Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Short and concise...

  2. Regarding Bible prophecies (the last Beast) and the slowly changing reality before our eyes.
    I accidentally read that Dr. Jacek Bartosiak may become the president of the company that will build the largest airport in Poland. His fields of study include "geostrategy, security and armed conflict, including future battlefield planning."
    He is now publishing a book (on NWO?) that he is advertising:
    "The world is on the brink of changes that will shape the new order of the 21st century. A Revision of the World Order."
    We're just waiting to see which 10 kingdoms will create this new order 🙂 .

    1. I know him, I'm in the geopolitics group and they have him as a great authority there.

      1. I didn't know him, but he talks sense. Yesterday I listened to his broadcast, in which he said that the current world as we know it (post-Columbian), where Europe ruled, is coming to an end (he put the USA under people coming from Europe). So NWO comes out of conspiracy theories and enters salons 🙂 .
        Then we wait: for war, then world peace, a world government headed by anthk, and Jesus. If I live to see it, I'll like it 🙂 .

        1. "Everyone who does sin does lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness."

          Boro, do you want to get away from your problems or be closer to God? Because the truth is, we've been given a lot to do here...

          1. I'm not running away anywhere 🙂 I try to fulfill the Gospel in my life every day, but I realize that if the antecedent comes, the world will accept it and even if I try no matter how hard I try, I can only "take out" individuals from the world. This is God's plan and He will carry it out. I would very much like to change the whole world or to make people aware, but as you have probably noticed yourself, not many want to listen. The prophecies must be fulfilled. The world will not be saved, but individuals and I fight for them.
            As an interesting aside, I'll throw in that Israel eventually succeeded in raising a red cow for the purpose of cleansing the temple hill (as long as the rabbis accept that there is no blemish) (Numbers 19)

            1. Yes, the whole world will not be saved, but part of it will.
              Oh you see a friend wrote me this heifer a few days ago and I had forgotten... 🙂 I'll be right back.
              thanks to

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