Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jacek Wiśniowski and his website and his book "Rusz dupę".

I once entered the suggested Youtube channel pt

The author impressed me, contrary to most of his viewers, not with his affluence and ostentatious wealth manifested in very expensive cars, but with practical life advice that I found universal. Even after watching the material below, I am able to pick out positive statements from Jack Wisniewski.




This past weekend I again noticed a suggested advertisement somewhere, but this time for a book by the author of the channel.

The title of this book knocked me out: "Move Your Ass."



The book is supposed to motivate to action. But while reading her reviews I came across a video by Piotr Marszałkowski who analyses Wiśniowski's success and the book itself in the film Who is Jacek Wiśniowski.



What can be said after watching this movie is not success but failure of p Jack. But not only. Marszalkowski shows the methods used by such successful people. Many MLM activists belong to them.

It is not wrong to motivate yourself to action. I would even say that it is wrong for a significant number of Christians to be blocked from action. But the methods that successful people use are not only unbiblical but also immoral. Marszałkowski points out that Jacek organised a flirting course taught by Jerzy Julian Kalibabka, an ex-criminal and leading character of the film 'Tulip'.


MLM companies are a blight on these times, although there probably are or will be ethical and honest ones. However, most are selling advertising slogans, not products. Overpriced products for super marketing. Admittedly, Mr. Jacek's company is not an MLM, but it has the same spirit. The product Geniusz costs about 70 PLN when the equivalent products can be bought for about 20-30 PLN.




I'm doing free advertising for someone, and I didn't intend to :-).

I don't really know this product. I just want to show the price difference. This is the case with most MLM companies. Yes they get rich, but often at the expense of many things. MLM attracts many women with an independent spirit. We would call it with the Jezebel spirit. Often, as I have read, there are divorces, arguments, because the woman no longer needs the man. This is just one of the side effects. But the point of this article is to show the dark side of the cult of success.

These types of actions, and I mean inflated prices for a particular commodity, are a veiled lie. These vendors are not really selling a commodity. They are selling a sense of health. The example of the Genius product is proof of this. The potential customer believes in conjuring up reality without making any effort to change his lifestyle. The subliminal mechanism is as follows: I will take Genius pills, I will be as smart as Jacek Wisniowski and one day I will have a car like his.


Other MLM supplement companies sell certain buzzwords under the guise of health benefits.

Let's assume that nettle is indeed a source of vitamin C. MLM will produce nettle under its own brand, but it will no longer be nettle, but for example "Mocarz". The name indicates the body's resistance. In "business" conversations, as it is now called, what Amway did, they will explain to the customer how the power of the solution consists of selected nettle from the southern Bieszczady Mountains. Nettle will be bought for about 15zł for 0.5 liters. They will sell it for 60zl with a cover of super strength and uniqueness of their nettle. Yes, the products differ in quality, but not that much. The difference between 15 and 60zł, or these 45zł will build the success of the MLM activist. Just 100 nettles sold gives 4500zl profit from the difference between the cheaper product and theirs. And where is ginseng, garlic. Can you believe that people are so naive that they buy tablets with garlic in them instead of the healthiest form of garlic?


Both the author of the website and MLMers make money from what?

They actually make money off the fact that a person doesn't want to move their seat.

Let's move on to the book, or rather its title.

The form of the title is adequate to the cultural changes taking place in Poland. Figuratively and literally.

The fall of humanity and idiocracy according to the movie of that title, where the dumbest man carried over from the 90s was hibernated and awakened in about 2050 if I remember correctly, became the smartest man in the world.

I understand that the title of the book was meant to be catchy and it probably was and is. People need motivation to take action and so it is necessary to speak to them in their language and since their language is not sublime the title of the book sounds like the one above.

If I were a politician and did not become a Christian, perhaps one of my election slogans would be something like this:

"To D with this parliament. Choose success with me." I hope no politicians from or PO are reading this. I would not like them to use the patent...

Since we are ruled by the Roman Empire one might now say:


 O tempora, o mores!


Unfortunately, Weber's Protestant ethics never took hold in Poland. Now we have the cult of money. We are going after dead bodies to achieve the goal which is money. The Russification was probably better than the Americanization of Polish life. I think it is ironic.

Are you aware that there are MLM companies that use Jesus to make money? I know of at least two such.


In the video below, a pastor calls for money to come to people in Jesus' name:



I really am not in favor of Christians being poor. Poverty means sickness, stress, etc. But the purpose of life is not money. Money is not evil. It is the love of money that is evil.

In many of his films Jacek boasts about his expensive cars. Is it an indicator of success? No, this is how the spirit of Mammon works. It is a real spirit. Thousands of people are jealous of the author of and he creates this cult by showing himself in expensive cars. He doesn't show security for the family, he promotes a high standard of living through cars, which should be at the end of the pyramid of human needs.


The purpose of life is Jesus and the Righteous Life because He set the example for us on how to obey God. Satan sometimes gives big money and will give in the end times, but for a "small" favor.


Let us pray for Mr. Jack. Much can the prayer of a righteous man do.




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  1. What do you guys think about internet marketing, not MLM? I got an offer, and due to the fact that in my city there isn't much job offer, and here is a possibility to earn a little bit more than usual - I accepted it. However, I'm not entirely convinced that this is the right place for me. The more I get into it, the more discouraged I feel about all these activities, but since I've made the commitment, I'll at least try. Nevertheless, I would like to know your opinion regarding this industry, perhaps someone of you has dealt with it personally and can say something more?

    1. I don't know about your company, but the internet marketplace itself doesn't have any signs of fraud or lack of integrity, although it probably happens in this industry too

    2. if you don't cheat anyone and you act according to the law then I think it's ok 🙂 but if your conscience will burden you that you do something unworthy or to the detriment of people then it's probably better to dig ditches with God in your heart 🙂
      Try it and judge for yourself.

    3. Thanks for the answers 🙂

      1. I, in turn, thank you for asking all this....

  2. As far as I know, the people who run this kind of online business are not successful in any business themselves. They are selling dreams and advice from books. Very rarely do they base this advice on their own experience. We have a similar mechanism in Lotto, which is a tax on dreams. And this is from dreams that wealth will fall from the sky without the need for hard, honest work. We live in an instant culture. It's supposed to be quick and easy. It has always been so, that in order to become a master in a given field you had to devote yourself to it in disciplined work. Now laziness has taken over and people want to accumulate money quickly and easily in order to spend it foolishly. People buy things they cannot afford just to show off in front of others.

    1. Yes, Agnieszka, that is the key. Only hard work brings results, whether you work for someone or run your own business. Honesty and diligence. They used to say "people get rich by saving and working".
      Hard work does not mean grind and frugality means stinginess.

  3. In fact, it can be observed in some circles that belief in God has turned into a psychological ploy to make people better equipped for competitive struggle. Religion is combined with positive thinking and psychology. All this to help man. What counts is faith and prayer as a means to an end which is not God but success in the broadest sense. On a pedestal is man. This is unfortunately idolatry?

    1. faith in God alone has become faith in success, or the spirit of success. An evil spirit, and evil spirits do NOTHING good.

  4. Today, in order to sell goods well, sooner or later you will find out that it is very difficult to live honestly. Only for the chosen and not for the appointed. Your very question shows doubt. And nothing that does not come from conviction... This life is full of Satan's nets to destroy believers. To rob them of their faith. Ask in prayer and you will receive the answer from the Bible or otherwise.

    1. The comment looks like it was directed at me, that's why I'm replying 🙂 I'm not going to say it.
      "Today, in order to sell goods well, sooner or later you will find that honestly it is very difficult to live" - Unfortunately it is so and I realize it. Well, as long as you don't have to take actions that harm others, I think you can take the risk. However, if something changes and it becomes necessary to use lies, then I will have to refuse. Of course I will still consult the Supreme on this matter. Thanks 🙂 .

    2. Just being honest is easy to live, you have to choose the right way and trust God it is not difficult for a Christian, for a Christian it is very difficult to be dishonest.

  5. "Now we have the cult of money. To the goal of money."
    , "pulls many women with an independent spirit."
    I agree 100%, I've been planning to study in another city in the future (to support myself and find a job I want), but I know money is not that important; in fact, I could even stay for a boyfriend/fiancé or study part-time or something; we'll see what God has planned for me 😉 .

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