Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Some of you will ask; what is God the Father like?

Text by my friend Robert:


The answer is found in Luke chapter 15:11-24 Most know this parable is the parable of the Prodigal Son:



He also said, A certain man had two sons.
The younger of the two said to his father: Father, give me the portion of the estate that is mine. So he divided the property among them.
Soon afterwards, the younger son, having taken everything, left for distant places and there squandered his wealth, living extravagantly.
And when he had spent everything, there came a severe famine in that land, and he himself began to suffer privation.
He went and joined one of the citizens of that land, and he sent him to his fields to herd pigs.
He wanted to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs fed on, but no one would give them to him.
Then he thought about it and said: How many of my father's mercenaries have bread in abundance, and I am dying of hunger here.
I will take myself and go to my father, and say to him, Father, I have sinned against God and toward you;
I am no longer worthy to be called your son: make me even one of your mercenaries.
So he set out and went to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was deeply moved; he ran out to meet him and threw himself on his neck and kissed him.
And the son said to him: Father, I have sinned against God and against you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.
But the father said to his servants: Bring quickly the best robe and dress him; also give him a ring for his hand and sandals for his feet.
Bring a fattened calf and kill it: we will feast and enjoy ourselves,
because this son of mine was dead, and came to life again; he was lost, and was found. And they began to play.




We see that this son ran into problems, he wanted to live his own life without the Father (God), he lost his possessions, his sinful life led to his downfall. Poverty changed his perception, he decided to return to the Father (repent) because a better life has the least of the Father's servants than he has now, he considers himself unworthy to be a son, but he wants to be, albeit as a hireling. And what is the Father doing in the meantime? Well, he goes out every day and looks out, Father misses his child and it pains him that his son is gone, but what is he to do, his son has free will, so he waits patiently. This is how God is, he does not force anyone by force, but he longs and grieves when his children go away and often perish in the world. When the son returns the Father notices him from afar, runs towards him, throws himself around his neck and takes him in. The son confesses his sins, apologizes (repents), and the Father, overjoyed, has him dressed in his best robe, gives him a golden ring, restores his dignity, and arranges a feast. Such is the rejoicing in Heaven when a sinner repents. If you are living in sin and think that there is no more chance for you, know that God is waiting for you in the same way. Turn away from sin and come to God who is generous in forgiving. Apologize to God, confess your sins, believe in Yeshu Christ the Son of God who died for all your sins, believe that God the Father raised Him from the dead, establish Yeshu Christ as your Lord, live and inherit the Kingdom of God.



Updated: 10 December 2018 — 11:57


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  1. When his children leave, it is a sad picture of Christians who should be teachers and still need to be taught, fed with milk. They have simply been converted intellectually and their souls still crave sin. All they get is ups and downs. I am not writing about people who are at the beginning of the way of following Jesus. Yes the Father accepts and forgives. Then you read, "Go and sin no more, lest something worse come upon you. Such an enslavement that you won't be able to get out. Some kind of sickness, the worst is a sickness of the soul. Then it goes on to say, "Seven worse spirits will come, and the condition of that person will be worse than it was at the beginning.
    . It has been too long since he surrendered the places of his heart and desires to the complete rule of Jesus. This is an expansion of the text about the prodigal son which is comforting toward God's love for people.

  2. Krzysztof Zolnierz

    Great text, you touched the most sensitive point of mine, as many times as I read this text my eyes fill with tears, in all of Scripture there is only one story that affects me in the same way, but I will not say which one ???
    Great text, bravo Peter

    1. although we have a similar opinion, the text is by Robert 🙂 🙂

  3. Praise God Almighty for your text Robert.
    He shows us how much He loves us and never gives up.
    He wants us to be with Him for eternity.
    A wonderful parable showing how God loves people.
    It crushes my heart and makes my tears flow.
    So is the parable of the Samaritan woman.

    1. Based on this parable, a book could be written about how good God is.
      He gives us upon our return good garments, a ring, that is, He makes us human again. He makes us new not only mentally, but also in terms of appearance and blessings.

      1. Yes it is true, our God is great in His greatness
        Generous in blessings, he wants to draw everyone to him.
        He is so good, so wonderful, so unshowy in all His glory.
        He washes us of our selfish nature and creates a new man.
        Thank you Lord Jesus it is your victory that makes us children of God!

  4. As I read,I somehow got emotional. Beautiful 🙂

    1. Beautiful indeed...

  5. I was moved too, thank you in Jesus name for this text, praise God ❤️
    I was reminded of one of the texts that "cheers me up",a passage from the book of Jonah:
    "So Jonah went out of the city and sat down on the east side of the city. There he made himself a hut and sat down in its shade to see what would happen to the city. And the LORD God caused a calabash to grow over Jonah so that it would cover his head and protect him from the heat. And Jonah rejoiced greatly over that calabash. But the next day at dawn God caused a worm to bite that calabash, so that it withered. And when the sun came up, God stirred up a dry east wind; and the sun so roasted Jonah's head that he fainted and wished for death, saying, It is better for me to die than to live. And God said to Jonah: Is it good for you to be so angry because of this calabash? And he answered, It is good that I am angry, even unto death. Then the LORD said unto him, Thou grievest this calabash, at which thou hast not labored, neither given it increase: it sprang up in one night, and in one night it withered away; And shall I not grieve over Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than a hundred and twenty thousand men, who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and also many cattle?" (Jon 4:5-11) ?

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