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder. For Satan himself claims to be an angel of light."



Two brief examples of Fifth Column diversions:
The first one from the book "Wspomnienia Wojenne znad Warty i Bzury" by Roman Abraham. In the area of Leszno, Rydzyn, Bojanowo, and Rawicz, during the border fights, numerous groups of saboteurs actively participated. During the fights for Leszno, 14 saboteurs were captured. On September 3 in Srem a trial was held before a field court. The hearing was presided over by Captain Wojtasiewicz, the prosecutor was Lieutenant Krakowski, and the defenders were two reserve officers (lawyers in civilian clothes). After the end of the trial, 12 death sentences and two sentences of 10 years' hard labour were submitted for signature to the commander of WBK, General R. Abraham. The sentences were signed and immediately executed in the presence of: the prosecutor, the defenders and a Protestant clergyman.



Insidious 5th column activists posing as apostles.


The truth is that the Jews rule all the churches that accept the name Christian.


People are deceived. On the one hand, Catholics are deceived greatly in their aversion to Jews when the Church of Rome is filled with Jews and works closely with them:


On the other hand, Protestants, on the other hand, do not know how much they are influenced by the Jewish lobby, which, like everywhere, is on both sides of the conflict.

Among the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court are only Catholics and Jews:


Why Catholics and Jews dominate at the Supreme Court


At first, the Reformation had very strong anti-Jewish views.


In March 1995, the Baptist Alliance issued a "Baptist Statement on Jewish-Christian Relations." A revision of this statement was issued on April 25, 2003. It states in part:

As Christians we are the heirs, and in turn we are the purveyors of a theology that blames the death of Jesus at the feet of the Jews ; theology that took the anti-Jewish polemic of Christian scripture out of its first century context and usurped for the Church the biblical promises and prerogatives given by God to the Jews ... The insanity, hatred, and dehumanizing attitudes that led to events known collectively as the Holocaust did not happen overnight or in a few years, but was the culmination of centuries of such Christian theology, teaching, and Church-sanctioned actions directed against Jews simply because they were Jews.

In this document they listed the recommended actions they asked all Christians to join them:

  • "Affirming the teaching of the Christian Scriptures that God did not reject the community of Israel , God's covenant people ( Romans 11: 1-2 ) because" the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable "( Romans 11:29 );
  • Rejecting interpretations of Scripture that foster religious stereotypes and prejudices against the Jewish people and their faith;
  • Pcheating a genuine dialogue with the broader Jewish community, a dialogue built on mutual respect and integrity the faith of each of us;
  • Raising our voices quickly and boldly against all manifestations of anti-Semitism;
  • Educate ourselves and others about the history of Jewish-Christian relations from the first century to the present in order to understand our present by learning from our past.
  • Commit to rigorous consideration of appropriate forms of Christian witness for our time.



It is clear from this document that Baptists are pro-Jewish. That is, according to them, the Rothschild bank has a positive function and the Polish Jewish government as well.


The fifth column not only exists, but is doing very well in Polish Catholicism and Protestantism, and dividing Christians has the effect of driving them away from the sound teachings of Jesus as well as sustaining their power. Right - left. Catholicism - Protestantism. They are always on both sides so that we think we have a choice.


This is well seen in the signs of ecumenism:


Judaism-Christianity and Islam side by side. This is why Pastor Cyrikas urged the acceptance of refugees according to the Church of Rome.


What position does the United Church of Canada have?


The United Church of Canada issued a statement in May 1998 entitled "Bearing Faithful Witness: United Church-Jewish Relationship." It calls Christians to:

  • Stop trying to convert Jews to Christianity; Reject biblical interpretations that negatively stereotype Jews because this leads to anti-Semitism; Reject the idea that Christianity is superior to or replaces Judaism 


Their report states in part:

"No other religion is so closely related to Christianity, like Judaism, The Christian God is the God of Israel, Jesus and all the apostles were from Israel the Christian scriptures contain the scriptures of Israel. . " They urge them to no longer seek the conversion of the Jews.

Statement ,United on Church-Jewish Relations Today, "acknowledges the history of interpreting the New Testament in a way that did not recognize the context in Judaism in which many passages are rooted, rejects any teaching of contempt for Jews, Judaism and the faith. that God has done away with the covenant with the Jewish people , affirms the importance of Judaism as a religion, a people and a covenant community, and that the State of Israel has the right to exist in peace and security. "


Well God gave a divorce letter to Israel and today's Israel has nothing to do with the new Israel in Jesus. As you can see the mega churches are saturated with Zionism.


Before Paul arrived in Jerusalem one day, he called the elders of the church and the presbyters of the ecclesia to Ephesus and told them:



"18And when they came to him, he spoke to them: "You know what I was among you from the first moment I stood in Asia. 19 How I served the Lord with all humility amidst tears and experiences I have had because of Jewish ambushes.. 28 Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you bishops, that you may lead the church of God, which he has purchased with his own blood. 29. I know that after I am gone predatory wolves will come among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also from among yourselves will arise men who will preach perverse doctrines to draw disciples after themselves. 31. Therefore keep vigil, remembering that for three years day and night I did not cease to admonish each of you with tears".

Paul found it necessary to open the eyes of the guardians of the churches and warn them that rabid wolves would enter the flock and would not spare them, as well as that even among the bishops, individuals would show up who were saying ungodly things in order to pull the disciples over to their side.

Is anyone from today's Protestantism watching? Do they have a clue about the denomination's relationship to Israel today? No. They are not vigilant because they are drunk with well-being in the churches and truth is not important to them.

Look at how they laugh behind the scenes at you. They are supposedly against Rome, but behind your backs they are uniting with them:




Baptist president signs appeal to celebrate Sunday with Rome.





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  1. After this article I am almost sure that the cause of our downfall as a country was the hostile activity of the deeply conspiratorial Jewish Zionists who stood, for the sake of appearances, on both sides of the barricades and are still standing today. The Poles cannot be defeated in any other way than by lies and manipulation. The Poles cannot be defeated in any other way but by lies and manipulation. Now it is unfortunately too late.
    I will only add that the decomposition began when Poland was baptized.

    1. Yes, and they still tell us that we Poles cannot reconcile, but they managed to divide us.
      And yes we were defeated by lies and manipulation. All the secret societies were just there to divide us. There was no Vatican or Zionists and we were an unbeatable power. The Roman Empire conquered the Jewish kingdom, but not the Slavs.

      1. Sorrow Peter Sorrow ?
        But that, unfortunately, is the truth...

        1. Yes, exactly, sorrow and grief, but... and hope because now our only real hope is Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven. On earth we can no longer count on the rule of the Slavs. All those who promise it are either crazy or agents. We are in bondage and that is all.
          Let us thank God for what we have.

          1. That's right. A while ago I was deluding myself that things might change, but now I know that the Scriptures must be fulfilled.

  2. you wrote:
    Christian people-spoken from what language?
    I would stick to the pattern of 1 Corinthians 3.4-I am Paul's, Apollos', and I would follow it with the Polish: I am Christ's, so we are Christ's, I would leave out the English, because it is not our language, because there it would be from CHRIST-Christ-owy (pronounced Krajstowy), which sounds awful in Polish or polonized CHRISTOWY
    Confirmation of this is in 1 Corinthians 3.23-but CHRIST.
    It sounds beautiful and understandable and polish to me:
    We are CHRISTIANS, I am Christlike and you are Christlike.
    And it renders the Greek form.
    I would give up naming them with the suffix -owcy, because such suffixes have e.g. flag-owcy...
    This is what I wanted to share.
    It's good that you brought up this topic of naming.
    And as you can see above you are a brave boy!!!

    1. Thanks, as I was just wondering about the variety.

  3. The University (Liberty) founded by old Falwell is an interesting example of how Protestants went about cooperating with the world. Throughout its existence, the center survived three major purges:

    The first when old Falwell gave into ecumenism. Whoever was against it was fired.

    The second when it came to light that the university's debts were bought by the Moon sect and then financed by means of bush associations.

    The third most important was when the center applied for public funding. The city authorities agreed, but made one condition. Namely, the teaching of creationism was to be moved to the philosophy department.
    Let us remember that from the very beginning creationism was a pillar at Libera University. Great biblical scholars and scientists taught there. Of course, the grant was accepted at what cost.

  4. I supposedly knew about many things, but some I didn't... 😮
    thank you so much for the info! 🙂 🙂

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