Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Quantum computer an apocalyptic beast.

This is not an over-the-top title intended to create a sensation. After you read this text, as I mentioned in an earlier article that is probably the first of its kind in Poland, because it combines technological trends with the Bible, you will see the sense of what follows.

Don't be discouraged at first by the scientific theories used. I had to include this information for credibility purposes.



Quantum computers.


There isn't much information on the internet about quantum computers themselves, let alone the dangers of it...

A quantum computer is no ordinary computer. Before I explain the scale of the threat, I want to show how quantum computers differ from traditional computers.



Traditional computers use transistors to encode data as bits, which can be in one of two states - zero or onen," said David Weiss, professor of physics at Penn State and leader of the research team. "We are developing quantum computers that use atoms as" quantum bits "or" qubits " that can encode data based on quantum mechanics phenomena that allow them to be simultaneously in multiple states.


What is kubit? Not to be confused with the author of a well-known site :-), where only one letter of his name is different.



Kubit (English. qubit from quantum bit, quantum bit) is the smallest and indivisible unit of quantum information.


For the time being, they are the size of a large coat closet:

Reportedly, people who are near this computer feel anxious.




Ordering of atoms into a packed grid 3D allows us to fit a lot of atoms in a small area and makes computation easier and more efficient.

Probably not many people will find this helpful, but this is what the cubit formula looks like graphically:



What is quantum computing?

  • Quantum computing theoretical computing systems (quantum computers) that directly exploit quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. Quantum computers differ from binary transistor-based digital electronic computers. While common digital processing requires encoding data into binary digits (bits), each of which is always in one of two specific states (0 or 1), quantum computing uses quantum bits, Which may be in superpositions of states. The quantum Turing machine (built on the knowledge of Polish Enigma scientists) is a theoretical model of such a computer and is also known as a universal quantum computer. Quantum computers share theoretical similarities with non-deterministic and probabilistic computers. The field of quantum computing was initiated by the work of Paul Benioff and Yuri Manin in 1980,
  • As of 2016, the development of actual quantum computers is still in its infancy, but experiments have been performed in which quantum computational operations have been performed on a very small number of quantum bits. Both practical and theoretical research continues, and Many national governments and military agencies funds quantum computing research to develop quantum computers for civil, business, commercial, environmental and national security purposes, such as cryptanalysis.
  1. One of the goals of quantum computing will be to enable useful tasks between parallel realities:

    "Imagine a world where all the laws of physics as we know them are obeyed, but different decisions were made along the way, different decisions at the microscopic particle level, different decisions all the way down to what you chose for dinner. and whether or not you chose to come to this session. Quantum mechanics makes very specific predictions that are all as true as what you remember ... But science has reached a point where we can build machines that tap into these other worlds. "- Geordie Rose, founder of D-Wave

  2. The second goal is to solve complex problems that conventional computers cannot compute.

    Understanding the power of quantum computing

    "If you took every atom of silicon in the world and made the most sophisticated conventional intel style processor that you could build; there are problems that we know of that I could write down on a piece of paper that you would never, never, never, never solve. But you can do it with this kind of machine (quantum computer). "

Another very big goal of building quantum computers is to build "machines like us". In other words, a real artificial terminator can be created because of quantum computing - the "perfect slave" of the satanic elite.



Maxwell's experiment: Maxwell's Demon.



What is it? A hypothetical being proposed by James Clerk Maxwell as a kind of thought experiment.


The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy - sometimes considered disorder - of a system, cannot decrease over time. One consequence of this law is that it rules out the possibility of a perpetual motion device. Around 1870, James Clerk Maxwell proposed a thought experiment in which demon - interesting inspiration - it could open and close a gate between two chambers of gas, allowing warmer atoms to pass in one direction and cooling atoms in the other. This sorting, which required no energy input, would reduce the entropy in the system and the temperature difference between the two chambers, which could be used as a heat pump to do the work, thus violating the second law.


"Subsequent work has shown that the demon does not in fact violate the second law, and many attempts to develop experimental systems have followed, that act like a demon" said Weiss. "We've had some success at very small scales, but we've created a system where we can manipulate large numbers of atoms, organizing them in a way that reduces the entropy of the system, just like a demon“.

Reducing entropy, that is, reducing the dispersion and chaos of the system.



Scientists use lasers to trap and cool atoms in a three-dimensional grid with 125 positions arranged as 5 by 5 by 5 cubes. They then randomly fill about half the positions in the grid with atoms. By adjusting the polarity of the laser traps, the researchers can move atoms individually or in groups, reorganizing the randomly distributed atoms to fully fill either the 5 by 5 by 2 or 4 by 4 by 3 subsets of the grid.

"Because the atoms are cooled to almost as low a temperature as possible, the entropy of the system is almost entirely defined by the random configuration of the atoms in the lattice," - Weiss said. "In systems where the atoms are not supercooled, the vibration of the atoms accounts for most of the entropy of the system. In such a system, the ordering of atoms has little effect on the change in entropy, but in our experiment we show that organizing atoms lowers the entropy in the system by a factor of about 2.4. "

In addition to Weiss, the research team at Penn State includes Aishwarya Kumar, Tsung-Yao Wu and Felipe Giraldo Mejia. The research was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation.


After watching this video, these quantum computers appear to be nothing more than super-complex Ouija boards.


Ouija (read. wiːdʒə[1]; probably from fr. oui and German. me meaning yes) - a board or a board with printed letters of the alphabet and other characters, which are successively pointed to (via spirit or a person holding a pointer - often an upside-down glass) form words that form answers to questions posed by members of a spiritualist séance. wikipedia.




The science behind this, if you can call it science, is very poor. Multiverses , multiple universes , parallel universes, parallel realities cannot be objectively proven or proven in the laboratory. These things are more like science fiction designed to captivate the human imagination. Before using quantum computers as a platform to build an advantage over human intelligence, fizThe science or science of these machines must be fully understood. Commonsense requires it.


From a religious perspective, believers in the God of the Bible are fully aware that there is a spiritual world. God the Father and His Son live in heaven in the spiritual realm of existence. Satan also occupies the spiritual realm where demonic spirits work to do harm to people.  The Bible tells us that we should connect with God through prayer, meditating on the Scriptures, and putting Bible truths into practice, a The Bible tells us to avoid connecting with Satan's spirit world through mediums and spiritualists.

Deuteronomy 18: 10-11 . These new, more powerful quantum computers sound to me like a medium for the spirit world. A medium, or intermediary - between the human world and the demon world.


Ray Kurzweil is also working with new quantum computers to simulate the human brain toward its artificial intelligence (AI). Now an important aspect of his research. These are not conspiracies:


Kurzweil is a man who believes that he is building a god out of these machines and that we must merge our minds with them to become immortal gods .I'm sure the National Security Agency (NSA) loves this combination of ideas of the mind.They are also into quantum computers and would simply like to know more about you and your actions than they do from mere recordings of phone calls.


I'm sure Satan would like to have a full or permanent connection to the human mind. With this type of connection, he could plant more sophisticated false ideas to more seriously harm people. One such big lie that Satan is currently trying to plant is that we can turn into machines and become super-intelligent beings just like in the days of Adam and Eve (you will be like God) and live forever. We would then become Satan's new creation, and God's creation, the old human model, would become obsolete. Evolution wins!


So far we have been able to speculate about the following verse from the apocalypse:


It was even allowed to breathe its spirit into the image of the beast, so that it even spoke the image of the beast and caused all who would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.


Some pastors who teach about the apocalypse seem to be out of touch with reality by overlooking what is going on around us.This lack of interest may result in the loss of salvation of future generations as people will wait for the antichrist or as Adventists will only see in the pope when the threat is from another direction.

There is talk of the beast as money, some even in Brussels see the beast and their computer. Speaking of Europe's backyard, I'm reminded how powerful the investment is in Switzerland:


This is CERN where they employ 2600 permanent employees and approx. 8000 scientists and engineers representing over 500 scientific institutions from around the world. Their most important tool is the world's largest particle gas pedal, the Large Hadron Collider.

This Hadron Collider is seen as the biblical key to the abyss. I wrote about it a few years ago:

Interestingly, all these supposed "Christian" (Tusk, etc.) leaders sent delegates from their countries to work at the Collider, in front of whose entrance stands the god Vishnu:


Not having any tradition at all in European culture.



And do you know what is the official logo of this project? If not I present it to you:


It is, of course, the 666 mark.


I would like to take this opportunity to point out a problem in reading this text. This knowledge will not help you if Jesus Christ is not the center of your life. Notice that you are reading a text by a blogger whose motto is "Don't believe in the authorities of the world, believe in Jesus". This means that this text, interesting though it is from the point of view of conspiracies, will not give you anything if you do not have a relationship with Jesus.

In the face of the coming artificial intelligence, this connection to Jesus will be cardinal, and even if you make the best video on the web out of this text of mine, it's no use to you without Jesus. You will lose your life for popularity.



Back to the point, withNote that at about 11:10 in the video above Geordie Rose says that it is a very inspiring thing to be standing next to a quantum computer and that it feels like an altar to an alien god. If humans merged their minds with these quantum computers, transformed into god-machines, they could eventually serve Satan as to a new god.


What is this all about? After researching the subject I am 99% sure of it, that the target is a counterfeit of the Holy Spirit being in thousands of Christians at the same time. I am led by the Spirit of God and go against the flow of this world like many of my brothers and sisters. However, Satan does not currently have the ability to sit in the temples of the Holy Spirit and THAT IS A GREAT PAIN and PROBLEM FOR HIM.

The Bible tells us that in the end times there will be a desecration of the temple called the abomination of desolation, when it already was in AD 175:


But God often shows what will be after what has already been. Just as there is a heavenly temple, there is an EARTHly temple. Since the time of the Lord Jesus, the temple of God's Spirit has been our bodies, which we are to care for without toxicating them....

As if anyone had any doubt about what I write:


Demolish this temple, and in three days I'll rebuild it


These are the words of the Lord Jesus. Heretics who reject Paul's words are waiting for the third temple to be rebuilt and the antichrist to sit there when Paul says:


Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spiritwhich is in you, and which you have from God, and that you no longer belong to yourselves? 20 For at [great] cost you were purchased. So glorify God in your flesh.




In Jeremiah 31:37, God warns us that He will reject all mankind if the heavens can be measured and the foundations of the earth are tested. Arguably, it is about exploring the cosmos and mapping it fully, and exploring the subatomic world and mapping it fully.

Geordie Rose mentions in the film that better space exploration could come through quantum computers. But is this a wise venture in light of the biblical warning? Shouldn't we be working to solve more practical problems, such as eliminating poverty and achieving economic justice for all? The fight against corpo dictatorship?



The D-wave computer "looks like a giant monolith," and according to Geordie Rose, founder of D-Wave, the machine has a heartbeat that keeps the computing power behind the D-wave. In other words, this machine has a "heartbeat," which makes it one step closer to a true artificial intelligence humanoid.

A quantum computer plans to "grab the shadows" of other parallel universes and bring them into our reality. These machines can be used to bring demons from "parallel" universes into our world and to communicate with them.

The quantum computing field is actively deploying these machines to any facility that can afford them, such as open research centers. They are set to transform the understanding of dimensions and parallel universes. According to the founder of D-wave, artificial intelligence is here to stay. To understand what that means is to understand that the beast system is comingmentioned in the revelations. The controlling empire called the New World Order can now enslave humanity beyond recognition because there is no more privacy and if you think wrong - you are a criminal.

As the Bible says in Revelation 13:17, no one will buy or sell without the mark of the beast - through the use of artificial intelligence and quantum computing it becomes useful. Science is no longer trying to disprove God, they are trying to bring about their own god.


 Science is no longer a subject, but a religion,


And this religion is trumpeting a war against the Bible.


Revelation 13:17 GNV

17 And that no one should buy or sell, except he who has the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


According to Geordie Rose, within 15 years (By 2030) humanity will have created a machine that will surpass humans in every aspect of life. It is predicted that by 2030. A humanoid machine will emerge, many times smarter than humans.


Doesn't the above remind you of a system that runs through many movies? In The Terminator it was called Skynet.

Skynet - a fictional military defense system that plays the role of the main antagonist in the movies and games of the series Terminator. This system achieved self-awareness and sought the complete annihilation of humanity.


He was also in a few other movies, but I can't remember which ones....



Elan Musk creator of Tesla and the space program warns against artificial intelligence. He even warns politicians by calling the biggest risk to civilization.

Until people see robots killing people they will not see the dangers."

There is no skynet yet but there is "worldnet"

Interestingly skynet had a symbol, and what a pyramid:

A mark that I believe will be the mark of the beast, but made up of two triangles, or a hexagram.

We absolutely live in the end times and it is only a matter of years before Jesus Christ - King of Kings and Lord of Lords - comes again.


So let us abide in our only rescue - Jesus Christ.



Smart Speakers


They are smart speakers. is a type of wireless speaker and voice control device with an integrated virtual assistant that offers interactive actions and hands-free activation with a single "hot word" (or several "hot words"). Some smart speakers can also act as a smart device that uses Wi-Fi , Bluetooth and other wireless protocol standards to extend usage beyond audio playback, such as controlling home automation devices .

The already famous Alexa is leading the way:

I mentioned Alex in March of this year



A helpful video in understanding where we are at:


In this BaldaTV video, it's revealed that Alexa has been laughing for no reason lately.

When asked if she works for the intelligence services she shuts down without giving an answer.

They first introduce people to the Alexa system with portable speakers like JBL. It's kind of a portable speaker, but not yet a smart speaker.

Our generation is addicted to smartphones. The new generation will be addicted to smart homes. And that's total surveillance and getting stuck into artificial intelligence.

I don't know about you, but I've actually had this experience several times, which consisted of being offered on Facebook in suggested ads like this, which items on the internet I wasn't looking for, but which I was talking about at home.

If we have advertising "whispers" in such seemingly trivial situations and matters of choice, what about when it comes to breaking God's Law. The demonic whispers will be replaced by a new reality. They will not be whispers, but facts.

If it weren't for the work of non-apocalypse and Bible study people like BaldTV, the world would not believe in these threats. I show how important this is in the coming Great Tribulation.

CERN, quantum computers, artificial intelligence - these are the future of the beast system.

As I mentioned there is a statue of Vishnu in front of the Hadron Collider building. The features and role of this demon explain everything:


Vishnu is a deity all-encompassing (containing everything), referred to as purusha or mahapurusha, paramatma (supreme soul), is that, Which contains within itself all souls. Wikipedia.


An omniscient demon, Satan having all souls within him.


It is highly likely that this image in Revelation 13 will be the image not of Alexa, but the image of Satan in vision in every home.

What was a figment of the director's imagination, or rather a message about the future from demons comes into play.


Today Alecy's voice alone, tomorrow the image...





I was informed about quantum computers by Agnes and Bodzio. Thank you in the name of Jesus.






Updated: 9 May 2019 — 19:50


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  1. Thank you so much for this super text. Glory be to God for such a servant Peter 🙂 .

    1. Thank you and you, Boro, for everything 🙂 .
      Praise God for leading us to truth across denominations.

  2. That was cool. Perhaps that's what all those lte masts are for. Everything is based on electromagnetic waves. A matter of connecting this beast supercomputer to this network and people will suddenly start hearing voices in their minds. Add to that the Blue Beam and the revelation of the antichrist is ready.
    Zero defense against this without the Lord Jesus.
    Thank you for the article.

  3. The greatest paradox is that it is science that on the one hand should explain the phenomena around us in a simple and accessible way, processes on the other hand should be a tool to discover...the fingerprint of God.

    If anyone has ever looked at the sky through a telescope and seen this stunning perfection. If anyone has even once looked through a microscope and seen the even more stunning perfection that reigns in the microworld (of course I'm talking about the cellular level here) then they must be in awe of such a phenomenal creation. After all, it is unbelievable to claim that everything came into being as a result of... coincidence, that somewhere once there was nothing, nothing exploded and from this nothing by trial and error everything was created.

    Science should fulfill its primary purpose of showing the recipient...the fingerprint of the Lord God.

    And yes, until the Enlightenment came and man became complacent about his own reason.

    1. Fxx.dll You previously had the login name Cupak?

      1. No, always the same.

  4. The best you can do is to give the equations that would govern such QUANTUM LOGIC (not to be confused with quantum mechanics).

    Sample question, 1*1 how much would that be according to quantum logic?
    a) 1
    b) (-1, 1), if that's the case, I can't even imagine a simple program like Windows Calculator working, let alone typing text from the keyboard where pressing the "a" key wouldn't necessarily mean pressing it because it would be determined by some statistical function.

    In my opinion, assuming that quantum computers will use CLASSICAL logic, the only thing they could improve is to perform certain calculations in fewer "clock cycles", making such a computer faster however still "dumb".

    Is not, for example, TLC drive, QLC is such a "quantum computer", one cell can take several states, in the case of TLC 8 states (7 threshold voltages) and in the case of QLC 16 states (15 threshold voltages).
    So a quantum computer would have to do the computation analog (i.e. quantum) and at the end we convert the result into digital form. But it was already there... so what a return to the past?

    Sorry if anyone didn't understand, I'm just a Quantum Robot 🙁

    1. As for your doubts, you should go to a computer forum.
      We're just linking technology to the apocalypse here.
      In my estimation, this is not about any logic. Probably these computers will be only a means to an end which will be worshipping Satan as a digital image

  5. I found some more interesting video:
    Greetings Brothers and Sisters.

  6. 😮 shock...sounds like some kind of scary thing from those anti-utopia type novels with sci-fi elements....
    it's a pity that technology that could help (I mean, you could count and possibly process information faster if it was used in a good way; I'm not a big fan of artificial intelligence, and all the references to smartdom and other crap pisses me off...) is so badly used...
    By the way, I didn't know that those little speakers also had something to do with it, because I wanted to buy one :/ maybe not JBL (they're too expensive for me), but something cheaper (but not the cheapest, because the quality often leaves a lot to be desired with those)...jeu, thanks for the warning...
    And this merging with the human mind sounds like the nightmare of an unfulfilled villain from some scary movie... :/

  7. The brain is a quantum computer with a genetic filter.
    It works just like a radio tuned to only one specific radio station frequency.
    Sometimes there is intentional interference with a stronger pirated signal - and in the case of the brain, this is demonic possession.
    The brain is the quantum receiver of the individual spiritual part of the self, the consciousness of man, the animal.
    A quantum computer used in this role - stripped of its filter will work like a radio receiver allowing it to receive all frequency ranges that exist.

    There are already names for this technology and devices: Instrumental Transcommunication, Transcommunicator, Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) - Once the physical basis of this phenomenon and technology is discovered and described scientifically - the name will probably be changed to quantum transcommunication or something like that.

    There is no reason to refer to religious doctrines here.

    The existence of spirituality is the basis of all life on Earth and in the cosmos.

    The existence of the Multiverse is a fact. Dreams are actual events of our other incarnations - copies living in parallel worlds.

    Deja vu is the recollection of such a dream at the moment when it is realized in reality on waking.

    The Mandela effect is caused by the quantum transition of consciousness between a person's brains on a multidimensional continuum.

    In a few decades, people will be using devices the size of a portable radio - to contact ghosts, demons, and anything else that wishes to communicate in this way.

    Like any technology, such as atomic fission - it will carry dangers and hazards (the atomic bomb), but it will also have positive applications (nuclear power).

    This will be a big step in the evolution of humanity.
    Finally, the existence of spirituality will be officially recognized by academic science.
    You will learn the true principle on which the brains and cells of living organisms work.

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