Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

There is someone who tracks us more than Google. A 21st century discovery.

I was inspired to do so by the title of a text that I haven't read at all.

We all know very well that Google, thanks to smartphones, tracks every meter we travel. Perhaps every conversation we have is recorded because we agree in our phone settings to have access to:







It's even better with fejsbuk. There we write about our private matters on messenger of our own free will. We log in to many services and portals via facebook.

There is a facial recognition system in China.

But there is someone who trumps the knowledge of both Google and Facebook combined with a facial recognition system.

That person is God himself. He sees our every move. Even if we put down our phone or even turn it off. Even if we don't look at the spying Samsung TVs and laptops with cameras.



In Corinthians 4 we read:


" For we have become a spectacle to the world, to angels and to men"



Conspiracy portals stir up fear of surveillance, cameras, and wiretaps, but can't God see beyond that?

David in Psalm seven wrote:

10 Let the iniquity of the wicked cease, 
And strengthen the righteous one, 
God's Righteousness, 
You who penetrate hearts and kidneys. 
11 The shield for me is God, 
Which saves the righteous in heart. "



People have their secrets, they think they are good, but it is God who knows more about us not only than we know about ourselves, but more than the whole system that truth seekers fear. So who should they fear more: the NWO or GOD who knows our every action?

I used to participate in this NWO scare hysteria.

Well, the NWO has been around for a long time. To a greater or lesser extent it was in history. For example, under Hitler or Stalin. What are the contemporary Chinese supposed to say?

How do we look at Scandinavians who are addicted to the system?


Do you fear God more than people?

The Bible says that cursed is the man who does not fear God, and in man he makes a stand.

Who knows if this fear psychosis brewing on conspiracy sites is not intentional. Yes, to distract from the fear of God.



Your eyes have seen my deeds. Psalm 139


Which eye is more alert and threatening: that of the system patronized by the eye of Horus, or the eyes of God?

The Horus system needs and wants to know everything about us through technology.

God does not need these technologies recording our every act right now. Each of us will die, but not everyone will be saved. So who should we fear more? That which the flesh can destroy? Or the one who can


"But I say unto you, my friends, Fear not them that kill the body, and then can do no more. I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, having killed, has power to cast into hell. Yes, I say to you, fear him." Luke 12.


If you are hurting someone, lying, bullying, cheating on your wife, your husband, destroying your tongue. Do you think God doesn't see that?

On gullibility....


Now maybe google doesn't see how you masturbate or get drunk in the evening, smoke pot. Facebook doesn't see how you live the world watching bad things, listening to bad music, how you go to Sol Invictus holidays, but God sees everything.







Updated: 20 December 2018 — 22:09


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  1. I think the same if we tell the truth. If we live, we are not afraid of surveillance. God knows everything is a fact and sees what we do. It's good to be reminded of that.

  2. You wrote very well you explained it .

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