Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Captain Marvel


I haven't commented on a movie in a while, but this one is worth paying attention to.

What is the plot of this alleged blockbuster movie for 2019?

Ziemska kobieta po kontakcie z obcą rasą Kree otrzymuje nadludzkie moce. W zasadzie w tym jednym zdaniu mamy wszystko co potrzeba, ale warto obejrzeć trailer, aby przekonać się, że takie “zdolności” mieli już realni ludzie, którzy współpracowali z tą “obcą rasą” czyli powiedzmy sobie szczerze demonami.

Such a man was the gentleman under the title Criss Angel.


Criss Angel's works come from the Devil. Criss' real name is Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos. Interesujące jest to, że zdecydował się zmienić swoje imię na “anioł”, tak jak w FALLEN ANGE, czyli anioł ale upadły.. 



The Bible tells us that the Antichrist will deceive the masses by using powers, signs and lying wonders . Manipulacja ciałem, lewitacja, czytanie umysłu, dziwaczne zachowanie,  krzyż Jezusa w kajdankach … to są dzieła Szatana! Antychryst pojawi się jako piękny człowiek i przyciągnie masy swoim charyzmatem. Mocą, znakami i kłamliwymi cudami zwodzi masy, a świat go ubóstwia. Jana 8:44 nazywa szatana the father of all liars. The antichrist will deceive the masses.

If you think this is just innocent fun, take a look. Here's a YouTube video titled Criss Angel = Jesus …




Pod koniec filmu pojawia się komunikat, który stwierdza … Criss Angel to drugie przyjście Jezusa …  Criss Angel has publicly walked on water, leading people to believe that he is Jesus. These are very disturbing people. Mag, David Blaine , publicly attempted to IMITATE the miracles performed by Jesus. You see, Satan is constantly trying to discredit the Lord Jesus Christ. No one can perform the miracles that Jesus did; BUT, Satan tries to counterfeit the miracle of Christ to deceive the masses. We clearly see this foolishness in the days of Moses when Pharaoh called upon his magicians to repay the miracles that God had done through Moses' staff (II Moses 7: 11,22; 8: 7,18). There is nothing new under the sun. Satan's current followers are still trying to imitate the works of God in an attempt to discredit the Word of God.

Eyes. A long time ago back in the old forum I wrote about the type of demonized eyes. I believe every one of you has seen those, but not everyone has paid attention.

Scene at 1:23




I'm not mentioning the fact that it's yet another film in the series of heroines cult like the Catholic Mary or a woman from a communist tractor. Another one because there is a whole bunch of them, starting with Laura Craft, through Jupiter and ending with Princess Leia. The film gives us a glimpse of a very likely period of the Great Tribulation with the widespread deception of someone who will be equipped with super powers.

If Christians like us deny this power, it will be tantamount to treating us as people out of our minds. Besides, even now it is enough to say that we do not celebrate Sol Invictus and we will see in the interlocutor very quickly consternation at least as not to look at the ufolk.


Tak, tak, przygotowują społeczeństwo do cudów… Pierwszymi ofiarami będą zielonoświątkowcy. Oni kochają cuda nie patrząc na Prawo Boga, bo to już wg nich nie obowiązuje, a więc antychryst będzie miał drogę wolną i usłaną różami.

But here will be the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.


Praise the Lord Jesus.


Updated: 18 September 2018 — 21:53


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  1. I've never been fond of this type of movie, but thanks for the warning 😀
    Jak już mowa o filmach, czy bliżej 28 września będzie coś o “Klerze”? 😀

  2. Krzysztof Zolnierz

    I saw all videos of Angel, you should see how he multiplied the fish and they were falling out of the bucket endlessly, I know how he does it with the help of demons, but how did people in Africa react when he poured out of half a bucket of fish in front of their eyes, people are easily deceived when they see a man's power that far exceeds what is done by the deceiver angel

  3. Don't exaggerate. Criss Angel is an ordinary illusionist and his tricks are good camera work plus a substituted crowd.

    The famous walking on water in the pool consisted of a special plexiglass that was not visible as long as the camera was at the right angle.
    The famous walk on the Thames ends when a water police speedboat hits this plexiglass. Itd, etc., etc.

    Podobnie z tym chińczykiem Iff (czy jak mu tam). W chinach wybuchł prawdziwy skandal. Facet słynął z “materializacji” długich bagietek. Podczas noworocznego występu przyłapano go, że wyciąga taką bagietkę z rurki. W Chinach to był bardzo gorący temat.

    Co do kapitan marvel to podobnie jak wonder woman będzie pełniła rolę “zbawiciela” ludzkości przed złem (kolejny symbol maryjny). Najważniejsza rola dopiero przed tą postacią (Avengers 4).

    1. yes, walking on water is an illusionist's trick and many others, but some have ones that are quite real. I researched the topic with readers from 4 years ago, so I can't repeat which ones.
      Nevertheless, the very fact of walking on water is blasphemy.

  4. Check it out

    “Według Muska nowy produkt Neuralink będzie mógł z każdego z nas uczynić superbohatera.”

    Elon Musk, during a conversation with an American TV presenter, revealed that we are getting closer to a huge breakthrough, which will be the ability to exchange information between the brain and the machine instantly.

    As he noted, we can already say that we are - to a limited extent - cyborgs. Thanks to smartphones, we can connect to remote servers scattered around the world and absorb information at a speed that until recently was almost unimaginable. The only limitation is the speed of data exchange between electronic equipment and our brain. And it's this element that a new brain-computer interface designed by engineers at Neuralink aims to improve.

    According to Musk, the creation of such a device is essential if we want to compete on an equal footing with artificial intelligence, which poses a growing threat to humanity. According to him, the new Neuralink product will be able to make a superhero out of each of us.

    1. This is why we need the so-called 5g internet where everything will be connected to everything. Starting from phones, through autonomous cars to fridges and TV sets. Of course, we are also talking here about the connection between the human brain and the machine. Only 5g Internet is able to provide such a bandwidth for data exchange.

      Osobiście argumentację w stylu, że “powstanie takiego urządzenia jest niezbędne jeśli chcemy na równi konkurować ze sztuczną inteligencją” uważam za tzw. ściemę ponieważ całą siecią połączeń ma właśnie zarządzać sztuczna inteligencja. Tylko sztuczna inteligencja będzie w stanie ogarnąć taki przesył danych.

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