Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

How is a road dedication by a priest different from a dedication by the average believing evangelical?


There is a lot of talk on the internet about the dedication of roads by gentlemen in cassocks with the color of death, buildings and even once I came across the dedication of a septic tank.



For people to get well...



And seriously, does it make any sense to ordain the way and how is that different from the actions of Christ-followers, evangelicals?

Catholics see it as some kind of incantation, a one-time miraculous act. The problem is that such sacrifice, despite the money spent, accomplishes nothing. Why? What is the difference between these religions?

Well, an evangelical, if he is a follower of Jesus will try to drive safely and culturally on the roads, out of love for others and fear of God. However, this Catholic love (There are 85% Catholics in Poland) can be seen especially during holidays, when statistics report:




From Friday (22.12) to Tuesday (26.12) on Polish roads there were 373 accidents, in which as many as 42 people died. 447 people were injured.

From Friday to Tuesday, police officers stopped as many as 883 intoxicated drivers!
Read more:,88389,22829186,policja-podsumowuje-swieta-przerazajaca-liczba-wypadkow-i-az.html


So many caught, yet the police are not able to put out patrols in every village.

So what is the point of ordaining roads or buildings if we do not use these goods with wisdom and love?


I, along with the process of converting to God and leaving the church of Rome, to which I have no intention of returning as evangelicals do, began, I learned, firstly, not to honk at others who, for example, forced a priority. Secondly, at some point I realized that sometimes I drive too fast in some places. Bad habits behind the wheel also need to be turned around.

Of course, not all drivers are racers or sit down drinkers. The problem is that Catholicism is a religion of animism. It is thought that sacrificing such a road has a special character, that it gives it power, but it doesn't. Who knows if it doesn't have the opposite effect, i.e. it doesn't really help enough, but maybe because of the person of the priest - and we know how they are - the road becomes cursed.

There is a place on the A1 freeway about 1 km before Tuszyn junction from Piotrków, where before the hill on the right side, there are always some cars on the side of the road. I wonder who sanctified this road...


Blessings are given to all brides and grooms during their wedding from their parents, and yet these relationships often break down.

In light of statistics and realities, do such blessings have any power? Rather not at all. In any case, none positive.


Solomon did not pray for money or power, but for wisdom. Wisdom is when we respect the Law of God. Hence, many atheists live according to this Law without even knowing it. On the other hand, some evangelicals live in rebellion to God's Law to their own and others' detriment, knowing that the Law no longer applies to them. The result? A bad life, and not from fighting for the kingdom, but from entering the world.


The obedient evangelical can pray for such a path on his own, without priests, for he is the priest.

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people, that you may proclaim the virtues of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;

Peter 1


He can pray for the estate road, the highway and others. If he does, he will not do it religiously, but from the heart, and only such prayers are effective.


Blessings can only come from obedience to God's Law. You don't get them just because you believe in the historical fact of Jesus' life on earth. Demons also believe in Jesus, but they tremble.


"1 Therefore if you diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, faithfully fulfilling all his commands that I give you today, the Lord your God will exalt you above all the nations of the earth. 2 All these blessings shall come upon you and rest upon you, if you listen to the voice of the Lord your God. 3 You shall be blessed in the city, blessed in the field. 4 Blessed shall be the fruit of thy womb, the produce of thy field, the offspring of thy animals, the increase of thy greater cattle, and the offspring of thy lesser cattle. 5 Blessed will be your basket and your pitcher. 6 Blessed will be your entrance and your exit. 7 The Lord will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be beaten by you. By one road they will go against you, and by seven roads they will flee from you.'

8 The LORD will command that there be a blessing with you in the granaries, in everything to which you stretch out your hand. He will bless you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. 9 The Lord will make you his holy people, as he swore to you, if you keep the commands of the Lord your God and walk in his ways. 10 Then all the nations of the earth will see that the name of the Lord has been called over you, and they will fear you. 11 The LORD shall fill thee in abundance with the fruit of thy womb, with the produce of thy cattle, with the harvest of the field, in the land which he swore to thy forefathers that he would give thee. 12 The LORD will open to you the rich treasures of heaven, giving in his time the rain that falls on your land, and blessing every work of your hands. You will lend to many nations, and you yourself will not borrow from anyone. 13 The LORD will put you always in the lead, and not at the end; you will always be top and never last, so long as you obey the commands of the LORD your God, which I command you today to obey diligently. 14 Do not depart from the words that I am commanding you today, either to the right or to the left, in order to follow and serve foreign gods.


Here my text:


To God are abominable deeds without obedience as spoken of by Isaiah inspired by the Holy Spirit:


'Why do I need the multitude of your sacrifices? - says the Lord. 'I have enough burnt offerings of rams; I do not want the fat of lambs or the blood of bulls and goats. When you come to show yourselves to me, who has demanded these things from your hands? You do not have to trample in my courtyard anymore. Though you bring me fine wheat flour, yet in vain. The incense offering is an abomination to them. I cannot endure these new moon days of yours, these Sabbaths, nor this great day. My soul despises your fasting, your holy rest, your new moon days, your feasts. I am nauseated because of you; I cannot bear your sins any longer.'" – Isaiah 1:11-14


One could paraphrase on both Catholics and Protestants.

Well, let's get started.




I'm sick of your rosaries and your Christmas trees and your baskets and your pumpkins and your Hail Marys. You make me sick.




I've had enough of your worship, expert theology and religious prayers. You make me nauseous...


God said: obedience He wants not sacrifice. Why? Because if there is no sin, then there need not be a sacrifice offered.

Praise God the Father in Jesus' name.





Updated: 13 December 2018 — 14:07


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  1. Kielce sends greetings to Czestochowa 🙂 🙂

  2. ...and when you stop saying those rosaries you suddenly find that you can have a living relationship with the Father.
    Miracles are happening 🙂 .

  3. Such blogging of various things by Catholic priests has the opposite effect.
    Malachi 2:1
    1 But now the following commandment applies to you priests: 2 If you do not obey and do not take to heart that you are to worship my name, says the Lord of hosts, I will put a curse on you and curse your blessing,1 and I will curse it because you do not take anything to heart. 3 Behold, I will cut off your arm,2 and I will throw mulch in your face, the mulch of your feast offerings - and I will lay you on it.

    1. very apt quote, fits the note....

  4. And here's the baptized fuel:

    I collect pictures of ordination actions as a hobby. You can be quite surprised sometimes....

    1. I once saw such a picture from the server room of some computer company (or something like that) 😀
      Once upon a time there was even an account on some portal (not fey, but somewhere else; if it still exists) called Polish priests blessing things (why the English name, I don't know - maybe it was about showing this absurdity also outside Poland?), there is even more "kfiatkuf" (spelling mistakes on purpose!) 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

  5. Hello, I have an interesting thought because I was in Poland recently and I tried to preach the gospel in my family. You probably know how hard it is to break through Catholics to reach their hearts. But what I found interesting was that my conversations always ended up almost in arguments, but the Holy Spirit directed me to be patient and loving. What's interesting I found in 1Tym where it talks about the church and the bishops, how they should look like, have a wife and children and be an example of a loving family. I often listen to the audio bible on my phone and what is interesting is that this gospel was always omitted and on that day when I was going to them I listened to it and I was shocked. Probably most of you know it, but maybe it will be useful for someone. The reaction of my parents was tremendous, of course I didn't mention that they are very strong believing Catholics. First I was shocked, father rebelled, how can you say that you have a bible from the internet, and I said yes, show me your bible, because I knew they had the Catholic edition, I said give it to me, we'll see, he was even more shocked how is it possible, after all practically no priest has a wife. we have to go to church and ask. The result was that for the first time on consecutive days of vacation I preached the Word of God to them and they listened with interest like never before. Praise Jesus, greetings

  6. 1Timothy 3 in the Warsaw edition I did not add to the entry

  7. Once upon a time there was an account on Tumblr (some kind of picture-blogging site, but it's not like Facebook):
    (someday, because the last photo is from 2016...)
    this is by the way of "prince" (spelling errors intended) holing a cesspool 😀

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